UrRu (5e Race)
The UrRu[edit]
“ | Ours is the duty of reflection, not intervention. | ” |
—UrZah |
![]() |
[Credit: Brian Froud] |
Every urRu appears to be ancient, as old as the mountains and the rivers. Their thick, hairy hides are wrinkled and frequently covered in circular, knobby, and spiral patterns. They wear their hair long, as cutting it goes against their outlook. These hairs range from grey to brown in color. UrRu voices are raspy and quiet in casual conversation. When they are caught up in song or roused to anger, however, their voice drops into a throaty, resonant tone. Beneath their thick, intricate hand-woven robes, their frames are surprisingly bony but sturdy. Charms and relics often dangle in their hair or from their clothes. Most urRu rely on a special staff to help with their movement. Each staff is unique and is decorated according to its owner's craft.
Four arms sprout from the central body, ending in four long and strong fingers. The visages presented by their long faces often gives off a sense of melancholy and ancient wisdom, as their brown eyes regard the world with a gentleness not displayed by most races. A stout tail trails along behind them as they walk ponderously about.
The urRu originate from a singular being known as the urSkeks. Due to the impurity of one urSkek, their entire race failed to be cleansed. As a result, they were split in two. The urRu are one half of the original entity, and the skeksis are the other half. As the urRu are kind and gentle, the skeksis are cruel and hateful. The two races show little to no intention of rejoining, as they are now polar opposites. The skeksis are relentless in their pursuit of urRu to kill, and the urRu are usually well hidden and isolated.
To be an urRu is to be at peace with and accept the universe as it is. The movement of the stars, the blowing of the wind, the falling of the rains and weathering of the mountains; these are all things observed by the urRu as they live with the land. UrRu are mostly vegetarian, but will not refuse meat if offered. They prefer to live in their secluded sanctuaries and perfect their craft as the world goes on around them. Violence is always the last resort for an urRu, as their patient temperament does not mesh with the attitude needed to wage war. An urRu would rather take a week to find the best solution than settle for a merely acceptable one. Their lack of initiative and docile nature means that matters of evil within the world have to be brought to their attention if their counsel is to be sought. Once an urRu sets upon a course, however, not even a dragon would be enough to dissuade them from their path. All urRu strongly believe in fate and destiny and are not frightened by the prospect of death. The cutting of bonds is anathema to urRu and so they do not use blades or wedges in their daily lives, even going so far as to chew fibers rather than cut them. When they are pressed to fight, they use simple weapons crafted from natural materials such as slings and staves or even going so far as to fashion stone hammers.
UrRu Names[edit]
All urRu names are formatted as ur(name). These names are not gendered.
Names: urAc, urAmaj, urHom, urIm, urGoh, urLii, urMa, urNol, urSan, urSen, urSol, urSu, urTih, urUtt, urVa, urYod, urYa, urZah
urRa Traits[edit]
Slow-moving, peaceful, ponderous creatures with six limbs
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1 and your Wisdom score increases by 2.
Age. {{{age}}}
Alignment. UrRu represent the compassionate and patient side of the urSkek personality. As a result, urRu are predisposed toward a good alignment, although their desire to be left alone can see them stray into neutrality. While they strive to maintain the balance of the world, they are neither lawful nor chaotic with regards toward their outlook on society.
Size. While the urRu are not very tall, their sheer bulk puts them in the same weight category as dwarves and humans. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Fearless. Their resignation to Fate's will and the natural cycle of the cosmos make them difficult to frighten. You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
Stability. Their stout stature and patient nature make them difficult to move when they do not wish it. You have advantage on saving throws against being knocked prone or moved against your will.
Terrifying Croak. When an urRu is moved to sing in their powerful, baritone voices, the ground shakes beneath their feet and the very air resonates. As an action, an urRu can let loose their voice. Any creature within 10 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus. On a failed save, the creature is frightened until the end of their next turn. On a successful save, they are immune to this trait for the next 24 hours. You must finish a short or long rest before using this trait again.
Multi-armed. Somehow, the urRu grew an extra pair of arms when the urSkeks were split in two. You have a shorter pair of arms located under your primary pair. Your smaller arms have a reach of 5 feet, and you can use them to lift a number of pounds equal to five times your Strength score. You can use these arms to take an additional object interaction each round and hold objects. Your secondary arms can’t be used to do anything that requires manual precision such as attack, benefit from a shield, use an item or performing the somatic components of a spell.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
4′ 0'' | +1d6 | 170 lb. | × (1d6) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Below are some tips on how urRu act within different classes.
Alchemist: Some urRu practice alchemy to become herbalists and healers, primarily using the art to heal and strengthen the body, mind, and soul.
Bard: All urRu have powerful voices, but there are those among them who train to make their voices even deeper and stronger. Master of the art are said to be able to shake the ground beneath them and can be heard from miles away. Most urRu bards dress simply rather than ostentatiously, hoping to surprise those unaware of their power.
Cleric: urRu do not worship any god, despite recognizing them as superior beings. Instead, urRu clerics choose to tap into either the power of light itself or the underlying Song of Creation. Wherever they make their presence known, they are famed as the greatest healers the world has ever seen.
Druid: While still keeping a respectful rapport with plants and animals, urRu druids focus more on the elements themselves. Earthquakes, lightning bolts, the furious downpour... these are the tools of an urRu druid roused to defend its home. Being guardians of the land, they take only what is necessary and are the food gatherers for their kin.
Fighter: Only rarely is an urRu dedicated to walking a more martial path. Those that do, however, can draw upon centuries of training, making them far more dangerous than they seem. Their four arms allow them to strike opponents precisely and from different directions. Rarer still are those who practice archery, becoming patient and deadly snipers to protect others. urRu favor lighter armor, although sometimes they will trade with other races for armor made of stone or wood.
Monk: Centuries ago, the urRu practiced monkish techniques and discipline to better center themselves and seek inner peace. Most today no longer practice this tradition, but those few who do are some of the world's oldest and wisest monks. urRu monks only engage in violence to save others and prefer to use their ki in more subtle ways.
Wizard: Not all urRu occupy themselves with crafting or training. Some prefer to study the heavens or natural signs, becoming masters of divination. Treating their own power with respect, they are capable of teaching great magic to those who prove themselves worthy.
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