Tengu (5e Race)
“ | Can you feel the wind, puny humans?! | ” |
Physical Description[edit]
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By Yuko Shimizu |
Tengu are humanoid creatures that boast an impressive wingspan, with the feathers having a distinct black hue. They are less known for their wings, however, as their unusually long noses are typically the first feature to be spotted. Their noses have been recorded to extend well past seven inches or longer depending on the tengu's age. Their skin is most commonly a vibrant shade of green or red. Although rare, white tengu have been said to exist deep in the mountains of the east. The hair of a tengu ranges through most natural colors with black being the most common, typically seen in a top knot or other warrior styles. The size of a tengu is comparable to that of an average human with slight variation between them.
Tengu are winged bird-like creatures that were created by the gods as protectors of the natural world. While most were brought into being to be protectors, there are also clans who are known to be harbingers of war. Most natural disasters or spontaneous wars tend to be blamed on tengu, and so they are not looked upon fondly by other beings, save for those who are religious followers of the gods who created the tengu. Distrust and frustration are common emotions stirred up when a tengu is seen in public and has ended in hostility many a time with an angered village goer meeting their end at the hands of a retaliating tengu. This dislike and fear has risen as of late as more and more tengu venture forth from their mountain homes for reasons unknown.
Tengu exist in mountain-top temples dedicated to a specific god of nature. They call these their kami, and each kami has a tengu clan dedicated to its reverence. These clans are tightly knit and are highly aggressive to any outsiders, and will not hesitate to attack and remove any trespassers. Tengu take great pride in their god and take defending their temple as both a responsibility and an honor. Most of these temples also double as a dojo where tengu hone their bodies and minds to master a martial art or craft depending on the god that the temple is based after. All tengu hope to gain the title of daitengu and be recognized as the wisest among their own, which comes with a gift of longevity, as well as a beard, which is a mark of status.
Tengu favor short names reflecting their personality or a defining feature they possess. These do not reflect gender.
Names: Blunt, Crest, Fair, Red, Wrath
Tengu Traits[edit]
Winged humanoids created by gods as protectors of the natural world.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2, and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Age. Tengu are drawn into being at adulthood and can live well past 600 years old.
Alignment. Tengu can favor a lawful path, or a chaotic one depending on the will of their governing god.
Size. Tengu vary between five and six feet in height. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Flight. You have a flying speed of 25 feet. You cannot fly higher than 20 feet. You must not be wearing medium or heavy armor to use this speed.
Zeal-Driven Mastery. Tengu are driven to master their craft, be it battle or no. Choose one of the following traits:
•You are proficient with one artisan's tool of your choice.
•You are proficient with one musical instrument of your choice
•Your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage.
One With the Wind. You know and can cast the gust cantrip. Starting at 3rd level, you can cast thunderwave as a 1st-level spell, without material components. Once you cast it with this trait, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
Languages. You can speak Common and Primordial.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
5′ 5'' | +1d10 | 125 lb. | × (1d10) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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