Dark Matter (5e Race)

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Dark Matter[edit]

Physical Description[edit]

The Dark Matter species, though unique, is often physically differentiated through a series of traits that establish their rank within their society. Those lower down the social pyramid make up the bulk of the population, and appear as black orbs composed of a fluid substance. Around their bodies, a series of orange spheres are arranged in a ring, allowing them to remain suspended in the air. The only facial feature they possess is a large eye of varying colour.


Dark Matter are a race of fiendish gods. No one knows their exact history. Throughout the known universe, they are known as aggressors of considerable power. Numerous planets have been destroyed as a result of their attack. Although their goal may vary between individuals, most of them attempt to invade planets and cover them in darkness. The legend says that Dark Matter originated from the god known as Void, a being who exists in all dimensions, starting as neutral matter until being exposed to negative or positive energy. The negative one comes from negative emotions and concepts, like hatred, obsession, jealousy, and greed; the positive one in created from good intentions and strong relationships, love, hope and cooperation. When a Dark Matter is destroyed, it can be imbued with positive energy and be reincarnated as a Kirby. While there are not known from what location in the universe they originated from and are native to, some are currently taking refuge on Dark Star, a black planet generated from darkness and composed by red exagons. Although their goal may vary between individuals, most of them attempt to invade planets and cover them in darkness. In the beginning, they were fewer, but now Dark Matter have grown in population.


Dark Matter society is strongly hierarchical and organised on the basis of individual power. More than actual physical strength or intelligence, it is power in terms of magic and manipulation of matter that makes one individual more important than another. The most powerful Dark Matter can be recognised by the amount of eyes on their body, their shape or even their colour. They do not usually organise themselves into assemblies, and it can happen that some never meet their leader despite being sent to many parts of the universe. What characterises them as a species is a very strong collective consciousness. Dark Matter reproduces by budding, alone or generated by a larger member of Dark Matter. Members of the species can also possess and control the bodies of others to do their bidding, by physically entering them. In the past, some religious clans worshipped 'Dark Matter'. This implies that the inhabitants of Dark Matter (or the matter they are made of) were worshipped by them. When it is necessary for them to move from one place to another, lower-ranking individuals huddle around their leader, defending him like a swarm. However, if they decide to leave their leader, they usually go alone or in groups of three. It's important to remember that all Dark Matter are endowed with enormous power, and that it is best not to take lightly a fight even with the last of them.

Dark Matter Names[edit]

Dark Matter don't have different sexes, and often associate themselves with either agender or omnigender identities; Some adopt feminine or masculine traits, others do not. They use gender-neutral names, and no one knows whether they choose their own names at birth, or if they're assigned names. Their names are often 1 to 3 syllables. No one knows from whence they draw inspiration for their names. Their names are most often some form of description or important detail to them.

Names: NZ, Blade, Gooey, Rimuru, Rimura, Rimuro, Miracle, Zero, Mind, Nebula, Crafter, Crown, Termina

Dark Matter Traits[edit]

Dark Matters are shadowy orbs of malice who seek to coat worlds in darkness.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma increases by 2, and your Constitution increases by 1.
Age. No records exist of a Dark Matter dying of old age; some have been imprisoned, and when released, they looked as if age hadn't touched them.
Alignment. Dark Matter are often strongly towards evil and neutrality, but it isn't impossible to find good ones.
Size. Dark Matters tend to have a fairly consistent build, ranging on average to around 3ft in height. Your size is small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Ancient Race. Dark Matter possess distinctly non-humanoid anatomy, due to their nature as direct descendants of old gods. Your type is aberration, ooze, and fiend.
Possession. Possession replaces your grapple. One creature that the Dark Matter can see within 5 ft. of it must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or be possessed by the Dark Matter; the Dark Matter then disappears, and the target is incapacitated and loses control of its body. The Dark Matter now controls the body but doesn't deprive the target of awareness. The Dark Matter can't be targeted by any Attack, spell, or other Effect, except ones that turn Undead, and it retains its Alignment, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and immunity to being Charmed and Frightened. It otherwise uses the possessed target's Statistics, but doesn't gain access to the target's knowledge, Racial and Class Features, or Proficiencies. The possession lasts until the body drops to 0 Hit Points, the Dark Matter ends it as a Bonus Action, or the Dark Matter is turned or forced out by an Effect like the Dispel Evil and Good spell. When the possession ends, the Dark Matter reappears in an unoccupied space within 5 ft. of the body. The target is immune to this Dark Matter's Possession for 24 hours after succeeding on the saving throw or after the possession ends. At 5th level, Dark Matter gains a subtrait: Enhancing Possession. At the 10th level, Dark Matter gains another subtrait: Corpse Possession.
Enhancing Possession. at 5th level While possessed by Dark Matter, the creature can use abilities it didn't have before. Because of Dark Matter's amorphous body, these enhancements usually range from a large sharp-toothed mouth appearing on the stomach, to an eye appearing on the entirety of the face, capable of firing lasers.
Corpse Possession. at 10th level If the Dark Matter possesses a recently deceased creature, or if the creature that the Dark Matter possessed has reached 0 hit points, the creature's body becomes deformed and unstable to fit the Dark Matter's design, infusing many of the beneficial traits the creature had into its body and repertoire. It gains access to the target's body and knowledge, granting it access to the target's Racial Features, Proficiencies, and Spell List. When leaving the body, it will lose it's Racial Features, but will keep half of the Proficiencies and Spell List.
Flight. Dark Matter spend their lives in constant levitation and are naturally attuned to the sky and even space. You gain a flying speed of 30ft.
Dark Laser. You know the Magic Missile spell, and can use it innately, like a cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Darken; Darken is a language understood and spoken by nearly all Dark Matter at creation. However, normal ears cannot hear it.
Subrace. Dark Matter comes in numerous subraces: Choose from Mock Matter, Miracle Matter, Zero Matter, Dark Mind, Dark Nebula, and Dark Crafter.

Dark Matter Subraces[edit]

Mock Matter Traits[edit]

The Mock Matter is a lesser kind of Dark Matter. A Mock Matter has a dark blue body, two eyes and a large mouth from which a long red tongue often protrudes. This last characteristic grants him many unusual abilities. He can in fact use his tongue as a limb to grasp, throw, or use objects of different types. In contrast to his peers, he tends towards a chaotic good alignment.

Gooey, a form of Mock Matter

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1. Your Intelligence score decreases by 2.
Catch. Catch replaces your grapple. As an action, if you choose to Catch, you can attempt to draw a creature or object into your gullet with your tongue and engulf them or it using your seemingly bottomless stomach. Choose a Medium or smaller creature or object within 10 feet. That creature must make a Strength + Constitution saving throw. The DC is equal to 8 + your Strength modifier + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency modifier. On a failed save, you may swallow it whole. Your gobbling gullet can only contain one creature at a time. A swallowed creature is restrained and blinded, and may repeat its save at the end of each of its turns. On a success, the creature exits prone within 5 feet of you. Objects are eaten automatically. You may use this trait a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier before you must complete a short or long rest to use it to full capacity again.
At 1st level, you gain a sub-trait: Star Spit. At 5th level, you gain an additional subtrait: Swallow.

Star Spit. While you have a creature or object within your gullet you can attempt to fire it out of your mouth as an action. When fired, you deal 3d10 + Constitution force damage to all creatures and objects that were in your mouth, which increases by 1d4 for every 2 objects and/or creatures added after the first. At 10th level, you gain a improvement: When fired, you deal 6d10 + Constitution force damage to all creatures and objects that were in your mouth, which increases by 1d4 for every object and/or creature added after the first.
Swallow. While you have a creature(s) within your gullet you can attempt to copy one of its abilities as an action, expelling the creature when you do so as per your Inhale trait. Choose one of the following benefits, if applicable:
  • You learn one of the cantrips it knows. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for it.
  • You gain one of the natural weapon attacks it has, except all damage dice for the new attack are changed to d4s and the attack always uses your Strength score.
  • You gain proficiency in one of the weapons it is proficient in.
  • You gain its racial ability score increases.
  • If it has a walking, climbing, crawling, burrowing, swimming, or flying speed, and if their speed in question is greater than yours, you gain their walking, climbing, crawling, burrowing, swimming, and flying speed.
  • If it had darkvision, tremorsense or blindsight, you gain that sense to a distance equal to that creature's.

Alternatively, your Dungeon Master may pick one of these options for you or make a whole new option. This new ability is considered a racial trait and you have access to it until you use your Swallow ability again or complete a long rest. You regain use of this trait once you complete a short or long rest.

Miracle Matter Traits[edit]

Miracle Matter is a type of Dark Matter that acts as a boss for all those groups of individuals who do not have the possibility to interact directly with the absolute boss. This type of Dark Matter has an icosahedral shape, with a red eye placed on each face of its white body. It rises into the air without any external help. He is endowed with many powers that allow him to change his type at will, using his eyes as holes through which to pass the effects of his attacks. Miracle Matters tend toward chaotic alignment.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Everything But Self. You are able to change your bodily properties. You can change into the following forms: fire, cold, lightning, force, bludgeoning, slashing, piercing. When you change form, you will have a resistance to all forms of damage except the form of damage produced by the form you are currently taking. When in each form, you are able to use a spell that relates to that form: the spells that you can use innately are Wall of Fire, Ice Storm, Lightning Bolt, Bead of Force, Magic Stone, Cloud of Daggers, and Spike Growth, respectively.

Zero Matter Traits[edit]

During the budding of a Dark Matter, it can happen that something goes wrong. In this case, the negative energy infused into one of the two is greater than that absorbed by the other, often resulting in a Mock Matter and a Zero. The Zero is one of the rarest types of Dark Matter, so much so that whenever one is born, it immediately becomes the undisputed boss. Fed with enough negative energies, he can reach gigantic sizes, acquiring the ability to generate his own kind. Physically it appears as a white orb with a single red eye.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
Bloody Barrage. On command, you are capable of opening the veins on your body to release projectiles; these projectiles come in the form of bullets and explosives. For 1 action, you can fire 8 bullets or one bomb. You can fire a blood bullet up to 90 ft. away from yourself. Each bullet does 1d4 necrotic damage + your constitution modifier (for a total of 8d4). You can fire a bomb up to 60 ft in a line, where it will burst into a 30ft cone, forming an attack range that has a "triangular lollipop" shape. If the line hits a creature before reaching its maximum range, it will burst prematurely. The bomb does 6d4 necrotic damage + your constitution modifier.

Dark Mind Traits[edit]

Dark Mind is an extremely rare type of Dark Matter, as it originated from the Mirror World. Due to its particular origin, the Dark Mind is not subject to the power of anyone from this dimension, and roams the cosmos without a particular goal. Physically it appears as an orange sphere streaked with dark, with a black eye in the center with an orange pupil. The overall visual effect gives the idea that it is on fire. Its fellows cannot perceive its presence without seeing it, and it can often happen that they enter into conflict.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Mirror Cover. You are surrounded by 2 sentient mirrors that assist you. When attacked by a ranged attack, you can use a reaction to reflect the attack back at the sender. If you fail a roll, the spell hits you, but the mirror doesn't break. If you succeed, the spell is reflected back and the sender will have to perform a DC check against their own previous DC check. When attacked by a melee attack, you can use a reaction to lessen the damage. If you fail the roll, the attack hits you, but the mirror breaks into 6 shards of homing razor-sharp glass. When the glass shards attack the attacker, they do 1d4 + Intelligence modifier, each. If you succeed the roll, you lessen the damage, but the mirror doesn't break. You can only get the mirrors back after a short or long rest.

Dark Nebula Traits[edit]

Often used as a spy, it is one step higher than the common Dark Matters. Its most evident characteristic is its shape, which recalls that of a starfish, around which purple energy fibers agitate and replace the orange spheres. A large purplish eye emerges from the center of the main body. The Dark Nebula are sent by their leaders to infiltrate the population of a planet when discretion is required: they are in fact capable of waiting for decades, hidden in containers of Small dimensions, for the right moment. At the first opportunity, they reveal their nature and take possession of another creature's body. Signs of possession by a Dark Nebula are dark gray skin and purplish eyes. Contrary to what happens with common Dark Matters, the host's body is not deformed in any way, acting as a simple container for the organism. Another unique trait of this subrace is that they are capable of taking on a number of elements as their own, changing the damage dealt at will.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Dark Crafter Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.

Chosen by deity's[edit]

Random Height and Weight[edit]

1′ 0'' +1d5 0 lb. × 1 lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

(one vote)

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