Serapeir (5e Race)
“ | As the leaves dance, so must we. | ” |
“ | Wings carry dreams, tails embrace roots. | ” |
“ | With each breath, we share the forest's song. | ” |
Physical Description[edit]
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By paradoxo-Z |
Members of this extraordinary race possess a distinctive and imposing appearance, blending features of gorillas, snakes, and birds. They are large, powerful creatures with a combination of primate and serpentine characteristics. Their upper body closely resembles that of a gorilla, with a robust and muscular build. They have strong arms with dexterous hands, which they use for both ground-based activities and aerial tasks. Sprouting from their broad shoulders are large, feathery wings, similar in structure to those of birds. These wings allow them to glide gracefully through the air and achieve impressive flight capabilities. Their heads are predominantly gorilla-like, featuring a broad, flat face with expressive eyes and a pronounced brow ridge. Their mouths house sharp teeth, adapted for their omnivorous diet, which includes fruits, small animals, and even fish, and two venoumous fangs on the upper side. Their eyes are intelligent and expressive, often reflecting their keen observational skills. They exhibit a range of eye colors, including deep browns, blues, and greens. Instead of traditional legs, their lower body transforms into a long, sinuous, and muscular snake-like tail. The tail is covered in iridescent scales, which can vary in color from vibrant greens to deep blues or even exotic patterns like mottled rainforest flora. The wingspan can be impressive, often extending well beyond their standing height. These wings are not only practical for flight but also enhance their overall visual allure. The feathered plumage on their wings comes in an array of colors and patterns, making each individual unique. They may have feathers resembling those of birds of prey or more exotic avian creatures, such as peacocks.
Long ago, in the heart of a mystical rainforest, where the veil between the natural world and the magical realm was thin, the first Serapeir emerged. The earliest known ancestors of this race were gorillas and serpents that inhabited this enchanted forest. It is said that the forest was blessed by powerful nature deities, and their magic gradually transformed these creatures into the Serapeirs.
One day, during a celestial event when the moon and stars aligned, the Serapeirs received the gift of wings. This blessing allowed them to soar through the canopy and sky, where they discovered new lands and formed their own communities high in the trees. With their newfound aerial prowess, they became known as the "Winged Wanderers."
Their snake-like tails were a direct manifestation of their connection to the ancient serpents of the forest. These tails granted them agility and an uncanny ability to communicate with the wildlife of the forest. The Serapeirs became the guardians of the forest, ensuring that it thrived and remained in balance.
Over time, the Serapeirs developed a rich culture centered around a profound respect for the balance of nature. They were known for their elaborate rituals, during which they would don ornate plumage and perform dances that mimicked the forest's creatures. Their culture emphasized unity with the environment and a deep connection to the mystical forces that surrounded them.
As they expanded their territory, the Serapeirs encountered other races and civilizations. Some outsiders were fascinated by their unique appearance, while others were fearful. This led to a range of interactions, from trade and alliances to misunderstandings and conflict.
In the present era, the Serapeirs continue to inhabit their forested homeland, although the magical aura of the forest has gradually waned. They are faced with challenges from encroaching civilizations, who seek to exploit their unique qualities. Some Serapeirs are open to diplomatic relationships and cultural exchange, while others are determined to protect their forest and way of life at any cost.
Attitudes and Beliefs[edit]
The Serapeirs have a distinct set of attitudes and beliefs that are deeply rooted in their unique heritage and close connection to nature.
They hold a profound reverence for the natural world. They believe in living in harmony with the environment, understanding that all living creatures and ecosystems are interconnected. They consider themselves stewards of the land, entrusted with maintaining its balance and vitality. In their culture, the balance of the four elements is of great importance. They believe that these elements are intertwined with the natural world and must remain in equilibrium to maintain order. Imbalances can lead to natural disasters and chaos, and they work to prevent such disruptions. The Serapeirs see themselves as the guardians of their ancestral rainforest. They are dedicated to protecting the flora and fauna within it, ensuring that no harm comes to their home. Their sense of duty extends to defending the forest from external threats, which they view as a sacred responsibility. The Serapeirs possess a deep spiritual connection to their forest and its mystical forces. They hold ceremonies and rituals that honor the spirits of the forest and seek their guidance. These rituals often involve dances, music, and the use of natural elements like fire and water.
Community and cooperation are central values in Serapeirs society. They understand that their strength lies in their ability to work together and support one another. Mutual respect and collaboration are encouraged, and disputes are resolved through peaceful means, typically involving communal discussions. They embrace diversity, not only in the species of their forest but also in terms of outsiders who come in peace. They believe that different beings bring unique perspectives and knowledge, and they welcome peaceful exchanges and cross-cultural interactions.
The Serapeirs take great pride in their ability to fly and navigate the skies. They believe that the gift of wings connects them to the heavens and the celestial realm. Flight is seen as a source of spiritual enlightenment, and they often engage in aerial displays and challenges to celebrate this aspect of their nature.
Some Serapeirs possess the ability to interpret signs from the forest and foresee future events. These individuals often serve as spiritual guides and oracles, helping guide their society and make important decisions.
Serapeirs Names[edit]
Members of the Serapeirs might have a given name, a surname, and a title prefix. The given names often reflect the natural world, celestial elements, or qualities associated with their culture, while surnames emphasize their unique physical characteristics and connection to the forest. The title prefix can signify personal accomplishments, roles within the community, or special attributes. This naming scheme reflects their reverence for nature and their majestic, hybrid nature. Their names are genderless, since Serapeirs do not separate genders biologically but rather by the role that individual plays in society.
Given Names: Aerithra, Sylvanor, Seraphius, Verdantia, Zephyrax, Avianara, Sylphinea, Talonius, Floraesia, Ardiscale.
Surnames: Skyfeather, Verdantail, Serpentwing, Rainforestclaw, Leafwind, Canopycrest, Sunshimmer, Wingblade, Serenethorn, Treemantle
Title Prefixes: Drift-, Whisper-, Winged-, Forest-, Leaf-, Serpent-, Sky-, Harmony-, Nature-, Crested-
Serapeirs Traits[edit]
The Serapeirs are a majestic and harmonious race of winged gorillas with serpentine tails, deeply connected to the mystical forces of their rainforest home.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2.
Age. On average, Serapeirs have a longer lifespan than humans. They can live for approximately 150 to 200 years and tend to mature more slowly than humans due to their unique physiology and the wisdom imparted by their culture. They typically reach physical and intellectual maturity around 25 to 30 years of age.
Alignment. Serapeirs tend to be lawful and are rarely evil, following and protecting the "law" of the forest.
Size. Serapeirs stand between 8 and 9 feet tall, with their serpentine halve reaching about the same distance often being 18 feet long from the head to the tip of their tail, and their wingspan often extend well beyond their standing height. Your size is Large.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 40 feet. You have a flying speed of 20 feet, but you cannot use this speed while encumbered or wearing medium or heavy armor.
Monstrosity Nature. Your creature type is monstrosity instead of humanoid. As such, you are immune to spells like crown of madness or dominate person because they specifically target humanoids.
Fists. If you use an unoccupied hand to make an unarmed strike, it deals bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier.
Jungle Born. You are proficient in the Nature and Survival skills.
Serpentine Resistance. You have resistance to poison damage and have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned.
Constrict. Your coiling lower body is a natural melee weapon, which you can use to make constrict attacks. If you hit with your tail, you deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier. Instead of dealing damage, you can choose to grapple your target instead. Until the grapple ends you can’t constrict another target and if the creature is your size or smaller, it is restrained. This leaves your hands free to wield weapons or take other actions and you may choose to grapple in this way even on a regular grapple check.
Venoumous Fangs. Your sharp fangs drip venom and can be used as natural weapons with the finesse trait. If you hit with your bite, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike and you can choose to inject venom into the creature. The creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save a creature takes poison damage equal to an amount of d6 equal to your proficiency bonus. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage. The saving throw is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier. Alternatively you can use an action to mix your venom with your saliva to create poison. Your poison is an ingested and injury type poison. A creature subjected to your poison treats it as if you injected your venom into the creature. Once your poison leaves your mouth, it remains potent for one hour. You are immune to your own poison. Once you secrete venom, you can’t do so again until you have finished a short or long rest.
Slither. While you are prone, crawling costs 1 less foot of movement.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan.
Subrace. Choose one from Sylvan Wingstalkers, Aerial Skysingers, Mystic Featherweavers.
Sylvan Wingstalkers[edit]
These Serapeirs have adapted to live in the densest parts of the rainforest, where sunlight rarely penetrates. Their plumage is darker and more camouflaged to blend with the shadows.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Naturally Stealthy. You are proficient in the Perception and Stealth skills.
Forest Trained. You are accustomed to seeing through dense foliage for treasure and food. Additionally, when in areas that are lightly obscured by foliage, leaves or similar phenomena, you do not have disadvantage in Wisdom (Perception) checks.
Wingstalkers. While in a forest environment, you have advantage in Dexterity (Stealth) checks. You can also attempt to hide when you are only lightly obscured by things like trees, foliage, falling leaves, or similar phenomena.
Aerial Skysingers[edit]
A subrace that has focused on perfecting their flying abilities, the Aerial Skysingers are known for their exceptional agility and grace in the air.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Naturally Agile. You are proficient in the Acrobatics and Athletics skills.
Forest Flight. Your base walking speed is now 30 feet. You your flying speed is 40 feet, still, you cannot use this speed while encumbered, but can use medium armor. Additionally, when flying, you can use the Dash Action as a bonus action.
Skysingers. You are proficient in one musical instrument of your choice.
Mystic Featherweavers[edit]
Mystic Featherweavers have a profound connection to the magical essence of their forest, and their plumage is adorned with iridescent patterns that shimmer like enchanting spells.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Naturally Connected. You are proficient in the Arcana and Insight skills.
Forest Speak. You can communicate simple ideas to monkeys, snakes and birds. They can understand the meaning of your words, though you have no special ability to understand them in return.
Featherweavers. The Mystic Featherweavers are naturally able to use magic. You know the druidcraft cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the barkskin spell once per day. Once you reach 5th level, you can also cast the conjure animals spell once per day, the beasts you call are monkeys, snakes and/or birds. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
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