Astomoi (5e Race)

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(This Race is a conversion from Pathfinder 1e to D&D 5e)

Physical Description[edit]

Astomoi appear as pure black humanoid silhouettes. Sometimes the magically inclined ones will have patterns on them, such as glowing tattoos or looking like a hole into the night sky, but the inky void that is their body is still constant. Astomoi have no mouths, and eat by "smelling" the nutrients out of food. They also have no eyes, and thus cannot see.

Female Astomoi Mage.jpg
A female Astomoi mage, All Rights Reserved By The Pathfinder Company


Nothing is known about the history of the Astomoi, but it was theorized that the were created long ago and have been beside the creation of stars, many also theorize that their creation involved the stars somehow as the astomoi, despite having no eyes, can see the stars, and stranger still they can see them even in the daylight

Attitudes and Beliefs[edit]

Astomoi tend to live ascetic lives, often wearing nothing but rags if anything at all. They can get away with this because they don't appear to have genitalia, despite them having masculine and feminine silhouettes. No astomoi has ever divulged how they reproduce to an outsider, just that it requires two of them. Based off of outside observation, the "gender" of the astomoi is irrelevant to reproduction, and is theorized to purely be how they present themselves socially.

Astomoi Names[edit]

Astomoi tend to adopt the names of the culture they live in. The names do not follow gender norms as despite them having masculine and feminine silhouettes the have no genitalia.

Names: Ink, Mistagin, Clyde, Sapphire, Alex, Lucy...

Astomoi Traits[edit]

Faceless and dark creatures with a mysterious origin
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2 and your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Age. Astomoi mature at 30 years, and can live up to an impressive 900 years.
Alignment. Astomoi are often neutral, but will lean towards lawful-good depending on the situation.
Size. Astomoi can be of all shapes and sizes, varying from as small as 4 feet tall to as large as 7 feet tall. Despite this, they usually weigh around 30 to 80 pounds, as they don't seem to have much actual mass. You are considered Medium.
Type. Your Origins are unknown even to you but you can feel a calling from the stars. You have two creature types: humanoid and aberration.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Telepathic Senses. You cannot speak or see, but can telepathically sense everything within 60 feet of you, as well as communicate within that range. You have 300 feet of blindsight, seeing anything within that radius, but are totally blind on anything outside of that range. You also have 30 feet of telepathy, however you require to share a language with the target(s) to understand each other. You can also use this telepathy in place of verbal components for spells, allowing you to cast silently.
Scent. You have proficiency in Survival and Perception. Additionally, whenever you use either skill to do something involving smells, double your proficiency bonus.
Star Sight. Astomoi have the ability to always see the stars. While this lets them see the stars during the day and through clouds, this special sight can be blocked by by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt.
Sensitive Breath. You have disadvantage on saving throws against being poisoned by inhaled poisons or other gaseous hazards.
Mouthless. You don't eat or drink by conventional means, instead absorbing the essence of food or drinks. This consumes the nutrients of the meal as though it had been eaten, rendering the food useless to others. You consume potions and other ingested materials in the same fashion. Since you never actually ingest anything, you can’t normally be exposed to ingested poisons.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice. You can also learn how to read braille (or any other touch-based reading) at a faster rate, possibly even starting with it for any language you already know (personal choice).

Random Height and Weight[edit]

′ '' + lb. × () lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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