Yinglet (5e Race)
Physical Description[edit]
![]() |
A male yinglet sage. Source. |
Thin, lithe, and small, the yinglets resemble a cross between a shorebird and a rat. Their entire bodies are covered in brown, black, gray, or white mid-length fur, save for their forelegs (and occasionally forearms), which more closely resemble the forelegs of a shorebird: stilt-like, bony in texture, and black in coloration. They may or may not possess locks of human-like hair on their heads. Their heads and tails have the basic structure of a reptile; however, they possess large, bat-like ears on the sides of their heads, they have whisker-like protrusions from their eyebrows, and females (and certain feminine males) have a large tuft of fur on the tip of the tail. Most yinglets have only nine teeth: a single large, pointed "shelltooth" in the front of their mouths to crack open the shells of mollusk species, and four pairs of smaller, pointed teeth closer to the back of their mouths to prevent live prey from escaping. This unfortunate tooth arrangement prevents them from pronouncing "th" sounds, so all yinglets have a peculiar accent where they substitute "th" sounds for a different consonant (usually "z" or "d"). Their eyes are cat-like, with a colored sclera and black slits for irises. The color of the sclera can vary drastically, but is most commonly some shade of yellow. Their hands and feet are very similar in structure: they both have three single-jointed, clawed fingers and a single clawed opposable thumb, with pads similar to a cat or dog on both the palm and tip of each digit.
Internal Biology[edit]
Yinglets have a drastically different internal biology from most other humanoid races. Notably, they are unable to digest bread and other dry foods (such as nuts, corn, or rice). In addition, their internal clocks run much faster than humans: they sleep for an hour for every five hours spent awake, rather than eight hours for every sixteen. Their main food source is mollusk meat, such as clams, oysters, and slugs. They experience a brief euphoric feeling upon eating such foods, and with enough mollusk meat at one time they can become intoxicated for hours on end. Coupled with their emotional maturity, which is roughly comparable with that of a human in early-to-mid-adolescence, their affinity for mollusks forms an unfortunate combination.
The history of the yinglets is short but eventful. The yinglets originated from humid swampland filled with poisonous plants, much later than any of the other races. There they squabbled with each other briefly for small gains of territory until eventually being united by a single male yinglet of great intelligence and ability. His efforts established the enclave system, and by extension yinglet society as a whole. The yinglets never developed a language of their own, instead adopting the humans' language of Common. Similarly, they've never developed any technology of their own, resorting to scavenging and stealing from human society.
Yinglet society is stratified into "enclaves", essentially tribes of yinglets ruled by a matriarch and an array of patriarchs. Being a relatively young race compared to humans, yinglets have few skills, and are reliant on scavenging to survive. They also have a gender ratio of about six males to one female, so females are highly coveted by yinglet society. It is rare for most male yinglets to even get a chance to see a female yinglet outside of the secret inner chambers of an enclave. Among other races, yinglets are seen as pesky vermin by most, and often occupy the lower classes of society.
Yinglet Names[edit]
Yinglet names are often random sounds with little meaning, or names borrowed from other races.
Male: Beizel, Brakka, Chakki, Figgins, Kattajak, Lopin, Mori'rai, Narklet, Poak, Simman, Zance, Zavvat, Zheodore, Zot, Zozzy
Female: Beatrix, Feeeena, Lippie, Habzig, Ickney, Pekkit, Sesra, Teressa, Vesaria, Vizlet, Zebalabela, Zally, Zulie
Yinglet Traits[edit]
A race of diminutive rodent-like creatures.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Charisma score increases by 1.
Age. Yinglets mature at six times the rate of humans, reaching adulthood at age 3. They live to be about 30 years old.
Alignment. Due to the rigid enclave system, most yinglets tend to be lawful.
Size. Yinglets range from just under 3 feet tall to just under 4 feet tall, and weigh on average about 35 pounds. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. Used to the dim light of dank, fetid swamps, you can see in dim light as if it were bright light out to a range of 60 feet, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't perceive color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Scavenger. Coming from a society built on scavenging, you are proficient in the survival skill.
Slim Build. You count as one size smaller for the purposes of determining your carrying capacity and the amount you can push, drag, and lift.
Yinglet Biology. Used to a swamp environment rife with toxic plants, you have advantage on saving throws against poisons, and you have resistance against poison damage. However, you are also unable to digest bread or other similarly dry foods. Upon doing so, you must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or vomit.
Yinglet Nimbleness. Your slight frame and small stature allow you to move through a battlefield with ease. You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common. You have a speech impediment that prevents you from pronouncing any "th" sounds. Such sounds must be substituted with an appropriate replacement, such as "z", "t", or "d".
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
2′ 8'' | +2d6 | 28 lb. | × 1 lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Optional Feature: Mutation[edit]
Yinglets are prone to genetic mutations. Optionally, you may choose from or roll on the table below for additional physical traits. These traits have no impact on gameplay, but may provide inspiration for role-playing scenarios.
d20 | Mutation |
1 | Your ears are extremely large, each one about as large as your head. |
2 | Your eyes are unusually big, taking up the majority of your face. |
3 | Your shell tooth is sharp and jagged, resembling a poorly-sharpened dagger. |
4 | Your shell tooth is bisected, similarly to a rabbit's front teeth. |
5 | Your ears are long and pointy. |
6 | Your ears are short and more rounded. |
7 | You have a propensity to eat small, inedible objects, and your body can digest them. |
8 | Your tail is very long, extending a distance almost equivalent to your height behind your body. |
9 | Your fur is unusually luxurious and fluffy. |
10 | You have a particularly large tail puff, even if male. |
11 | You digest food very quickly, and as a result almost always feel hungry. |
12 | Your irises form a very strange pattern that seems to move when other people look at it. |
13 | You have webbed fingers and toes. |
14 | Your snout is unusually long. |
15 | Your snout is short and rounded. |
16 | Your tongue is extra-long, curled up in the extra space in your mouth and able to extend almost double the length of your snout. |
17 | Regardless of how much you drink, you cannot get drunk or suffer any negative effects from alcohol. |
18 | You have four rows of four back teeth instead of four back teeth total. |
19 | Your fingers have one extra joint, allowing for the same level of articulation as human fingers. |
20 | You have 1d4 extra fingers/toes distributed evenly between your hands and feet. |
Optional Rule: Sleep Deprivation[edit]
Due to the unusual sleep schedule of the yinglets, the default rules for sleep deprivation[1] aren't realistic. For DMs using these rules, use the following rules for the yinglets instead:
Whenever you end a 12-hour period without sleeping, you must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or suffer one level of exhaustion. It becomes harder to to fight off exhaustion if you stay awake for longer. After the first 12 hours, the DC increases by 5 for each consecutive 12-hour period you stay up. The DC resets to 10 if you sleep.
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- ↑ D&D 5e XGtE pp.78