Lycanwing (5e Race)
“ | The lycanwings see very well. They know much. A silver bullet should do the trick, even if they aren't infected. Let's bag us a few and call it a night, eh? | ” |
—Ryzan Erwith, lycanwing hunter |
Physical Description[edit]
![]() |
By Draoon60 |
As their names suggest, lycanwings resemble winged lycanthropes. They are typically bipedal wolf creatures with a humanoid shape. The wings they grow are usually finely feathered, almost like the hairs of fur. Their wings and fur are usually the same color of pelt, with many being black or grey, and a few rare varieties being white or silver. Lycanwings are known to have a good physique, much like that of a wolf. Despite their wings, however, many lycanwings remain terrestrial-oriented creatures. Only strong and disciplined lycanwings can achieve good flight for long periods of time. Lycanwings have stubby claws, not at all like a werewolf's weapon of choice. While their teeth are sharp, they are not usually one to bite unless driven to extremes. Most lycanwings have either luminous blue or yellow eyes. They are not known to wear a lot of clothes and will usually make do with scraps that cover just their chest or groin. Most of the time, within their own packs, lycanwings are naked.
It is believed that lycanwings have origins with other lycanthropes through some sort of magical disease. However, it is potentially closer to divine creation or blessing that led to their emergence. The main bit of evidence they give for this is them having wings, which is a bit unusual for lycanthropes of the infected type. They claim a deity of air and hunt actually created them from landlocked wolves, granting them enlightenment as well as flight to save them from being hunted by pursuers. These original lycanwings supposedly flew right off the steppe where they were cornered and left their hunters in the dust, enjoying a newfound life of freedom.
Being none too numerous in numbers, lycanwings are known to be reclusive creatures residing primarily in small packs in the wild. In this respect, they are still very much like wolves, with a pack mentality and leaving behind those who are unfit to survive. However, thanks to their humanoid capability, they have also adapted a more sophisticated way of life as hunters, being able to use various tools beyond that of normal beasts. They are the type to keep to themselves, mainly due to fear of being hunted. Lycanwing pelts are known to be luxurious, compared to even that of normal animals, and a strange amount of superstition has come to claim that their bones and eyes are medicinal, leading some hunters to seek them. Lycanwings are highly territorial and protective as a result. They are slow to trust outsiders and slow to be receptive to foreign ways.
It is no surprise the lycanwings pledge their devotion often to the god that supposedly granted them their wings to flee from pursuers. Under their faith, lycanwings acknowledge the hunter and hunted roles in the world as natural. For the sake of survival, one must try to be a hunter, always. However, when one is prey, they must struggle even against the inevitable to die with dignity. Where they draw the line is hunting for sport or wasteful hunting, which is how they see those who hunt them merely for their valuable parts. As part of their faith to this nameless god, they conduct a ritual to clean all their kills with air, believing this will allow them to keep their status as hunters for longer.
Lycanwing Names[edit]
Lycanwings often have names relating to their god, believed to be one of the hunt. These include motifs of the wild, as well as strength and survival. Lycanwings generally speak a form of Common with tones of bestial growls, though they are perfectly able to be rid of this with practice. They are also known to speak Sylvan, but it is also a rough and harsh derivative that more eloquent creatures may look down upon as a result.
Male: Ukorik, Loren, Melfen, Itorgh
Female: Arika, Shardi, Enshin, Jarardia
Lycanwing Traits[edit]
These winged wolves are surprisingly defensive, rather than offensive, creatures
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom or Constitution score increases by 1, and another score of your choice increases by 2.
Age. Lycanwings are not that long-lived, even naturally. They tend to live up to anywhere between 50 and 70 years. However, they mature quickly, at around 15.
Alignment. Most lycanwings are neutral, growing up in a secluded pack within a world confined by distrust of outsiders and the outside world in general. Some can open up, experiencing joys and kindness from others. Others seek great power to go and live as they wish.
Size. Usually, lycanwing are taller than humans, but not by much. Their weights can vary widely, but lycanwings are rarely ill of health from diet issues. Your size is Medium.
Speed. You have a base walking speed of 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Strengthened Wings. Starting at 5th level, your wings become strong enough to support your entire body. You gain a flying speed of 30 feet. You cannot use this speed while wearing heavy armor.
Hunting Offering. As part of a short or long rest, you can give your offering to your god by cleaning the kill with air. At the end of this offering ritual, the odor of the air about the offered corpse changes, as a sign from your god. The scent is meant to help prolong your survival by providing an olfactory omen that vaguely signifies the situation within the next 24 hours. The DM chooses from the following smells based on the omens:
• If the scent is rotten or on the smellier side, it can mean that enemies are closing in and they are strong.
• Neutral smells imply an unchanging situation.
• Fragrant and pleasant smells mean that good hunting is at hand, with favorable odds, or you might find a good amount of nourishment.
The meanings behind the smells often have more to do with survival in hunting than foretelling unrelated events like natural disaster. A corpse that is used in this ritual is immune to being turned into undead for the next 24 hours.
Keen Smell. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks using your sense of smell.
Hunter's Tools. You are proficient with the shortbow and one simple melee weapon of your choice.
Primal Instinct. You are proficient in the Survival skill.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write in Common and Sylvan.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
5′ 7'' | +1d8 | 140 lb. | × (2d6) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Suggested Characteristics[edit]
When creating a lycanwing character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.
Lycanwings vary in temperament and outlook. While they may share a distrust of others, the degree of this paranoia is divergent among individuals.
d8 | Personality Trait |
1 | I am loyal, I am faithful, I am never a traitor. What I do is for the good of my allies. |
2 | I am honest and see everything as a matter of right and wrong. |
3 | I value my life above all, and I will run if danger seems insurmountable. |
4 | I tend to gravitate towards solely what interests me in a room. |
5 | Even if there is no one to talk to, I find conversation with myself. |
6 | I hate waiting for anything and I like things the moment I want them. |
7 | If I catch onto my prey, I will hunt to no end. |
8 | I like to think of fun and inventive ways to catch my prey, rather than straight hunting. |
d6 | Ideal |
1 | Strength. I desire the great power that hunting brings, as well as the status to be the hunter, forever. (Neutral) |
2 | Cunning. I like to break from tradition. Old-fashioned hunting is so boring. We need to diversify a bit and get crazy. (Chaotic) |
3 | Order. There is a disturbance within our ranks as we are pushed out of our lifestyle. We must fight this change. (Lawful) |
4 | Excess. The strong will hunt however they please, whenever. They doesn't matter anymore, those old-fashioned rules that stopped us. (Evil) |
5 | Coexistence. We cannot simply ignore the outside world. We need to bring everyone together. (Good) |
6 | Survival. Let the god guide us and allow us to live, even if it is as mere animals. (Any) |
d6 | Bond |
1 | I once met a kind hunter who opened my worldview to that which lies outside my home. |
2 | I will do anything for my pack. |
3 | I was taken in as a cub by kindly people after my pack was hunted down. |
4 | I am a stout devotee of our god. Their signs are absolute. |
5 | I was betrayed by an outsider I had wrongly trusted and they hurt those close to me. |
6 | I see myself as the strongest. |
d6 | Flaw |
1 | I am overly prone to belauding my own feats. |
2 | Because of my fastidious nature, people say I cavil too much about little details that don't matter. But they do, I swear! |
3 | I think of my crass nature as gregariousness when it is actually off-putting. |
4 | I have little dignity and will sell out even friends to save myself. |
5 | I dwell on the past too much. |
6 | I find myself easily moved to tears. |
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