Elfil (5e Race)

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Physical Description[edit]

Elfils vary in size and shape depending on their age. At a young age, they resemble chinchillas with gigantic, round ears that make up about twice the size of their body mass. These large, round ears can act as wings, though given their power, they are often used to propel the body through the air very sharply and quickly, instead of merely staying afloat. They possess stubby arms, legs, and a tail as big as their small body.

When they grow into adults, their forms change drastically. They have a slender build with incredibly long, lanky limbs and a very slim torso. Their gnarled hands are huge, sporting long nails bearing likeness to those of a humanoid's in their bluntness. Their legs resemble that of a generic mammalian hind leg with undefined nubs for feet. They have a long, scraggly, fox-like tail. They exhibit horns that curve inwards, four tiny spikes protruding out of each horn in the inner part. They have feelers on each side of their head. Their gigantic winglike ears follow a serrated pattern.

They have the unique ability to open dimensional rifts and travel through them to other dimensions. They also possess powerful psychic abilities; Whether they are awake or dreaming in their sleep, they are capable of emitting waves of psychic energy that can bring any and all simpler-minded beings to their whim. They are capable of absorbing other beings into their own body to heal themselves and gain more physical attributes.


Elfils are beings that hail from the depths of space. In the distant past, Elfils arrived upon multiple planets and invaded them, raining destruction on the native wildlife. One individual got themselves captured and was studied extensively because of their unique abilities. This led to the advancement of their civilization to the point of interdimensional travel and the invention of multiple inventions: artificial creations capable of their own sentience, the ability to create anything from nothing, and the ability to grant endless power. Upon reaching a deadly civil dispute amongst themselves, Elfils are now just as morally complex as any other people.


It is unknown what kind of society the Elfils are a part of. It has been noted that because of their unique abilities, any civilization that has studied Elfils has been able to advance their own remarkably quickly.

Elfil Names[edit]

The naming convention of this species is unknown, though it is believed that they name themselves after certain philosophical thinking processes and ideas, as that was what the name was of one who regarded the concept of life as worth nothing.

Names: Aboli, Accide, Cogni, Carni, Ca'Proba, Compen, Confu, Consti, Conven, Decisi, Deont, Efil, Egali, Emoti, Ego, Expre, Extri, Forma, Intu, Lega, Natu, Nihil, Nomi, Subje.

Elfil Traits[edit]

Elfils, when they have reached adulthood, can be described as "immortal inter-dimensional psychokinetic invaders, bearing the distorted silhouette of angels."
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence increases by 2, and your Charisma increases by 1.
Age. One individual had been alive to witness the abandonment of the previously dominant race of a planet, and live through the evolution of intelligence in the wild lifeforms that were left behind. Such a process takes 4-7 million years.
Alignment. Elfils are neutral. They can embody the kindest of allies or the most malevolent of conquerors.
Size. Elfils tend to have a very drastic change in build depending on age, ranging from around 1ft when they are children, to 10 ft in adulthood (without counting their wingspan). Your size is small, medium, or large.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Psycho-Flight. Thanks to your large wings and psychokinesis, you have a flying speed equal to double your walking speed. You can't use this flying speed if you're wearing medium or heavy armor. When you reach 10th level, your flying speed increases to triple your walking speed. When you reach 15th level, your flying speed increases to quadruple your walking speed. When you reach 20th level, your flying speed increases to quintuple your walking speed.
Dream Domain. You possess oppressive control of your portion of the dream world, and as such you have advantage in performing magical spells and effects that require the opponent to dream, and are immune to magical spells and negative effects that require you to dream, like the Dream spell. When you are asleep, you passively emit waves of psychic energy; these waves inflict the Charmed status effect against all enemies targets within a 30/60/120 ft. range. You have advantage/normal/disadvantage when comparing wisdom checks with the target.
Innate Psionics. You know the Devilish Charm cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast Detect Thoughts 5 times per day, and it recharges after a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast Levitate 3 times per day, and it recharges after a long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells. When cast in this way, none of these spells require any components.
Mental Discipline. Mental Discipline. You have resistance to psychic damage.
Planar Rift. You are capable of transporting yourself and up to 8 other creatures through a rift to a different plane of existence, whether it be a higher realm, a lower realm, or an alternate version of the same realm. You are also capable of transporting an object of large size (or a collection of small-sized objects) as well. You are capable of closing any and all similar forms of travel, like portals, wormholes, magic gates, etc. When you reach 10th level, your capability of transporting sapient beings increases to 16, and you are capable of transporting huge objects. When you reach 15th level, your capability of transporting sapient beings increases to 32, and you are capable of transporting gargantuan objects. When you reach 20th level, your capability of transporting sapient beings increases to 64, and you are capable of transporting colossal objects.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, and you can use telepathy.

Chosen by deity's[edit]

Random Height and Weight[edit]

9′ 3'' +1d5 0 lb. × 1 lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

(one vote)

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