Wolf Walker (5e Race)
Wolf Walker[edit]
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By Black Tea |
Physical Description[edit]
Wolf walkers are wolves that have the ability to stand, talk, wear armor, and wield weapons. Their furs come in many colors like brown, black, or grey, and some have mixed colors. Some can have rare colors like red or white. Males tend to be over 6 feet tall while females tend to be over 5 feet tall. Most wolf walkers wear leather or hide armor but some can wear armor like plate armor or chain mail. Wolf walkers also make helmets that can allow them to still bite. Wolf walkers don't wear armor on their paws or hands.
No one really knows how these wolves gained the ability to stand, communicate telepathically, and use items or weapons. Some say it was the work of the gods and others say it was caused by magic. The Wolf Walkers themselves don't how they were able to do all these things. The wolf walkers still behave like regular wolves, but more civilized. Some wolf walkers either stay in the woods with their own kind or make villages that are able to coexist with other species. Wolf walkers are very skilled hunters and warriors, but some are skilled magic users. Wolf walkers are feared by humans and orcs; both races have tried to eradicate them or enslave them. Most humans don't fear them as some have helped them get through struggles. However bear type races and wolf walkers hate each other, the reason is that it's in their nature. It is rare to see a wolf walker and a bear type race get along or fight together. There have been many wars between both races, resulting in the bears winning or the wolves winning, sometimes a draw. Wolf Walkers aren't always together though, many packs have fought each other for land or resources. Other races and creatures try to stay out of pack territory to avoid trouble. Most of the time people will only see a wolf walker as a mercenary.
Wolf walkers usually live in packs. Some will leave to form or join another pack to make allies, but most wolf walkers will stay in their pack. Wolf Walker packs can stay in one place or move around. When a wolf walker becomes 15 years old, they are to travel alone to a location, survive for a year and come back. No matter what, a wolf walker is loyal to their family and pack. Betraying them shows dishonor and can lead to exile or death. In each pack, there is an alpha, beta, 2 sentinels, and 5 elders. As the alpha leads the pack, the beta is second of command helping the alpha with the pack. The 2 sentinels protect the alpha and beta and help protect the pack. The 5 elders guide the alpha and beta, they decide whether the alpha's orders can happen or not. If a wolf walker wants to be an alpha or beta they must fight them in a duel, they can choose to fight to the death or not. Wolf walker packs aren't only just filled with wolf walkers, regular wolves and dire wolves are in some packs as pets like how a human would have a dog in a family. Some wolf walkers that leave a pack often become mercenaries for armies, villages, caravans, or for some individuals.
All wolf walkers in a pack are honorable fighters and have a code known as The Wolves' Code:
- Accept challenges from others, if there is time or if the opponent is worthy.
- Never fight dirty.
- Do not kill civilians, you may kill one if they attack you or your comrade.
- Attack only if the threat attacks first and if the threat refuses to leave the territory.
- Follow all orders unless the order goes against The Wolves' Code.
- Everyone in the pack is family, fight with your comrades.
- If any village or camp still has innocents, fight the enemy to the last wolf until everyone has been evacuated. Surrender only if you are sure that the enemy will keep their word.
- Know the priority of life: the innocent, then our comrades, and then ourselves.
Anyone that breaks this code is killed or if possible brought to trial resulting in exile or death. The Wolves' Code only applies to a wolf walker that is in a pack.
Wolf Walker Names[edit]
Wolf walkers choose names that can be easily said and understood. Some of these names are rare or commonly used.
Male: Gordon, Ariston, Carlos, Alberto, Leo.
Female: Anita, Carmen, Valeria, Maria, Sybil.
Preferred Class[edit]
Wolf walkers prefer a class that is either a stealthy/hunter type class or a soldier type class. Choose Rogue or Ranger for a stealthy/hunter type class. Choose Fighter for a soldier type class. Classes that allow healing magic, but also has you use your weapon most of the time like the Paladin, Ranger or Cleric is acceptable. Classes that use only magic or focus mostly on magic are acceptable, however, you may be looked down upon as wolf walkers see honorable fights are done with physical methods, not magic.
Wolf Walker Traits[edit]
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Age. Wolf walkers reach adulthood by 21, and can live up to a century.
Alignment. Wolf walkers can be evil, good, or neutral.
Size. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
Superior Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Wolves' Claws. Your claws are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
Wolves' Sense. You have proficiency in the Perception skill.
Telepathy. You can communicate telepathically to any creature you can see as long as you are not incapacitated.
Fur. Wolf Walkers have fur on their bodies, which makes them acclimated to the cold.
Speak with Wolves. you can cast Speak with Animals at will but only to Wolves.
Languages. You can read, write, and understand Common and Beast Speech (Sylvan if Beast Speech isnt used). However, you cannot speak physically in a coherent manner and are able to speak only through use of your Telepathy trait.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
5′ 4'' | +2d10 | 160 lb. | × (2d8) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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