Pangaloid (5e Race)
“ | I know you only see us as medicine. | ” |
Physical Description[edit]
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By Artsvalkyja |
Pangaloids are humanoid creatures covered in reinforced scales of chitin. These scales are connected by the base and can stick out when bent, showing a sharp edge. The underbelly of a pangoloid is unprotected by this and so is very vulnerable to attack. They often curl to protect this weakness. Pangaloids have long claws on their hands usually used for digging, more so than fighting. They have a long tail that is also armored. Unlike regular pangolins, pangoloids grow hair under their scales. Thus, their head of hair would be crowned by their plates atop. Due to their plates possible shredding clothing, pangaloids usually have to wear minimal clothes.
Pangaloids are so named due to their scales being alike to that of a pangolin. However, it is believed they are actually not related at all! Pangaloids are creatures that possibly were their own race. They have tales of an island which crashed onto the mainland. On the island were the original pangaloids. Prior to coming to the mainland, the island was full of beasts that the pangaloids feared. They prayed to their goddess of the sea for armor, even something as flimsy as that of a fish. Their kind goddess fashioned them armor modeled after fish but suited to protect these larger beings. And so, they gained protection.
When their island impacted the mainland, they came ashore the strange land and wandered with curiosity. They were greeted with caution. Other creatures like the elves and humans were wary of these armored beings. According to folklore, a human once found the corpse of a pangaloid. The human was sick, and so butchered the pangaloid. He made a tea out of the scales. After he had eaten and drank, he slept. When he awoke, he was no longer hungry, and his illness was cured. His loose lips went and spread the word. People now wanted pangaloid scales as medicine. Horrified, the pangaloids fled far away into caves hidden beyond the plains, withdrawing their presence.
It is said some tried to run back onto their island, begging their goddess to save them. But the sea was silent and the island did not move. they were slaughtered where they stood. Some faithful pangaloids reason that due to their scales coming originally from the idea of a fish, they now can be hunted like fish for their meat.
Pangaloids tend to be rather social when talking to other pangaloids. They live in very small groups of no more than five members in caves obscured in steppes or cliff faces near plains. Usually, they prefer to be active at night and are solitary. When talking to non-pangaloids they tend to be rather reserved and wary. They often would never reach out to strangers and are suspicious of any who would want their scales. Pangaloid children tend to paint their plates. This paint is commonly made out of plants and roots and applied to the scales. This tradition trails into adulthood where they dye their plate-like scales to indicate status, achievements. It is also a beauty trend.
Pangaloids no longer pray to their goddess. As they were pushed inland, they lost their original ways of island life. It is observed they follow mainly a plant or insect-based diet. Some younger pangaloids have named a new god for them which is fear, and it resides in the earth around them, infiltrating their mind. Interestingly enough, while they do not worship the goddess anymore, they do believe in her counterpart, which is the wretched earth. It is believed that is where the younger generation get their idea of the fear in the earth.
Pangaloid Names[edit]
Pangaloids usually name their young with a name of sadness, alluding to their races harsh past. Some inject a word or two of hope in there.
Male: Despereaux, Locus, Orius
Female: Morta, Elloise, Diosa
Pangaloid Traits[edit]
Chitin plated humanoids.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Age. Pangaloids mature at 3 and rarely live longer than 70 years old.
Alignment. Pangaloids tend to keep to themselves and adhere to a rather simple set of morals they give themselves, living neutrally.
Size. Pangaloids weigh much more than humans due to their chitin plating averaging about 200 lbs. They tend to be slightly shorter than humans too. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Darkvision. You have the eyes to see in the night as a nocturnal animal. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Unfazed Amble. Your stride cannot be interrupted or hastened. You are immune to effects that would alter your speed. Spells like haste or slow no longer change your movement speed. But you will still gain the other benefits or detriments of the spells. Feats and class features can still give you extra movement speed.
Pangaloid Toughness. Your base Armor Class when unarmoured is 12 + your Constitution modifier. You may wear a shield and still gain this benefit.
Withdraw. As an action, you can tuck your limbs and curl up into a tight ball, letting your plate scales protect you. While in ball form, you have +2 AC, but your movement speed reduces to 0 and cannot increase. You also cannot perform any actions, and you are considered prone. You can only see in front of you and cannot make any reactions. You may exit your shell as a bonus action.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
4′ 9'' | +1d8 | 200 lb. | × (1d4) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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