Moglin (5e Race)
“ | I know the secret answers to the questions of life. They were whispered to me in the dark of my dreams.. | ” |
—Squee |
Physical Description[edit]
They are generally less than two feet in height, come in an array of different colors, have large, distinguished ears, stubby arms and legs, bright and colorful eyes, catlike mouths, and sport long, softly curved tails. Males and females have no noticeable dimorphism other than the females' long eyelashes. Moglins have the remarkable ability to swim with their ears because their other appendages are too short.
![]() |
Twilly's got your back |
Not a lot is known about moglins or where they've came from, they're just... there. Always have been.
Moglins tend to either live in small villages with other moglins or in big cities with lots of variation between races. Most like to explore outdoors and go on hikes through the wilderness, if not already living in the midst of nature. Moglins tend to be more trusting of people, which has lead to their relatively easy incorporation into other societies... and their being captured by ill-intentioned beings who experiment on them, leading to the creation of powerful undead and ghost moglins as well as the more animalistic Dracoglins. It is very rare to find a moglin hermit because of their love of community and fellowship.
Moglin Names[edit]
Moglin names are all over the place, with only one real trend: having to do with nature. Basically just name them whatever you want.
Male: Twilly, Twig, Zorbak, Kabroz, Blizzy, Scurvy, Quibble, Nigel, Scourge, Cupcake, Mort, Nugget, Rez, Dewlock, Nel, Snips, Aspen, Craig, Wilson, Noda, Mogula, Gill, Rickets
Female: Wendy, Memet, Leanne, Zilla, Holly, Truffle, Squee, Eonaleth
Moglin Traits[edit]
Moglins are small, cute, teddy bear-like creatures filled with magic; they are commonly seen carrying small staffs.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1, and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Moglins can live for anywhere from a hundred years to thousands, depending on how handy they are with magic.
Alignment. Moglins tend toward extremes; they are rarely neutral and almost never true neutral. Whatever they do, they do their best.
Size. Moglins are mostly consistent in height and build, from 1 foot to at the most 2 feet tall. Your size is Small.
Speed. Moglins are surprisingly quick on their feet. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Life or Death. Moglins have powerful natural connections to magics related to life and death. At 3rd level you gain either healing word or false life, which you cast at the first level, and at 5th level you gain either mass healing word or animate dead, which you cast at the third level. These spells can be cast once per long rest. Your spellcasting ability for all spells gained by this race is Charisma, and none of them require material components.
Force of Life. You have advantage on Constitution saving throws against diseases.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.
Subrace. Choose either forest, void, frost, heat, or ebil.
Forest Moglin[edit]
The most common type of moglin, they populate all sorts of forests, woods, jungles, marshes, and taigas across the world. They're the most diverse type, with every single color in existence plus three to choose from. Their eyes are, more often than not, bright yellow however, with very little variation.
Mask of the Wild. You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, most, and other natural phenomena.
Friend of Nature. You can innately cast the thaumaturgy cantrip.
Tree Dweller. Climbing trees doesn't require any additional movement.
Void Moglin[edit]
Strange moglins that live outside the bounds of normal existence and feed on dreams, they sport short horns and bodies that, instead of being one color, go from lighter at the top of their body to darker near the bottom. Their eyes can be pink, light blue, light green, black or bright yellow.
Dream Predator. As a bonus action you can deal 1d6 + your Charisma modifier psychic damage to any number of sleeping creatures within 30 feet of you without them waking up, and all targets simply remember it as nothing but a bad dream.
Mind Dweller. As a being that feeds on dreams, you can physically enter the mind of a willing target as an action. While in this state the host's long rests count as short rests for both you and your host. You can't be targeted by any attacks, nor take any actions, but you can talk. You can, however, protect your host from nightmares and psionic attacks. Reduce all psychic damage that your host takes by 3d6. If your host dies you become trapped in the astral plane. You can communicate only with your host, and can use any of your Intelligence or Wisdom saves or skills in place of your host's when they must make a roll. You may leave your host's mind at any time on their turn, appearing in an empty space within 10 feet of them. The host can also kick you out whenever they want.
Frost Moglin[edit]
Merry little moglins filled with ice magic from their time living in the frigid region known as Frostvale, they generally have a similar shape to normal moglins except their fur is thicker. Both their fur and their eyes typically take on lighter, icy hues.
Snow Dweller. Living in cold regions grants you immunity the effects of extreme cold. You also have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made in snow.
Frostvale Magic. You can innately cast the light cantrip.
Frostvale Cheer. You may double the hit points or temporary hit points a recipient of one of your spells or abilities receives. You can use this feature once every short rest.
Thick Fur. You have disadvantage on all saving throws, ability checks, and attack rolls made in extreme heat.
Heat Moglin[edit]
Tough little guys living in warmer climates, these moglins have adapted to life in the Sandsea desert, Ashfall's volcanos, or even a simple canyon or beach. Heat moglins' fur tends to be of reddish or brownish shades, matching the monotones of the rocks around them.
Sand Dweller. Living in warm regions grants you immunity to the effects of extreme heat. You also have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made in sand.
Desert Survivalist. Gain proficiency in Wisdom (Survival) and with light armor and medium armor, and you need half as much water as a normal person.
Ebil Moglin[edit]
These moglins are in their own category. They are invariably lawful evil, strictly adhering to their own code that only other ebil moglins seem to know, though they're considered insane by pretty much everybody else. Ebil moglins are always dark-colored or just plain black. They can be born in any environment to any parents seemingly at random. It is a very rare occurrence for one to be born, often interpreted as some ill omen.
Influencer. You love experimenting and manipulating humans and animals, alive or not. Add your proficiency bonus to all damage rolls of creatures you magically control.
Reality is Optional. You can innately cast the minor illusion cantrip.
I Don't Care. You are immune to the frightened condition.
Well That Doesn't Make Any Sense. You don't really understand religion too well. You have disadvantage on all Intelligence (Religion) checks.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
1′ 0'' | +1d12 | 15 lb. | × (1d3) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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