Tlincalli (5e Race)
Physical Description[edit]
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By Huntinsnake |
Tlincalli have the lower halves of scorpions with three pairs of two toed legs. Each one is comprised of 3 separate segments with hard outer shelling. At the front are two strong pincers. The human top half of a tlincalli is muscular, fit, and coated in carapace. They have bug like, insectoid faces with small amounts of hair. A long tail barbed with a spike full of paralytic poison leads down the body. Tlincalli usually have copper coloration to their body's, but can be grayish or tan in color. The humanoid half has five clawed fingers, that are coated in hard natural armor.
Tlincalli have, throughout time, been known to be raiders, kidnappers, and murderers. While forming no civilizations, they thrived like the hunters they were off stolen goods, loot, and any prey which came with the cargo they would hijack from hapless merchants. For eons, they were the bane of caravans crossing deserts where they frequented the trade routes. It is posited that tlincalli are related to scorpionfolk. However, they are far more feral and depraved, making them perfect hires for assassination work and excellent highwaymen. Due to their insectoid traits, some say they had some arthropod ancestor which mated with a scorpionfolk.
Tlincalli society is largely based on hunting prowess and strength. Fighting ability is highly valued and sought after in their communities. They do not form static civilizations, but rather move in nomadic groups of their own kind. These groups are porous and often exchange mates during mating season, meaning many tlincalli are actually related by blood. Because of this constant movement, they are especially proficient in hunting and foraging, rather than forging or weaponsmithing. Tlincalli are known to melt down scavenged items to form crude weapons, though they primarily hunt with spiked chains. They use this unique weapon to capture food for the young, occasionally bringing back live captives for greater enjoyment and entertainment. They are capable of eating almost anything, regardless of the taste or level of rot.
War and reading also play large roles in tlincalli society. It is highly believed that a masterful mind able to manipulate formations favorably is as valuable as any magic weapon. Pubescent tlincalli are sent out to the wastes of the desert, out from the rock formations they call home, to hunt and bring back looted goods and prey. After they complete routine hunts, they slowly gain recognition in their group and climb the ranks until they can command a group of their own. These then split off to make a new nomadic group when they are big enough, meaning tlincalli society multiplies like a starfish after an arm is lopped off. These groups form a complex network across the deserts they inhabit and coordinate attacks on caravans often.
Tlincalli Names[edit]
Names for males may include traits that are more informal sounding. They are less varied in the letters they start with compared to female names.
Male: Korbel, Krokven, Aeromon, Kuenos, Srondven, Grek, Stone, Sand Killer, Qoral, Kladek
Female: Sordis, Bedus, Eevian, Proden, Aasik, Radom, Xecria, Orbus, Sreeven, Krellik
Tlincalli Traits[edit]
Strong sand dwelling insectoid people with the lower halves of scorpions.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Tlincalli mature at 12 and can live up to 250 years old.
Alignment. Tlincalli tend to be evil and chaotic based off of their marauding nature.
Size. Tlincalli can be from 7 to 9 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Stinger. Your lashing, pointed tail is a natural weapon, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with it, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
Thick Carapace. You have thick exoskeleton coverings that protect you. When you aren't wearing armor, your AC is 11 + your Constitution modifier. You can use your natural armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield's benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor.
Pincers. With your strong front pincers, there's almost no need for you to use your arms to do it. You may grapple a creature with your pincers instead of your arms, leaving your hands free. However, your pincers cannot hold or use items.
Compound Eyes. Your insectoid face is frightening. Some tlincalli utilize its many eyes to try and focus instead, but that requires a bit of practice. You are proficient in either the Intimidation or Perception skill.
Poison Sting. As a bonus action, you can make a special attack with your stinger. If the attack hits, it deals its normal damage, and the target is forced to make a Constitution saving throw. The DC for this saving throw is 8 + your Strength modifier. On a failed save, the target is poisoned until the end of your next turn. You can't use this trait again until you finish a short or long rest.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write in Common.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
7′ 0'' | +2d12 | 450 lb. | × (1d4) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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