Red Minotaur (5e Race)

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Red Minotaur[edit]

Dwarves turned into Minotaurs by an evil experiment, Red Minotaurs broke free and claimed a large swamp as their own, which they defend with their lives.

Physical Description[edit]

Standing between 9 and 12 feet tall, covered with bright red hair topped with black, 8 inch horns and massive black hooves, a Red Minotaur is, without a doubt, a both glorious and terrifying sight to see, wielding a vast variety of weapons, from axes to spears to hammers to slings to javelins to even bows with defensive prowess. Trained to never run from a foe, a Red Minotaur will often die before he turns his back, standing alone against the most powerful of foes. Covered with scars from many battles in front, a Red Minotaur’s back is completely free of any injury.

Red Minotaurs value three things- their thick, bushy beards, which they tie up in buns in battle and only cut when they have been defeated in battle, their backs, which they protect with their lives, and their personal freedom. To attack a Red Minotaur’s back, his beard, or his family is to face your certain imminent miserable death.


Dwarves that were captured long ago forced into submission by Baphomet, and unwillingly turned into monstrosities, Minotaurs bigger than ever seen before, then broken free in an act of rebellion, Red Minotaurs found themselves sentient again on a battlefield, running to a nearby swamp amidst a swarm of Elvish arrows. Fearing for their safety, the Red Minotaurs hastily made a fortress inside the swamp. They have never left that fortess as a group again. Years after they made it into the swamp, a small group of warriors tried to leave, but they were unsuccessful, as they were ridden down by hordes of Centaurs.

For several centuries since then, the Red Minotaurs developed their swamp, which they named The Black Swamp, and they named themselves. For some reason, they decided to become one clan-the McMondales. They made themselves a Sidgel- the bones of a human hand raising a handaxe for a deadly blow. And just in time, too, for they were found and attacked by the armies of the Abyss and the armies of the Material Plane at once, and it stayed that way for two thousand years. Even today, that swamp is under attack, but never once has the determination of the McMondales wavered.


Red Minotaurs live in one large colony they call Moresby. Individuals protect Moresby with their lives, and take care of each other as a family. Nuclear families are common, but so are widows, widowers, and orphans.

The culture of Moresby is one of constant preparation for battle. Every individual, man, woman, and child, is always armed to the teeth at all times, and most are constantly armored as well, but no helmets are ever worn, it being deemed an act of cowardice to hide the face. Every aspect of life is made to focus on slowing the enemy down, whether it be the spike traps around the front door of every house, the benches in the town hall that are quickly swapped into breastworks, or the loopholed houses in place of windows, the entire town is a bristling fortress.

Red Minotaur Names[edit]

True to their ancient customs, Red Minotaurs use a similar naming code as Dwarves, but some names are loved that have human roots. Since they are all a part of the same family, all Red Minotaurs share the last name McMondale.

Male: Adolf, Alexander, Albert, Dain, Ferdinand, Frank, Gimli, Hermann, Heinrich, Johann, Kaleb, Lawrence, Nicholas, Philip, Richard, Wolfgang

Female: Annabelle, Alli, Allie, Clarise, Diane, Elizabeth, Heidi, Hannah, Joanna, Katherine, Klara, Priscilla, Rachelle, Suzanne

Red Minotaur Traits[edit]

Large Minotaurs that decided to be free and live out their lives on the Material Plane.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score, Strength score, and Dexterity score increase by 2. Your Charisma score decreases by 2 and your Intelligence score decreases by 1.
Age. Red Minotaurs reach maturity at 50 and live between 650 and 700 years. Your race type is Monstrosity.
Alignment. Red Minotaurs are almost always Chaotic Neutral or strict Neutral.
Size. Red Minotaurs are strong and broad shouldered, ranging between 9 feet and 12 feet tall, and weighing between 720 and 1000 pounds. Your size is Large.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. Accustomed to life in a dark swamp, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 75 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t see colors, only shades of gray.
Powerful Build. Red Minotaurs count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the amount of weight you can push, drag, or lift.
Horns. You have horns that you can use to make unarmed strikes. When you hit with them, the strike deals 3d8+ your Strength modifier piercing damage, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
Enhanced Combat Training. You have proficiency in all weapons and armor, as well as unarmed strikes. If you already have proficiency, add your proficiency modifier again.
Home Turf Advantage. You have proficiency in Nature, Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks when in forests or marshes.
Skilled Combatant. As a reaction, you can choose to stun a number of enemies equal to your wis modifier + your prof modifier for two rounds twice per short rest.
Guerilla Warfare. You have adv on attack rolls and do double your normal damage on surprise rounds while using ranged weapons.
Merciless Defense. While in forest or marsh terrains, and you miss a melee attack, you may reroll that attack and must use the new roll.
Labyrinthine Recall. You were born in a labyrinth and have learned early on how to find your way home. You can perfectly recall any path you have traveled.
Siege Monster. Born with a knack for destruction and hard skin, you have Advantage when attacking buildings and deal double damage to structures.
Languages. You can read, write, and understand Abyssal, Arachne, Draconic, and Dwarvish, although you can’t speak Draconic or Arachne.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

8′ 9'' +3d6 720 lb. × (2d8) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

(one vote)

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