Umbrans (5e Race)

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In the twilight realms where light fears to tread, the Umbrans dwell, masters of the veil that divides darkness from the mortal world. Born from the union of shadow and arcane ambition, these beings walk the thin line between the seen and the unseen, wielding powers that draw from the very essence of dusk and shadow. To encounter an Umbran is to witness the amalgamation of human desire and the unfathomable depths of darkness, a testament to what one might become when the shadows themselves are harnessed.

Features of the Umbrans[edit]

  • Eyes : The most striking feature of an Umbran is their eyes. Luminous and intense, one eye often glows with the light of a distant star, cold and pale, while the other might swirl with the dark hues of a tempestuous night sky. These eyes, capable of seeing through the deepest shadows, betray their otherworldly nature and their connection to the realm of darkness.
  • Hair : Their hair flows like silk, with colors that mimic the nocturnal world. Shades of deep blue, silver, and black predominate, sometimes seeming to move with a life of their own, as if stirred by an unseen breeze. In the right light, it can appear to be sprinkled with stardust, adding to their ethereal allure.
  • Physique : Umbrans possess a graceful, almost willowy physique, with movements that are fluid and deliberate. Their bodies are the embodiment of the shadows they command—supple and strong, yet capable of fading into mere whispers of form and substance when the need arises.
  • Attire : Their clothing is as much a part of their being as their shadowy essence. Umbrans favor garments that enhance their connection to the night and darkness. Cloaks and robes of deep, rich colors that seem to shift and change in the light are common, often adorned with motifs that evoke the stars, the moon, and the void of space. These fabrics move with a life of their own, as if they are extensions of the shadows that Umbrans wield.
  • Aura : An aura of cool detachment and mystery surrounds the Umbrans, underscored by a palpable presence of power. To be near an Umbran is to feel the weight of the night, the silence of the void, and the calm before the storm. It is a sensation that can be both chilling and strangely calming, a testament to their dominion over the darker aspects of the world.

The Transformation into Umbranity[edit]

Becoming an Umbran is no simple feat, nor is it a blessing granted lightly. It is a deliberate choice, a path taken by those who seek to transcend their mortal limits through a union with the shadow. The process is both a ritual and a trial, requiring the aspirant to delve into the deepest darkness, both without and within.

The ritual, known only to a few, involves the invocation of ancient, shadowy powers and the willingness of the aspirant to surrender a part of their essence to the darkness. This sacrifice is not made lightly, for it involves giving up a piece of one's humanity (or whatever race the aspirant may belong to) to become something more—and less—than they were. The transformation is marked by a period of intense agony and existential tumult, as the aspirant's form and spirit are reshaped by the shadows they seek to command.

Upon emerging from this crucible, the newly minted Umbran finds themselves endowed with the abilities and burdens of their kind. Their connection to the shadow realm grants them power over darkness and the ability to perceive and manipulate the hidden threads of magic that weave through the night. However, they are also marked by their new nature, their appearance and aura forever altered, and their vulnerability to light becoming a constant reminder of the price of their power.

The History of the Umbrans[edit]

The Umbrans, from their inception, have been a solitary and secretive people. Spread across the realms, they have often been the power behind the throne, the unseen hand guiding the course of history from the shadows. Their long lifespans and potent magical abilities make them formidable scholars, sorcerers, and advisors, though their motives are often inscrutable, driven by agendas born from centuries of existence.

Throughout history, Umbrans have played pivotal roles in the rise and fall of empires, the discovery of arcane secrets, and the shaping of the world's magical landscape. They have been both revered and reviled—sought after for their wisdom and feared for their powers. Their rare appearances are often seen as omens, heralding significant changes or events.

Despite their influence, the Umbrans have always remained apart from the world, their allegiance first and foremost to their own kind and the pursuit of their inscrutable goals. They gather rarely, and always in secrecy, in places where the veil between the world and the shadow is thin. Here, they share knowledge, discuss their plans, and sometimes clash over differences that can span centuries.

The history of the Umbrans is a mystery to most, a collection of myths, half-truths, and whispered legends.

Umbran Society[edit]

The Umbrans, enigmatic beings of shadow and arcane might, embody a society as intricate and shadowy as their individual existences. Central to their societal structure is the Council of Shadows, a gathering of the most venerable Umbrans who preside over the most critical decisions affecting their kind. This council ensures the preservation of ancient traditions and the arcane equilibrium that Umbrans hold dear. Beneath the council's oversight, Umbran society organizes itself into Circles, which are affiliations of Umbrans bound by common interests, areas of arcane study, and the collective pursuit of enigmatic goals. These Circles, led by Umbrans distinguished by their knowledge and power, function autonomously yet remain interwoven with the fabric of Umbran society, creating a network of shared wisdom and mutual assistance that spans the shadows of the world.

Rituals are the heartbeat of Umbran culture, marking the passage of their timeless lives with ceremonies that encompass the transformation of neophytes, the invocation of dark powers, and the solemn rites of passage into the eternal shadow. These rituals reinforce the deep bonds Umbrans share with the darkness that empowers them and serve as milestones of their existence in the shadow.

At the core of their societal ethos is the Archives of Night, a clandestine collection of libraries that house the vast knowledge and arcane secrets accumulated over centuries. Guarded by potent magics, these archives are accessible solely to Umbrans, symbolizing the collective wisdom of their kind and their dedication to the preservation of their esoteric lore.

Despite these connections, Umbrans are guided by the Pact of Solitude, an implicit understanding that respects the intrinsic solitary nature of their kind. This pact affirms their commitment to individual pursuits and the privacy each Umbran holds sacred, ensuring a balance between the collective aspects of their society and the personal freedom each Umbran cherishes.

Woven through the fabric of Umbran society is the Creed of Balance, a philosophical foundation that governs their interactions with the broader world. This creed acknowledges the profound impact their actions can have on the delicate balance between light and darkness, chaos and order. Umbrans navigate their existence with a pragmatic understanding that their survival and the preservation of their powers hinge on the stability of the magical forces that underpin the world.

Thus, Umbran society unfolds as a paradox, where connection and isolation coexist within a tradition-bound yet fiercely individualistic framework. This society, veiled in secrecy and complexity, mirrors the nature of the Umbrans themselves—creatures of profound depth and intrigue, forever moving in the spaces between the known and the unknown, the light and the everlasting shadow.

Societal Norms[edit]

  • Greetings and Partings

Umbrans greet each other with a gesture known as the "Veil of Shadows," a subtle movement of the hand that mimics the ebb and flow of darkness. This greeting acknowledges the presence of another Umbran and pays homage to the shadows that bind them. Partings, in contrast, are often marked by the "Whisper of Nightfall," a soft utterance that wishes the departing Umbran safe passage through the shadows they navigate.

  • Attire and Adornments

Fashion among Umbrans is as much a reflection of their individuality as it is a statement of their affinity for the dark. Robes and garments are typically woven from materials that shimmer with a luster reminiscent of moonlight on a dark pool, often adorned with symbols and runes that hold personal significance. Jewelry is not merely ornamental but often serves as talismans or focus points for their magic, each piece carefully chosen for its properties and resonance with shadow energy.

  • Dietary Preferences

The Umbrans' diet is as peculiar as one might expect, favoring foods that are rich in essence and vitality. They are particularly fond of fruits and vegetables that flourish in the absence of sunlight, acquiring unique properties and flavors. Beverages are often infused with herbs and essences drawn from the nocturnal flora, believed to enhance their connection to the shadow realms they so closely cherish.

  • Leisure and Pastimes

Leisure among Umbrans often involves activities that deepen their bond with the shadows or expand their arcane knowledge. Shadow weaving, an art form that manipulates darkness into intricate patterns and scenes, is a popular pastime. Umbrans also engage in the study and collection of rare tomes and artifacts, a pursuit that often leads them on quests through the veiled corners of the world.

  • Social Gatherings

While inherently solitary, Umbrans do partake in occasional gatherings, usually coinciding with celestial events or significant shifts in the magical currents of the world. These gatherings are subdued affairs, emphasizing shared contemplation, the exchange of arcane knowledge, and the reinforcement of their collective bond to the shadow. Music, when present, is soft and haunting, often employing instruments that mimic the sounds of the night.

  • Education and Training

From a young age, Umbrans are taught to harness and respect the power of the shadow. Education is a personal journey, guided by mentors who tailor their teachings to the aptitudes and interests of their charges. This individualized approach ensures that each Umbran develops a unique connection to the shadows, fostering a diversity of skills and perspectives within their society.

Turian Names[edit]

Turian is a language with names similar to human ones in the future.

Male: Valtor, Sylas, Kyrin, Zephyrus, Mordran, Thren, Xarion, Orin, Gavrel, Dravyn, Fenris, Calix, Zevran, Orion, Atrius, Venor, Draken, Erevan, Soren, Nyvar

Female: Nyxara, Liora, Seris, Vespera, Elyndra, Thalria, Mirela, Arixis, Dyrin, Sylith, Velora, Kestra, Arisyn, Nyssa, Elara, Syrana, Iverenne, Olyndra, Taryn, Lysara

Umbran Traits[edit]

Umbrans are enigmatic beings who draw their power from the shadows, adept in arcane arts and shrouded in mystery.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2, and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Age. Umbrans mature at the same rate as humans but live several centuries, often retaining their youthful appearance well into their old age.
Alignment. Umbrans tend toward neutrality, embodying a balance between order and chaos, good and evil, much like the shadows from which they draw power.
Size. Umbrans range from under 5 feet to over 6 feet tall, with slender builds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can speak, read and write in Common and one other language of your choice.

Shadow Sight[edit]

Umbrans have evolved to see perfectly in the darkest of environments, a trait known as Shadow Sight. This ability allows them to discern colors, shapes, and details in total darkness as though it were bright daylight. Unlike typical darkvision, Shadow Sight does not turn the world into shades of gray but instead reveals the environment in its full vibrancy, albeit tinged with a subtle aura of shadow. This unique vision makes Umbrans exceptional navigators of the night and formidable opponents in the dark.

Umbrans can see in darkness (both natural and magical) without any penalty to a range of 120 feet. Within this range, they can discern colors, shapes, and details just as well as they would in bright light.

Umbran Vulnerability[edit]

The Umbrans' deep bond with the shadows and the night comes with a significant trade-off: a pronounced vulnerability to bright light. This sensitivity manifests in several ways, impacting their abilities and comfort in illuminated environments.

  • Light Sensitivity

Condition : While in direct sunlight or within the radius of magical bright light (e.g., Daylight spell), Umbrans suffer disadvantage on attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

  • Diminished Arcane Power

Rule : When casting spells that are shadow-based or have darkness as a theme, Umbrans find their magic dampened in bright light. Spell save DCs and spell attack rolls for these spells are made with a -2 penalty when the caster is in bright light.

  • Sunscorch Syndrome

Effect : After spending more than 1 hour continuously in direct sunlight, Umbrans must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC 15) or suffer the effects of Sunscorch. This condition imposes disadvantage on all ability checks, saving throws, and attack rolls. The condition lasts until the affected Umbran spends at least 1 hour in dim light or darkness, resting.

  • Persistent Light Exposure

Fatigue : Continuous exposure to bright light for more than 2 hours forces an Umbran to make Constitution saving throws every hour (DC 10, increasing by 1 for each subsequent hour) or gain one level of exhaustion. Levels of exhaustion gained this way can only be recovered after spending 8 consecutive hours in dim light or darkness.

Arcane Affinity[edit]

Umbrans have a deep connection with the magical energies that flow through the world, especially those aligned with shadow and darkness. This affinity is not just spiritual or symbolic; it manifests in tangible benefits when they wield magic.

  • Spellcasting Ability Boost :

When an Umbran casts a spell that deals damage or has an effect directly related to darkness or shadow (as determined by the DM), they add an additional +1 to their spell attack rolls for such spells. This reflects their intrinsic understanding and command over shadow-related magic.

  • Spell Save DC Increase :

The Spell Save DC for any spell an Umbran casts that is related to darkness or shadow increases by +1. This makes their shadow-based magic slightly harder to resist, showcasing their expertise in manipulating the darker aspects of magic.

  • Magic Resistance :

Umbrans have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. This trait underscores their innate harmony with magical forces, granting them resilience against the spells of others.

Umbral Form[edit]

Umbrans have the ability to manipulate their form to become more attuned to the shadows, granting them enhanced stealth and resilience when in dim light or darkness.

  • Stealth Proficiency :

Umbrans are proficient in the Stealth skill. This proficiency reflects their natural inclination to move unseen and unheard in the shadows, making them adept at avoiding detection and moving with stealth.

  • Cloak of Shadows :

When an Umbran is in dim light or darkness, they gain a +2 bonus to their Armor Class. This bonus represents their ability to meld into the shadows and become more elusive, making it more difficult for enemies to land blows against them.

  • Shadowy Retreat :

Once per short rest, as a bonus action, an Umbran can meld partially into the shadows, granting them advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks until the end of their next turn. Additionally, during this time, they do not provoke opportunity attacks when they move out of an enemy's reach. This ability allows Umbrans to swiftly retreat or reposition themselves in combat, leveraging their affinity with darkness to evade detection and disengage from foes.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

5′ 4'' +2d8 110 lb. × (2d4) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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