Pigeonfolk (5e Race)

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Pigeonfolk resemble their namesake birds, with feathers ranging anywhere from shades of grey, green, and purple to whites, blacks, and browns. They have feathered wings extending from their backs, allowing them to navigate cityscapes and woods with ease. Their speech is punctuated by soft coos and trilling. Pigeonfolk are as adaptable as they are varied, you may see one roosting in the rafters of a tavern, guiding you through deep forests, or leading a temple.

Physical Description[edit]

Pigeonfolk stand at around 5 feet of tall, but look taller than they are due to their feathers and wings. Their feathers can range from sleek to bulky, especially around their necks. Their eyes are located on the sides of their heads and are normally brown, orange, or red. Pale blues, yellows, whites, and black are rarer eye colours but aren’t unheard of. Pigeonfolk are relatively light for their size, due to their hollow bones that allow them to fly.


Pigeonfolk are split into three distinct groups. Common Pigeonfolk are the most diverse an widespread, they’re often found in large numbers in cities, enjoying the busy urban life and mingling with other races. Common Pigeonfolk have an uncanny ability to always know where their home is relative to themselves no matter how unfamiliar the area they’re in. Common Pigeonfolk enjoy building sturdy communities with the people around them, no matter where they came from.

Wood Pigeonfolk form isolated communities in the countryside, they are typically shy but well meaning. Normally Wood Pigeonfolk villages only communicate with outsiders for trade purposes, unless they are in danger and require outside help. Travelling merchants make sure to stop by Wood Pigeonfolk communities to stock up on rare plants and herbs, as Wood Pigeonfolk are famous for their foraging skills. Because of their lifestyle, Wood Pigeonfolk often become Druids or Rangers.

Dovekin are Pigeonfolk with white feathers and long tails who don’t see themselves as Pigeonfolk, claiming to be a separate race entirely. Dovekin communities are usually structured and religious. Doctrine varies between communities but it centres around the belief that Dovekin were originally regular doves, until a Celestial blessed them, granting them sentience and Humanoid forms. The exact identity of this Celestial is a point of contention between Dovekin communities. Dovekin opinions on other Pigeonfolk range from ambivalence to contempt and disgust. Some Dovekin believe that other Pigeonfolk are crude imitations of them created by a powerful Fiend, while other Dovekin believe that they are simply another unrelated, albeit similar looking race.

Pigeonfolk Names[edit]

Names vary wildly between groups of Pigeonfolk. Common Pigeonfolk have no naming scheme of their own, instead using names from whatever other races are in their communities, but they do have unique family names made mostly of short cooing noises. Wood Pigeonfolk are typically named after plants or other features of their environments, Wood Pigeonfolk don’t use family names, instead using their village name as a surname. Dovekin use the same naming scheme for first names as Aasimars, and have surnames based on their role in their community.

Common Pigeonfolk family names: Prill, Cuu, Prr, Skoo, Krl

Wood Pigeonfolk first names: Aspen, Valley, Cattail, Buckwheat, Stream

Dovekin surnames: Alterserver, Priestson, Speaker, Missionary, Smith, Baker

Pigeonfolk Traits[edit]

Diverse Humanoids resembling their namesake bird.
Ability Score Increase. Increase one score by 2 and increase a different score by 1, or increase three different scores by 1.
Age. Pigeonfolk are adults at 15 and live up to 60 years.
Alignment. Common Pigeonfolk tend towards chaotic, Wood Pigeonfolk tend towards neutral, and Dovekin tend towards lawful.
Size. Common Pigeonfolk and Wood Pigeonfolk typically stand at around 5 feet tall, but Dovekin tend to be taller at around 5’8”. You are Medium or Small, choose when you select this race.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. You have a flying speed equal to your walking speed
Flight. Because of your wings you have a flying speed equal to your walking speed. You can’t use this flying speed if you’re wearing medium or heavy armour.
Lateral Vision. Your eyes are located on the sides of your head, giving you a much wider range of vision. You have proficiency in the Perception skill
Subrace. When you select this race, choose one of the following subrace options
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

Common Pigeonfolk[edit]

City Magic. You know the Thaumaturgy cantrip.
Homeward Recall. You always know where your home is relative to you, and you have advantage on any Wisdom (Survival) check you you make to navigate or track.

Wood Pigeonfolk[edit]

Land’s Gift. You know the Druidcraft cantrip.
Adept Forager. You find twice the amount of food while foraging (this doesn’t stack with the bonus from Favoured Terrain) and you have advantage to any Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom (Survival) checks to determine if a plant or mushroom is safe to consume.


Peace Symbol. You know the Light cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting modifier for this.
Religious Familiarity. You have advantage on Intelligence (Religion) checks to determine the origin of religious symbols and objects.

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