Kiggaroo (5e Race)
“ | We are descendants of a powerful lineage with the celestial qilin. Never forget this. That is who we are. | ” |
—Srathen Hui, Kiggaroo elder |
Physical Description[edit]
![]() |
By Yanied |
The kiggaroo are a race of descendants of what they claim to be the celestial kirin, or qilin. Their primary features resemble cervine humanoids. They are bipedal, with back-bent legs like that of deer, and hoofed feet. Like a satyr, their bodies below the waist tend to be covered in animal pelt instead of smooth skin. The pattern of this pelt differs from simple browns to even tiger-like stripes. Their head shape is elongated with a snout, and they grow branching horns from the crown of their skulls. The rest of their body is rather interesting, as it is far from what might be expected even of ki-rin. Their upper bodies are covered in fine scales that can be a variety of colors and shapes. They have a thin, rope-like tail ending in a tuft. They also sprout fin-like appendages on their backs and grow feathery tufts on their arms, leading to a rather chimerical appearance. Some say this hints at a more mixed heritage than from the celestial beast alone, but kiggaroo are adamant on their claims.
Regardless of their true ancestry, it is stipulated that kiggaroo originated from somewhere on the eastern land of Kara-Tur. It is possible that, rather than being descendants of the ki-rin, the kiggaroo's chimerical appearance is more related to the celestial dragons of the east, known as lung. However, kiggaroo records state that they were born of a ki-rin's blessing unto a struggling village deep within golden misty mountains. The blessing gave the village magical sustenance that eventually changed their bodies to give them celestial-like abilities so they could survive the drought across their land. The result led to their emergence as a different race of creatures altogether, which was discovered later, when the mountains were pierced by settlers escaping conflict from surrounding nation states. Since then, the kiggaroo have been open to society as an enigmatic race that claims to be blessed by the heavens.
Kiggaroo society is based on a monarchic structure, which rules over factions of their main village in the mountains. They consider this origin to be their sacred home, a root to which they can always return even if they would someday leave on their own individual odysseys. Their monarchy has a single king figure and an empress figure, both of which must concur for decisions to be made. Below them are the elders, who are formed from different leaders within the factions. Kiggaroo, being animist in belief, named these factions after the six terrains which constituted the lands around them: forest, cave, river, ocean, desert, and sky. The king figure is always chosen from the sky faction, also known as heaven. Their throne is at the tallest point within the original village body, which has since expanded to touch the surrounding lands. The king figure hosts a summit every year with all the village factions to discuss politics and societal issues, as well as seek guidance from the heavens.
While kiggaroo can be considered an advanced society, with well-made architecture and infrastructural advances, their economy relies on the barter system. This stems from a teaching about the nature of currency, which is believed to be a highly volatile thing. Money can be good or evil, but it can change a person as well. As such, it was decreed a long time ago that they would strictly trade goods and services as they are. However, this practice is very tedious and often annoying, to outsiders in particular who may come from a different society. Kiggaroo are naturally patient creatures who do not have a problem looking longer for what they need and what they can actually offer, which is how this bartering has not fallen to shambles yet.
Kiggaroo Names[edit]
Kiggaroo names are generally gender neutral. They draw on certain types of plants and other natural motifs that are considered sacred or have great mystical importance. For example, the hawthorns are considered auspicious fruits, but only when they are red. While they are developing, they are associated with poison, and are thus negative. Certain wisdom stone shapes are named with positive meaning more than others.
Names: Asper (Serut), Augur (Woodpecker), Celina (Moon), Echo, Eldroch (Adoxaceae), Kavern (Cave), Yuvon (Egg)
Kiggaroo Traits[edit]
The claimed descendants of qilin
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2 and one other score of your choice increases by 1.
Age. Most kiggaroo can live to be about 500 years at most. They age slowly and become adults at around 200 years old. Their bodies begin to deteriorate at elderly age after about 425 years.
Alignment. They typically are very neutral, preferring to keep to themselves. However, they do believe in doing charitable work and helping when they are around, mirroring the good of the celestials.
Size. Kiggaroo generally range between 4 feet up to 7 feet in height and have a slightly larger build than a human. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Celestial Fortitude. You were blessed whether by a celestial qilin or some other ancestor. You require half as much food and water per day as a normal creature your size.
Chimerical Versatility. The kiggaroo have a mystical body that is composed of many benefits which can change to aid them if the situation so calls for it. Choose one of the following traits below when you make this character. As part of a short or long rest, you can can change your choice to another trait on this list:
• Your legs strengthen for mountainous terrain, granting you a climbing speed equal to your walking speed.
• Your aquatic abilities surface and you can breathe both air and water.
• Drawing on the celestial blessings, you gain immunity to diseases.
Qilin Horn. Similar to the alicorn of unicorns, the horns of kiggaroo harness properties to ward off harm. You can cast detect poison and disease once, without any components with this trait. You must finish a short or long rest before you can use this trait again.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Draconic, and Sylvan.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
4′ 0'' | +3d12 | 150 lb. | × (5d10) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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