Seedrian (5e Race)
Physical Description[edit]
Seedrians are humanoid plant creatures with rounded heads and no noses. Their hair is leafy in nature and often accompanied by some additional plant. For females, this is some type of flower. For males, it is a type of wooden horn.
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Source: Sonic X |
Seedrians lived on the lush planet of Greengate until an otherworldly threat to their survival appeared. This threat nearly wiped the Seedrian race off the face of the universe. The only way that the Seedrians could combat them was by using something called Mover Mode, a transformation that turned them into giant monsters for offense, however, doing so cost them their lives. The only way for them to survive was to go off-world and run. However, a section of Seedrians chose to stay and fight. Finding out that they could use their planet's life force to extend their Mover Mode transformation. Doing so was a huge taboo, to the point where the fleeing Seedrians bombed the planet as they left.
Doing so made enemies of the Seedrians stay behind. They had progressed their evolution, going beyond the large monstrous appearances they once had to slender, sleek, almost construct-like forms. They grew exoskeletons made of Adamantine, and weapons to suit. Only five survived the fall of their home world. Those five proceeded to start up a faction called the Metarex. Together, they created ships to go beyond their home world and made an empire amongst the stars, creating factories for other Metarex as foot soldiers, star ships, generals, and warlords. Their ultimate goal is to wipe out the universe of animalistic life, leaving only a peaceful kingdom of plant life in its wake.
Seedrian culture is particularly druidic in nature, due to their intrinsic connection to plant life. While most are pacifistic, some seedrians are not above resorting to violence for the greater good. Additionally, not all plants are simply peaceful lifeforms that do no harm. Invasive plant life, such as the Kudzu plant, grows out to unfathomable lengths and steals soil from nearby plants, taking their nutrients, and even growing above others and stealing the sunlight from them.
Seedrian Names[edit]
Seedrian names typically are named after some type of plant, an element of space, or a combination thereof.
Seedrian Traits[edit]
Rounded plant-like creatures capable of transforming into giant monsters.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Age. Seedrians typically live for about 80 years.
Alignment. Seedrians typically are lawful, but can sway to be Good or Evil
Size. Adult Seedrians tend to range between 4 to 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Creature Type. You are a Plant
Plant senses. You are attuned to the soil around you. When you are on soil, you have tremorsense up to 10 feet.
One With Nature. You know one of the following cantrips of your choice: Light, Druidcraft, or Thorn Whip. Additionally, at 3rd level, you learn the Entangle spell. At 5th level, you learn the Speak with Plants spell. Once you cast Entangle or Speak with Plants with this trait, you can't cast that spell with it again until you finish a long rest. You can also cast either of those spells using any spell slots you have of the appropriate level. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells. When you cast them with this trait, they don't require components.
Photosynthesis. You are able to gain more energy from the sun. When in direct sunlight, whenever you expend a hit die, you may roll an additional hit die and add it to the total. You may do this an equal number of times to your proficiency bonus per long rest. Additionally, you do not need food as long as you get about 4 hours of sunlight per day.
Tree Powers Activate. When all hope is lost and you've matured to the right age, you take on a form that represents your will to protect all of nature as a sacrificial act for the sake of the next generation. As an Action, you may advance to the next form of your race, and become a tree. When you do so, your size becomes Large or Huge, your movement speed becomes zero, and you lose the ability to perform verbal, or somatic components for spells, attack, dodge, or use the skills Athletics, Acrobatics, Slight of Hand or Stealth. You gain vulnerability to fire, but resistance to bludgeoning and piercing damage. Additionally, the only way you may communicate with another individual is if they are casting Speak with Plants, or either you or they have Telepathy. You cannot transform back to what you once were by any means short of a Wish spell. You may only take this action if you have reached adulthood before or during the adventure or if a catastrophic event is occurring.
Languages. You know Common, primordial, and one other language of your choice.
Racial Feats[edit]
Mover Mode[edit]
Prerequisite: 8th level
As an Action, you activate Mover Mode. You turn into a massive, dinosaur-like creature. This feature replaces your Tree Powers Activate trait. While transformed You gain the following benefits:
- Your size becomes Huge.
- Your Strength score increases by 10, to a maximum of 30.
- Your unarmed strikes do 4d8 plus Strength Bludgeoning, Slashing, or Piercing damage (You choose when you transform).
- You Resist Bludgeoning, Slashing, and Piercing damage.
- You take Necrotic damage with each turn passed. This damage is equal to 2d12 plus your constitution modifier. This damage cannot be resisted or negated in any way.
You may stay transformed like this for a number of turns equal to your character level. After exceeding the transformation time or reaching 0 hit points while in this form, your character will die as the form drains them of their life force. This death cannot be subverted with anything less of the Wish spell, reverting to your normal state when being revived this way, not being able to transform into this state again until 1 week has passed.
Metarex Evolution[edit]
Prerequisite: Mover Mode feat
- Your Constitution increases by 1
- You no longer take Necrotic damage per turn in your Mover Mode, but you become stuck in this form and cannot transform back to what you once were by any means short of a Wish spell.
- Your AC is 20. You cannot don armor but can use a shield.
- You gain access to one weapon. You are proficient with this weapon, even if you would not normally be.
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