Skyrynthee (5e Race)
“ | What binds us to the ground, be it the birds, you, me, the clouds... All chained by an indiscriminate and invisible force. | ” |
—A common skyrynthee saying. |
Physical Description[edit]

Skyrynthees are peoples with a thin layer of gray hair that covers their entire humanoid body. Their skin underneath is quite visible due to the thinness of the hair, and one can see it ranges from a hue of pale grey to greyish purple. This hair does not cover their hands, feet, and face as much. Each of their prehensile fingers and toes are tipped with black nails. These nails grow for as long as the skyrynthee lives, reaching long and gnarled lengths of five feet if left unattended to. Their hands and feet look like that of humans. Their faces are also human, but with the eerie stillness of a mask almost, framed by their hair. At the top of their eyes are two small flaps that can open to show their hidden pair of eyes. Their eyes are wholly pink in color, and reflective. From the sides of their ears poke out two, pointed ears. The neck of a skyrynthee is capable of stretching up to a foot out, and its flexible like a giraffe's.
Their hairy bodies provide ample "clothing" for skyrynthees, who are generally loathe to dress up in the conventional sense of clothing. The most they will do usually is put on something like jewelry and frivolous adornment. Even these tend to be more simple than anything intricate like filigree or beads. This fashion sense applies to both males and females. Skyrynthees regularly file their nails, though they will leave the middle one to grow long. This is an important finger to the skyrynthees, which they use to manipulate gravity, by ominously pointing it at something or someone.
The skyrynthees recall a strange origin. Their legends state that they originally originated from some place like the Elemental Plane of Air, where their members lived in a city that floated through the sky. An event they call the Drawing Closer caused their world to end overnight, plummeting into the Material Realm and smashing down, rendering them earthbound in their current state. Their city, whose name is written out from even their own historical records, was rendered to ruined rubble and the people were broken. Various theories of hubris circulate as to the reason why they lost their home. However, elders of the race recall it as a moment of epiphany. They observed as other air elementals also plummeted from their lofty statuses, like how the genies who opposed to gods came to be struck down and turned into ghouls. The epiphany was that anyone can fall. In light of this, the skyrynthees picked up the pieces of their surviving members and began to make their life on this new plane, intent on watching others tumble like they had.
For the most part, skyrynthees are rare creatures. One large group of them, known as the Athoral, is nomadic and travels the lands. The Athoral is led by a singular monarch-like figure who commands the greatest praise of the Gravity. Sparse, individually scattered skyrynthee exist as well. The Athoral commonly visits other towns and cities, almost in a monastic pilgrimage manner. They do not have a home of their own, but seem content in traversing the land. Their appearances often can be frightening, and so many adopt long, flowing robes and face coverings. When not in cities, they are known to make temporary dwellings within caves and even unsavory locations like graveyards and crypts. After they are done with these spaces, people report strange phenomena around the area sometimes, like rocks which are left suspended in the air for days or a strange stillness in the air. As such, skyrynthees are regarded with caution and seen as a big wild card, though not many would say they were mistreated.
- Trading
Skyrynthees are known to be skilled artisans of pottery and paints, a skill set likely dating before the Drawing Closer. They are highly able in extraction of colors from natural sources, even grotesque ones. Skyrynthees can tell the difference between the different reds derived from different organs ground to make the paints, as well as the yellows of bile from healthy and unhealthy creatures. They combine these bodily elements sometimes within their pottery sometimes, producing alien results of organic and unsettling pieces. Since their coming to this realm, they have also taken up fur collecting and bone harvesting, acting as scavengers of the dead. These can be used as jewelry and a sign of status for skyrynthees. These different artistic talents paint a strange and often horrifying image of what skyrynthees see as beauty.
- Philosophy
Most skyrynthees were impacted one way or another by the Drawing Closer, which reformed their worldview into that of a truly egalitarian one. They do not worship a deity, but rather believe in the Gravity. It is a school of thought unique to the skyrynthees that an invisible force commands all, and none are above it. So long as this is true, then everyone is beneath and on the same level of being controlled by this force. As such, skyrynthees do not condone acts that undermine others, like slavery, and are vehemently opposed to hierarchical structure. Even the monarch of the Athoral is merely a title, and there have been records of murdering the monarch when the other members of the Athoral found them too overbearing. As such, skyrynthees are very anarchic and chaotic in most eyes. The belief in the school of Gravity has led many skyrynthees to awaken a power within themselves long thought lost, which was inherent Graviturgy.
Skyrynthee Names[edit]
While they do have their own supposed language, called Skyör, it is a very niche and little-known tradition. When speaking Skyör, the skyrynthees communicate in a strange and alien form of rattling syllables alongside airy and guttural vowels. It is believed they have specially formed air ways that allow them to perform this way, and extending or retracting their neck produces different sounds, much like an accordion.
Male: Yiraqwl, Tsurawl, Yiore
Female: Sionarel, Raquelrawr, Riearwl
Skyrynthee Traits[edit]
Strange people who fell from the sky and believe strongly in gravity
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1 and one other score of your choice increases by 2.
Age. Most skyrynthee live to be about 300. They are called mature once they reach 20. Age does not show easily on their bodies.
Alignment. They tend to be chaotic, as they believe all to be equal under the laws of gravity. While their ways are often creepy and alien, they are far from evil.
Size. Skyrynthee tend to be a bit taller than the average human, and can be taller than 7 feet with their necks fully extended. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. Due to the skyrynthee's special senses of color, you can discern color in darkness.
Inner Gravity. You can cast earthbind and levitate with this trait, using Wisdom as your spellcasting ability for them. Once you cast either spell, you can't cast it again with this trait until you finish a short or long rest.
Unsettling Visage. You are proficient in the Intimidation skill.
Second Eyes. If you are blinded, you can open your second pair of eyes to end the condition on yourself once. You regain use of this trait after you finish a long rest.
Languages. Skyrynthees speak the guttural screeching called Skyör with each other, which has no written equivalent. You can also speak, read, and write in Common, though you have a heavy accent, probably with lots of guttural and rasping pronunciations similar to words in Skyör.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
5′ 9'' | +2d8 | 160 lb. | × (1d8) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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