Monkey-Bird (5e Race)
“ | For crying out loud! When are we gonna eat? | ” |
Physical Description[edit]
Monkey-Birds are an intelligent hybrid species of tropical monkey and a parrot combined. They have bright golden fur on their torsos and a golden beak for a mouth, but their most notable feature is their multicolored feathers and winged arms and legs that can reach a 6-foot wingspan when fully expanded. These feathers come in various vibrant colors and are arranged in unique rainbow-like patterns across the body of each Monkey-Bird. Monkey-Birds also have long, colorful tails which they can use to grasp tree branches, large primate-style ears that give them great sound perception, and hands with opposable thumbs and raptor-taloned bird feet they use to expertly climb both natural and urban environments with ease.
Monkey-Birds were originally created through magic by cold hearted wizards so that they could be sold as exotic pets, until they eventually became popular companions among the various pirate crews that sailed the high seas, due to their natural charm and mischievous nature. Over the centuries these creatures were kept as useful servants and bred for their intelligence, until eventually a handful of them managed to escape from their servitude aboard pirate ships, and built a life for themselves on the various uninhabited islands that can be found scattered throughout the seas. In time, small Monkey-Bird villages grew into entire island civilizations built with the scavenged remnants of shipwrecks and seized pirate ships which had the unfortunate luck of running into the descendants of the Monkey-Birds they had once enslaved.
Monkey-Birds are known for their cunning intelligence and vibrant personality. Due to their ancestry, many Monkey-Birds avoid living in human societies, but can often be found in areas of wilderness, especially in tropical and subtropical islands. They live in large familial groups in a manner much like wild primates but will live in structures much more akin to human shelters. Typically, Bird-Monkeys like to make their homes high up in the trees, where they can glide away to safety if any threat approaches. These treehouses can range from very simple and "nestlike" in design, to incredibly large and complex living spaces, but will always be primarily made out of wood.
Being small in stature, Monkey-Birds generally try to avoid combat, but will fight ferociously if their families or their homes are threatened. Many Monkey-Birds come from small island nations that have only recently been rediscovered by the outside world. Monkey-Bird civilizations tend to avoid contact with outsiders and will even attack them on sight, though others have managed to establish trade routes with other island nations and even negotiated alliances with mainland kingdoms. Monkey-Bird islands are valued for their various exotic fruits and plants, as well as wild animals and mineral riches, which fuel the backbone of Monkey-Bird economies. Though they can eat anything a human can, a monkey-bird’s main staple is a fruit called the Monga Melon. Monga melons are fruits about the size and shape of large cantaloupes, with vibrant watermelon-like markings on their exterior that range between light green and blue-green in color. On the inside, the fruit is bright golden yellow in a manner similar to mangos, and produces a sweet aroma and golden liquid which can be made into Monga juice. The taste of this fruit is said to be some combination of banana, mango, and strawberry flavor, and is beloved by all of Monkey-Bird kind.
Despite the rise of Monkey-Bird island nations, many Monkey-Birds have never heard of their islander relatives, having instead remained within human dominated coastal regions and assimilated into the urban society which surrounds them. Monkey-Birds who remain in human dominated regions often offer their services as messengers, scouts, mercenaries, and adventurers so that they may earn enough gold to sail away and live like kings in some far away land free of human influence.
Monkey-Bird Names[edit]
Monkey-Birds names originally came from the pirates who named them. These kinds of names were often rough, thuggish, and simple in nature.
Examples include: Scoundrel, Dagger, Bones, Pistol, Knuckles, Cannon, Tooth, Plank and so on.
Among islander Monkey-Birds however, much more vibrant and colorful names have emerged. Islander Monkey-Birds tend to name themselves after colorful items, gems and delicious fruits, with last names being inspired by the natural landmarks of their birthplace. No obvious distinction exists in naming between genders.
First Names: Sunrise, Oranges, Mangus, Berry, Flowers, Ruby, Silvur, Gold, Jade, Pearl, Sunny, Wave, Maroon
Last Names: Mountainside, Flowertree, Highcliff, Shipwreck, Lostcove, Shallowater, Rivers, Wildvines
Monkey-Bird Traits[edit]
Spider monkey/parrot hybrid.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Charisma score increases by 1.
Age. Monkey-Birds mature at age 7 and live to be about 70 years old.
Alignment. A monkey-bird's natural tendency is chaotic good.
Size. Monke-Birds stand about 3 feet tall. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet, and you have a climb speed of 25 feet.
Keen Senses. A monkey-bird's keen senses give you proficiency in the Perception skill.
Glide. When you fall at least 10 feet above the ground, you can use your reaction to extend your wings to glide horizontally a number of feet equal to your walking speed +5, and you take 0 damage from the fall. You determine the direction of the glide.
Tail. Your tail is extremely flexible, allowing it to be used for many of the same things as an arm. However, it is also useful when unencumbered for climbing and balancing. You may use your tail in one of three ways at any time, and it will be considered encumbered:
- You may use an object with your tail. This can include throwing a lever, using a tool, or activating a magic item. You cannot use an item held in your tail to make an attack, and using a tool to make an ability check with your tail imposes disadvantage on the roll. For the purposes of activating a magic item, your tail is considered to be a hand.
- You may wear a small shield on your tail. The AC bonus provided by the shield is reduced by 1, however it is otherwise fully functional as a shield.
- You may use your tail to fulfill Somatic components of spells.
When you are not using your tail in any of these ways, it instead acts as a natural counterweight to bolster your athletic capabilities. When your tail is free, you receive a climbing speed of 35 feet, and you may double your proficiency bonus on Athletics and Acrobatics checks.
Avian Predator. Your talons and beak are natural weapons with which you make unarmed strikes. You can choose between using your talons or beak to deal 1d4 + Strength slashing or piercing damage alternatively. This increases to 1d6 at 5th level.
Exotic Armor Cost. A monkey-bird must pay an additional 15% when purchasing armor due to the modifications needed for their wings.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice. When monkey-birds speak, their speech is interspersed with parrot-like squawks and monkey sounds. They can communicate with birds and primates as easily as if they were speaking Common.
Cutthroat Bird-Monkey[edit]
Cutthroat Bird-Monkeys have either gone back to or never left the life of piracy, and serve as hired mercenaries on the high seas. Although small, these Bird-Monkeys pack a punch in combat, and are perfectly capable of fighting against opponents larger than themselves.
Tiny Terror. With a smaller body, your rage becomes concentrated. You gain advantage on attack rolls against creatures larger than yourself.
Shipwreck Bird-Monkey[edit]
Shipwreck Bird-Monkey are infamous for their ability to infiltrate ships and inspire mutiny among poorly treated crewmembers. These Bird-Monkeys excel at sabotage and have infamously led to the sinking of entire ships.
Sly Nature. You are proficient in Dexterity(Sleight of Hand) and Charisma (Persuasion) checks.
Skyreach Bird-Monkey[edit]
Skyreach Bird-Monkey's have evolved the ability to fully achieve powered flight instead of just glide. They are able to use this ability to travel between islands and across seas, often getting hired as scouts or long-distance messengers, though they have been known alter messages for their own benefit (such as when they stole the deed to an entire island from a royal nobleman).
Flight. You have a flying speed of 30 feet. To use this speed, you can’t be wearing medium or heavy armor.
Vicegrip Bird-Monkey[edit]
Vicegrip Bird-Monkeys are named after their powerful talons, which they will use to grasp objects they wish to steal, or objects they refuse to relinquish. It is said that once a coin is in the talons of a Vicegrip Bird-Monkey, only greed, not death, can cause them to release it.
Predatory Talons. Your strong, powerful talons make it easy for you to grab things. You have advantage in Strength (Athletics) checks to grapple.
Echobeak Bird-Monkey[edit]
Echobeak Bird-Monkeys are known for their impressive vocal abilities. Thanks to their wide vocal range, Echobeak Bird-Monkeys are able to copy the voice of any animal or individual they hear. This is incredibly useful for espionage purposes, but also makes them charismatic comedians at parties.
Mimicry. You can mimic sounds you have heard, including voices. A creature that hears the sounds you make can tell they are imitations with a successful Wisdom (Insight) check opposed by your Charisma (Deception) check.
Windhowler Bird-Monkey[edit]
Windhowlers are infamous for their terrifying monkey-like battle cries, which they use to drive fear into the hearts of their enemies before an attack. Only the most hardened explorers can hear the shriek of a Windhowler and continue progress into the jungles they inhabit.
Monkey Growl. You can growl loudly and scare creatures in the vicinity with your vocal power. As an action, each creature within 10-feet of you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be frightened until the end of your next turn or until they take damage. The DC for this saving throw is 10 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier. After you use your mighty roar, you can’t use it again until you complete a short or long rest.
Islandborn Bird-Monkey[edit]
Having been raised on tropical islands, Islandborn are able to hunt for their own food using rudimentary weapons which they can also skillfully wield for war. These Bird-Monkeys have been known to raid pirate ships that sail too close to their islands, slaying the crew and taking any items of value before sinking the ship below turbulent waves.
Islander Combat Training. You have proficiency with the spear, javelin, and trident.
Highvine Bird-Monkey[edit]
These Bird-Monkey's are known for their ability to swing through the trees and leap from vine to vine with ease, using this to outmaneuver their opponents in jungle environments.
Primal Swiftness. You are proficient in the Acrobatics skill.
Wildfeather Bird-Monkey[edit]
Wildfeather Bird-Monkeys are those who have recently gained their freedom, usually by escaping to an uninhabited island and forging a life for themselves there. These Bird-Monkeys often live alone or in very small groups, and prefer to live off the land by hunting and gathering rather than engaging in trade or commerce with civilization.
Survival of the Fittest. You are proficient in the Nature and Survival skills.
Witchbone Bird-Monkey[edit]
Instead of passing on to the afterlife, some Monkey-Birds have been forced to reanimate as undead skeletons to continue serving under cruel masters with access to necrotic magic and the secrets to undeath. Though rare, Witchbone Monkey-Birds have been known to serve alongside undead pirate crews, or as minions to powerful sea hags.
Skeletal Nature. Your creature type is undead instead of beast. You do not need to eat, drink, or breathe. Instead of sleeping, you enter an inactive state for 4 hours each day. You do not dream in this state and are fully aware of your surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal. Additionally, you are immune to poison damage and diseases, but vulnerable to bludgeoning damage.
Skeletal Frame. Since your body has been reduced to a mere skeleton, you are even more light-footed and swift than before. Your walking and climbing speed increases to 30 feet. Additionally, instead of giving you immunity, your glide ability only gives you resistance to fall damage, and only transports you horizontally a number of feet equal to half of your walking speed.
Pile of Bones. You may, as an action, collapse your form into a pile of bones. While you remain motionless, you are indistinguishable from a normal pile of bones. In this state, you are prone and your speed is 0.
Monkey-Bird Personality[edit]
When creating a Monkey-Bird character, you can use the following table of traits to help flesh out your character. Use this table in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.
d8 | Personality Trait |
1 | You don't think it is wrong to steal from other thieves. That's just karma at work. |
2 | For some reason, you have an affinity for befriending creatures far larger than yourself. You just feel more comfortable around them than those of your own size. |
3 | You're a bit of a prankster and like to engage in playful activities and party, sometimes maybe even a little too much. |
4 | You are claustrophobic and terrified of being locked in cages, and will do whatever it takes to avoid or escape such a predicament. |
5 | You find fruits so absolutely delicious, that you can be easily distracted by them, or tempted by the promise of a fruit flavored delicacy. |
6 | You love the outdoors and prefer the wilderness to being cooped up indoors or underground in a dungeon. |
7 | You don't just love gold for its monetary value, but also for its own sake as well. You appreciate the color and its shiny properties; you love gold so much you'd even take a bath in it, if only you were rich enough. |
8 | You are somewhat paranoid and seem to always be on the lookout for danger. Some say you're afraid to run into someone, others think you have a guilty conciseness. |
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
3′ 3'' | +1d6 | 40 lb. | × (1d4) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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