Enkindled (5e Race)
The Enkindled are beings that have absorbed a shard of divinity from a fallen god. While they are rare, those that are aware of what they have become are even rarer. For most, this process occurs either before they are born or during their infantcy. Shards of divinity have an unconscious will of their own and naturally seek out those that suited to harness its power.
Physical Description[edit]
Almost identical to their birth race, the Enkindled can be hard to identify to those without specilaized knowledge and skills. However, they are unique in that their hair and eyes are universally white and gold respectively - a sign of being touched by the divine. In rare cases, if the shard of divinity they inherited is strong enough, they may manifest some physical features of the fallen god it came from.
As most Enkindled's true status go unrecognized, they have no set history across the planes. Despite the mystery surrounding their power, Enkindled are born gifted. Those gifts often translating to them leaving their mark on history in one way or another. Fame and infamy follow them closely.
Enkindled are exceedingly rare. Most will live their long lives without ever meeting another of their kind. Only in the most turbulent of planes, where gods war and die like mortals, do they have any society to speak of.
Enkindled Names[edit]
As most know nothing of Enkindled, their names follow the standard conventions of their birth race.
Enkindled Traits[edit]
The results of being shaped and molded by a shard of divinity.
Ability Score Increase. Increase of two your ability scores increase by 2.
Age. Your shard of divinity prolongs your life. You live twice as long as normal members of your race.
Alignment. Can be of any alignment. May be influenced by the god your spark came from.
Size. With in range of your birth race. Tend to be hardier and healthier.
Speed. Same as birth race.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Origin Trait. You retain one trait from your birth race.
Divine Will. You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened, charmed, and stunned condition.
Divine Inheritance. You can choose two feats of your choice that you meet the requirements for. Must not grant ASI. Should discuss with DM.
Divine Resistance. You are resistance to one damage type decided by the god your spark came from.
Divine Constitution. You are immune to disease.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language in line with the god your spark came from.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Follow any guidelines given by your bith race
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