Waterfolk (5e Race)

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Physical Description[edit]

Waterfolk are partially humanoid creatures built up of water. Waterfolk can take various forms of their choice based on other races they have seen. they may only change forms while submerged in water. Underwater waterfolk take a color darker than the water in the place they are currently in.


Waterfolk are said to be experiments of a higher being. There are tales of people who swear they have seen waterfolk appearing out of nowhere in the undersea. While some believe this is true it is hard to get a waterfolk to talk to you about it as their response is almost always "I dont know".


Waterfolk tend to live by themselves or with very few people. They are very curious as most waterfolk start with little to no knowledge other than to speak, read, and write Aquan. Many waterfolk write about things they find, see, or even taste in some instances.

Waterfolk reproduce by finding another waterfolk and merging into one underwater and absorbing any nutrient in their path. In this state they appear as a blob of water with various things they may have picked up floating inside. This process lasts around 2-3 weeks until a new waterfolk is made.

Waterfolk Names[edit]

Waterfolk tend to name their children based off of things they have wrote about, colors they have seen, or even just words they hear the locals of near by towns say. They tend to use unisex names as they do not really know the difference between genders.

Names: Coral, Sand, Tide, Fan, Kelp, Shell, Splash.

Watefolk Traits[edit]

You are made of water, this allows you to do many things others cannot.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Age. Waterfolk are created fully matured physically as they can manipulate their size whenever. They mentally mature at the age of 4 and die around the age of 90.
Alignment. Waterfolk tend to stick to being good or lawful, however an evil Waterfolk is not unheard of.
Size. Watefolk are born as blobs of water and take on the size of a race they learn about. this is limited as a waterfolk can not go above medium size. your size is small or medium.
Speed. Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Made of Water. As a waterfolk you are made of water. you can use shape water on yourself but it takes 1d6 of your hit points.
Water Dependent. Waterfolk are dependent on water. During a long or short rest you must be submerged in water or else gain 1 point of exhaustion.
One with the Water. Waterfolk are able to manipulate their body with water. being submerged in water you can grow or shrink in size up as long as you do not go above the medium size, and in addition, drinking water out of battle can heal you for a 1d6 per glass.
Spells of the Sea. Being a waterfolk, some spells have been passed down to you (if you randomly appeared it was most likely knowledge you spawned with). You know the cantrip shape water.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Aquan (Common if your DM allows and it is more suitable for the campaign

Random Height and Weight[edit]

4′ 0'' +1d6 60 lb. × (1d6) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

(one vote)

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