Fae Folk (5e Race)

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Fae Folk[edit]

Seemingly abandoned by their creator, the nameless fae folk often struggle to find their place in the world. Often labeled as tricksters due to their onomancy, very few choose to wander from their homes, acting as nature guardians, guide's for any travelers who may wander by, or secluded hermits.

Physical Description[edit]

Fae folk vary wildly in appearance, displaying features found in almost all other humanoid races, though most appear similar to humans or elves. Some also show minor animal like features, such as small antlers or patches of scales/feathers on their joints. Their height also varies significantly, ranging from barely 4 feet tall to almost 8 feet. Their eyes tend to be much more vibrant colors than those found in other creatures, with adult fae folk eyes glowing faintly.


Once a much more prevalent race, fae folk now find themselves on their last legs. Cursed to be nameless after their creator, a lesser deity now wiped from the memories and records of the world, was defeated in a battle long ago. Since this event, the fae folk have found their influence waning greatly, with their population measuring in the thousands, if not even less. Their formerly great cities, now reduced to ruin after centuries of decay, are considered cursed, with those who enter these decrepit remnants of the old fae society said to be wiped from existence itself, never to be remembered again.


Though some fae folk do wander from their original homes, most live a secluded life within the magic-rich forest near their former capitals. Small villages of 5-10 exist, though most choose to live either alone, or with a single partner. Though they are normally shunned by other societies due to their name-stealing onomancy, some fae folk dedicate themselves to earning the trust of the other races, and can be found living among smaller communities outside of their own.

Fae Folk Names[edit]

Fae folk do not have names of their own, instead claiming the name of other creatures that they encounter. When not actively claiming a name, Fae folk may refer to each other by generic names based on natural objects, or stand-out physical features of their base appearance. They may change this name frequently, or simply go by whatever name another person calls them.

Male: Stone, Pine, Gust, Stump

Female: Tulip, Petal, River, Leaf

Fae Folk Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2 and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Age. Fae folk reach maturity roughly 20 years after their creation, and can live for roughly 1000 years
Alignment. Fae folk tend to lean towards more neutral alignments, with few being overtly good, and even less being evil. They also lean more towards chaotic alignments.
Size. Fae folk vary wildly in size, from just over 4 feet tall to well over 7 feet tall. Your size is Medium regardless.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. 60 ft.
Sprite form. As an action, you may take on the form of a tiny sprite. While in this form, your size becomes Tiny, you gain a flying speed of 20 ft., and you can fit into any space no smaller than 4 inches. However, you cannot attack or cast spells while in this form. If you are hit with an attack or spell in this form, you revert to your normal form if you have space to do so.
Onomancy. You have the ability to gain various benefits by claiming the true name of another creature. This trait is detailed below.
Fey Ancestry. You are immune to magical effects that would effect your age or put you to sleep.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Elvish and Sylvan


Fae Folk, while they do not possess names themselves, can claim the names of other creatures, granting them various benefits. When you hear a creature speak their true name (That being the name that they are most represented by, whether that is their birth name or one given to or chosen by them later in life.) You may make an attempt to claim that name for yourself. If you do, the creature must make a Wisdom saving throw with a DC of 8 + your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus. On success, you claim that creatures name for yourself. After you use this feature, regardless of whether you succeed or fail, you can not use it again until you finish a long rest. Whether the creature succeeds or fails they are unaware of the use of this feature.

You can claim a number of names equal to your proficiency bonus. If you claim another name while already having claimed the maximum amount allowed, you must concede one of your already claimed names. Whenever you finish a short or long rest, you may choose to which of you claimed names to become "active", causing various effects described below.

Other fae folk, as well as creatures that cannot speak at least one language, do not have a true name. In order to attempt to claim a name, you must hear it from the creature who owns the name, not from any other source.

Onomancy Effects[edit]

Dissociate. The original owner of your active claimed name suffers minor penalties when within your proximity. When you are within 60 ft. of the owner of your active name, they have disadvantage on all Persuasion, Deception, or Insight checks that they make against you.

Altered Form. Your form changes exactly to reflect your active name. You become up to 6 inches taller or shorter if the names owner is taller/larger or shorter/smaller than you respectively. Your ears, teeth, and eyes become the exact to those of the names owner, and you grow small patches of fur, scales, etc. across your body if the names owner possesses those features as well as the languages the owner possessed at the time. Additionally, you may change your appearance at will to match those whose names you've claimed and can only target humanoid creatures.

Stolen Identity. You have advantage on Deception checks in order to convince someone that you are the identity of your active name. You can also attempt to look into the recent memories of the active name talk to GM for roll specs.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

3′ 10'' +6d8 30 lb. × (2d4) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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