Zhi'thal (5e Race)
Work In Progress |
“ | The slimy things they are can clean the earth of what might come. In a sense, they are better than vultures. Quieter, for sure. However, they stink, if I must say anything. But they are more afraid of you and I, often, than you might be on a glance. | ” |
—Drafgun Jintailor, groundskeeper of the Rethundel Graveyard |
Physical Description[edit]

The zhi'thal appear to be humanoids in a very vague sense. Their bodies are almost nebulous in shape and are dark colors of black, green, and sometimes a rare blue or very dull yellow. These bodies of theirs are extremely shiny and slippery due to a thick coating of slime they secrete constantly. This slime is also very pungent and usually smells of corpses. The smell intensifies when a zhi'thal feels threatened. A zhi'thal has no neck. Their heads have two small bumps that are both eyes and also taste and smell receptors. Under and between is their mouth, which is circular and conceals a series of serrated teeth that they use to eat food by shredding. Zhi'thal limbs can be hard to make out if not extended. They have gloopy arms and legs that are thick and stumpy, with three fingers per hand and three toes per foot. Their arms and legs do not have wrists or ankles. The softness of their bodies would make one think they lack bones and are like slimes. However, internal examination has revealed that they do actually have structure and organs. It analogous to cartilage cushioning gummies.
The Zhi'thal were introduced at the dawn of all things, slipping into reality like a pest into a home. Their mere presence causes the other races to recoil in disgust at this thing that should not be. Any discovery of these parasites is typically met with their swift end, and as such, there are very few still haunting this plane. Those that are still around, however, are very proficient at hiding their true nature from those around them. Some even spending decades in a host body before moving on to the next.
Attitudes and Beliefs[edit]
The Zhi'thal take on host bodies to seemingly gather information about the societies that dwell on this plane. Their motive is unknown to all save for themselves.
Zhi'thal Names[edit]
The Zhi'thal do not have names of their own, instead taking on the name of their current host.
Zhi'thal Traits[edit]
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2 and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Age. The Zhi'thal themselves are immune to the ravages of time. The same cannot be said for their host, which ages much faster than other of its kind.
Alignment. Zhi'thal tend towards neutrality, preferring to learn from their surroundings over influencing it.
Size. The Zhi'thal are a fleshy, slug-like creature roughly the size of a house cat. Your size is Tiny.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 15 feet. Additionally, you have a swimming and climbing speed of 15 feet.
Tremorsense. You have tremorsense to a range of 30 feet.
Facade. You may cast Disguise Self at will with a duration of 2 hours. You may use this trait once before needing to take a Long Rest.
Ancient Knowledge. You gain proficiency in History, if you already have proficiency, gain expertise instead. Additionally, gain proficiency in Deception, Persuasion, or Medicine.
Host Body. Zhi'thal can resurrect recently deceased humanoids as hosts by burrowing into the chest cavity and entering a cocoon-like state. While controlling a host, replace your, move speed, languages, and proficiencies with the host's. Upon the host body being reduced to 0 hit points, you may choose to abandon your host body instead of going unconscious and making death saves. While in your larval form, your hit point maximum equals 4 plus your character level and you gain the ability to reform your most recent host body over the course of 24 hours, after which point the host emerges from a fleshy cocoon with none of your previous equipment. Additionally, upon taking on a host body, you gain all of the knowledge the person had during their life, but lose your cumulative knowledge until you revert to your larval form.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write any languages spoken by your host body.
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