Yuan-ti halfbreed (5e Race)

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Physical Description[edit]

Yuan-ti halfbreeds possess a humanoid head and torso and a long, serpentine tail. They are usually slender, with lean bodies that mask the strength hidden within their reptilian musculature. Their eyes have a vertically slit pupil. While pureblood Yuan-tis usually bear themselves with a cold, arrogant indifference or contempt towards others, halfbreeds are far more empathetic in comparison.


The Yuan-ti halfbreeds are a byproduct of Yuan-ti and their slaves inter breeding. Yuan-ti that keep these offsprings, often do so to use them for slave labour, sacrificial rituals, used as bait for hunting greater beasts and are, albeit in rare cases, cannibalized.


Halfbreeds, unlike their cousins, do not seem to hold the same apathy within them and can become empathetic to a fault. In the Yuan-ti society, halfbreed slaves try their best to stick together, sharing food with any halfbreeds that are sick and injured. Those knowing their fate in Yuan-ti society will often sneak gold and other treasures to buy safe passage away from Faerun and the Houses of the Coiled Cabal. But even the few that do find their freedom, will still be shunned by other races due to being associated to others of their kin.

Yuan-ti Halfbreed Names[edit]

At birth they are never given names and escaped slaves will often take the names of those that have helped them escape or get integrated into a different society.

Yuan-ti Halfbreed Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2. Your Charisma score increases by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Age. They seem to age at the same rate as half-elves but the standard lifespan can far exceed that of their cousins, some and live as long as 155 years.
Alignment. Most if not all fall in the Neutral or Good category. Very few will fall into despair taking up and evil alignment and inflicting the same torment that they themselves have enduring.
Size. Even though Yuan-ti Halfbreeds are long because of their muscular tail when standing erect, they occupy the same space as most humanoids. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet, swimming speed is 20.
Darkvision. Choose two of features that can be chosen, this is one such feature. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Poison Resistance. Choose two of features that can be chosen, this is one such feature. You have resistance to poison damage, and you have advantage on saving throws against becoming poisoned.
Magic Resistance. Choose two of features that can be chosen, this is one such feature. You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Serpentine Empathy. Choose two of features that can be chosen, this is one such feature. You can communicate simple ideas with snakes.
Constrictor Grapple. Yuan-ti halfbreeds can constrict a foe with their powerful tail. Make an unarmed melee attack, on a hit, you deal 1d8 + STR bludgeoning damage, and the target is now restrained. While grappling a creature with your tail you can use both your hands as normal. At the start of their next turn, the target must make a DC 10 + STR saving throw, on a fail they take 1d6 + STR bludgeoning damage and are restrained until the start of their next turn, on a success they do not take damage and free themselves. While restrained, attack rolls done against the target are done with disadvantage. You an not restrained creatures that are larger than you but the will be forced to move at half speed. Increase the damage by one dice at levels 6, 12, 18. (1d8->2d8->etc...) you can use this trait again after a short rest.
Bloodlines. At level 1 you choose one Yuan-ti bloodline.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write in Common, Abyssal and Draconic.

Halfbreed's Yuan-ti bloodlines[edit]

The Halfbreed's Yuan-ti parent traits usually show up a few days after being born.

Extaminaar bloodline

Once per long rest you may, as an action transform into a Constrictor Snake for up to 3 minutes. This form's HP equals [(Max HP/2) + CON]. This form's STR, DEX and AC are the same as any other Constrictor Snake in the Monster Manual. At lvl 5 you can cast this up to twice per day and at lvl 10 you can use both charges and transform into a Constrictor Snake that has the same number of HP as you normally do. After doing this you may not use this for any transform for 5 days. At lvl 15 you gain a 3rd charge to your transformation with double your maximum HP. At lvl 20 you can spend your 3 charges to transform into a Giant Constrictor Snake that is triple your maximum HP.

Hiss Iafi bloodline

You gain proficiency to persuasion and intimidation and once per long rest you can spend 1 hour looking for gold, resulting in a gain between 1-4 gold. Roll a 1d4 to determine the amount.

Jennestas bloodline

At level 1 you pick one type of favoured terrain. Your scales and patterns mirror your favoured terrain. Whenever in the chosen type of terrain, even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena, you gain advantage on stealth rolls. You gain proficiency to stealth. If already proficient in stealth you gain Expertise.

Se Sehen bloodline

Once per long rest you can, as a bonus action, make a unarmed melee attack, on a hit, you deal 1d4 + STR or DEX piercing damage. The target must succeed on a DC 10 + CON saving throw, on a failed save they take 1d6 poison damage and are poisoned for 1d4 turns. They take half as much damage and aren't poisoned on a successful save. Increase the damage for the poison damage by plus 1d6 at levels 6, 12, 18.

HalfBreed's HalfBlood Traits[edit]

The HalfBreed's other parent traits show up as they hit maturity.

Tiefling Traits You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice and one Tiefling race or sub-race trait.

Human Traits You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice and You gain one feat of your choice.

Elf Traits You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice and you may pick one Elf race or sub-race trait.

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