Verdalith (5e Race)

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Reclusive and leafy, Verdalith dwell on the fringes of civilization and rarely, if ever, leave the safety of their hidden communities.

Physical Description[edit]

Verdalith are heavily influenced by their environment, taking on the appearance of the plant life where they were sprouted. They appear as stocky humanoids with some of these plants' characteristics, such as "hair" made of vines or leaves.


Long ago, the Verdalith were like any other dwarves, tunneling through the earth for glory of hearth and home. On a day like any other, the woodcutters returned with a great tree, much larger than any other for leagues. They fashioned a great feasting table from this tree, and used it to celebrate great victories. They say that the table is cursed, as all who partook in the great feasts vanished mysteriously, leaving their great hordes of wealth unguarded in their absence.


The Verdalith are very isolationist, untrusting and fearful of any outsiders that near their lands. They hold the bond to one's clan above all else, and view breaking that bond as an unforgivable act.

Verdalith Names[edit]

Verdalith have no need for names, but may adopt one to simplify communication with other humanoids. The names they adopt are usually a one-word description of themselves.

Verdalith Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Age. Verdalith never stop growing, and can't die of old age
Alignment. Being heavily tied to nature, Verdalith tend towards Chaos and Good
Size. Verdalith gradually grow over time, any age under 50 your size is small, 50-500 your size is medium. Every 500 years past 500 increases your size by one size class.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Foiling Foliage. Your leafy form allows you to hide in plain sight. You have advantage on stealth checks made in the environment that matches your plant type. Additionally, you may choose to take 10 minutes to disguise yourself as whatever plant your foliage represents. While disguised, you are indistinguishable from a normal plant, lose your normal sight, lose the ability to move and speak, and have blindsight for 90 feet. You may still cast spells that lack verbal or somatic components while disguised.
Plant Kin. Magical energies responsible for your animation allow you to communicate telepathically with plants within 15 feet.
Rouse. Once per day, you may transform one small shrub, bush, or other plant into an awakened shrub. This creature is friendly to you and your allies and reverts to a normal shrub if you go more than 60 feet away from it.
Verdant Nature. You have vulnerability to fire damage.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.
Subrace. There are many varieties of Verdalith throughout the world, Cave, Forest, Desert, and Jungle being the most prominent.

Cave Verdalith[edit]

More accustomed to dark and damp environments, Cave Verdalith can not only be found in caves around the world but sometimes in the underground sections of large cities. Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by an additional 1 and your Constitution score increases by 1
Darkvision. Living underground has made you accustomed to darkness. You gain darkvision with a range of 60 feet. You cannot perceive color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Forest Verdalith[edit]

Adapted to the heavily wooded environments, forest verdalith are masters of moving while unseen. Forest verdalith are also known to socialize with wood elves when in close proximity. Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2
Detritus Shroud. You can take the hide action as a bonus action. Additionally, you can move up to 20 feet while hidden without revealing yourself.

Desert Verdalith[edit]

Hardy nomads used to weathering the toughest of conditions. Desert verdalith dislike outsiders and hate those that leave the tribe. Ability Score Increase. You lose your bonus to Wisdom, instead gaining a Strength bonus of 2 and a Constitution bonus of 1
Sharp Spines. Your body is covered in iron-hard spines that cause attacking you to be a risky endeavor. When targeted by a melee attack, the attacker takes 1d8 piercing damage. This damage becomes magical at 10th level.

Jungle Verdalith[edit]

Isolated scholars suited for the environment under the jungle’s canopy, Jungle Verdalith are the most rarely seen and as such, usually have an important reason to leave their treetop villages. Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2
Canopy Dwellers. You gain a climbing speed equal to half your walking speed.

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