Octofolk (5e Race)
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By Riviel |
Physical Description[edit]
Octofolk have the upper body with human-like features, such as a head and two arms. The lower half is similar to that of a cephalopod, with a varying number of hydrostatic arms used for locomotion, based on the sub-race. Squidpodes and Cuttlepodes both have 8 arms (with suckers along the length) and two tentacles (with suckers on a flat appendage at the end of the length), while Octopodes have 8 arms. Their whole form is supported by a hydrostatic skeleton, which allows them to change their shape and absorb blows. Their skin is slimy and soft, which makes them vulnerable to sharp blades and objects. All Octofolk can walk on their arms, or they can swim head forward, by expelling water and flapping their arms in a synchronized manner.
Octopodes vary in color, and can change the color of their skin to match their surroundings. Using this ability, they can camouflage themselves from predators and enemies, as long as they don't move. They tend to be the roundest of the Octofolk, and can vary their dimensions based on the water they absorb or expel. They are the most disconcerting of the race, as their arms often seem to move randomly, exploring wherever the Octopode is standing. Their faces are the least recognizable to humans, with large eyes on either side of a soft head, and an exposed, oval mouth. Their mantle has a 'neck' and a 'torso', but they sometimes forget to extend them and look more like a blob on top of bunch of arms.
Squidpodes are generally red or grey, and are oriented in an oblong fashion, with the mantle that composes their head and torso tall and encased in a soft carapace, and two extra tentacles that are quite long, as well as the arms that help their locomotion. Their eyes are located on either side of the carapace, generally oriented towards the 'top', but able to swivel to look 'forward' or 'back' depending on how they're oriented. Their human arms are able to tuck into the carapace to streamline their swimming, and their mouth on the face is round and filled with terrible teeth, but covered with a chitinous flap to aid in the streamlining. They don't have necks, and the mantle that forms their head and torso are just a solid piece.
Cuttlepodes have W shaped pupils in their eyes, and the fins along their mantles that form the head and torso. Unlike the Squidpodes who have their eyes on the tip of the mantle, the Cuttlepodes have their eyes in the middle on either side, and they can look forward or back, but not easily topside in the direction they swim. The also have a tubular mouth, which makes them the most adept at forming the words required for speech. They also are able to vary the colors of their skin, producing a hypnotic pattern that holds the attention of the listener or observer, and can be used to incapacitate prey.
While their origins are shrouded in mystery, Octofolk are most likely related to mermaids. They hail from the elemental plane of water. An unknown cataclysm caused a portion of their population to teleport to the material plane. They primarily live in ocean caves, preying mostly on fish.
All of the Octofolk tend to live in similar environments (a reef, a cave), and although their social bonds are light, they do tend to favor the company of other Octofolk when being social at all.
Octopodes tend to solitary pursuits, favoring magical classes, and researching the mysteries of the deep. They only gather for brief periods. They are respected among their kind, as they are generally very intelligent.
Squidpodes are more group oriented, forming warrior and hunting bands. They tend to be more aggressive and physically adept, favoring fighting classes.
Cuttlepodes are the most social, mixing among all the Octofolk, and gathering among themselves or the other folk in equal measure. They favor the social classes, both Rogues and Bards. They are likely to interface between other races, such as Sea Elves, Mermaids, Tritons, and Locathah. They rarely interact with surface dwellers, but have been known to on occasion.
Octofolk Traits[edit]
Ability Score Increase. When determining your character’s ability scores, increase one of those scores by 2 and increase a different score by 1, or increase three different scores by 1. Follow this rule regardless of the method you use to determine the scores, such as rolling or point buy.
Age. Octofolk mature at age 18 and live a little less than a century.
Alignment. Octofolk are usually Chaotic, and care little for Good or Evil. They are mostly Chaotic Neutral.
Size. Octofolk vary in size. You can be Medium or Small
Speed. Your walking speed is 20 feet, and you have a swim speed that varies by subrace.
Creature Type. You are a Monstrosity
Hydrostatic Skeleton. You can squeeze through a space as half your size, provided you are wearing and carrying nothing. You are resistant to bludgeoning and fall damage.
Tentacles (Arms):. You have advantage on ability checks you make to initiate or escape a grapple. You have advantage on saves that would result in knocking you prone.
Vulnerability. Due to your soft skin, you are vulnerable to slashing damage.
Limited Amphibiousness. You have gills on the sides of your head in addition to your lungs. You can breathe both air and water.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Aquan, the elemental language of Water.
Speed. Your swim speed is 40 feet.
Camouflage. You can change the color of your skin to attempt to camouflage yourself. You can attempt to hide when you are only lightly obscured. In addition, you gain proficiency in the Stealth skill.
Speed. Your swim speed is 45 feet.
Ink Cloud. You can emit ink to conceal yourself. A 10-foot-radius cloud of ink extends all around the you if you are underwater. The area is heavily obscured for 1 minute, although a significant current can disperse the ink. After releasing the ink, you can use the dash action as a bonus action. Once you've used this ability, you cannot use it again until you've finished a long rest.
Speed. Your swim speed is 30 feet.
Hypnotic Skin. Cuttlefish can change the color of their skin rapidly to hypnotize prey. As an action, you can choose one creature that you can see within 5 feet of you. If the target can see or hear you, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against 10 + your Charisma modifier. The charmed creature's speed drops to 0, and the creature is incapacitated and visibly dazed. Once you've used this ability, you cannot use it again until you've finished a long rest.
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