Chozo (5e Race)

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The chozo are an ancient and far-traveled race of bird-like humanoids that have left their mark upon many worlds.

A chozo elder on a throne

Masters of War, Science, and Mysticism[edit]

The origins of the chozo have been lost to time, unknown to even the oldest members of the species itself. What is known, however, is that the chozo are descended from a proud and powerful warrior culture. The ancient chozo had become masters of war, having reached the pinnacle of their craft and their technological advancement as a species. Still driven to improve, these ancient chozo splintered off into various tribes, each tribe striving to explore its own unique philosophy of existence within the wider universe.

Many of the chozo tribes became peaceful explorers of the many realms, adopting vows of pacifism and bringing gifts to other species. Some would even go so far as to forsake their advanced technology in favor of living in harmony with nature and achieving spiritual enlightenment. And of course, there were still some extant tribes who clung to the old ways of war.

Once Widespread, Now Few and Far Between[edit]

One would be hard pressed to find a world that hasn't in some way been left a mark upon by the chozo. Chozo tribes would often colonize and settle upon worlds they particularly fancied, inundating the world with sprawling settlements. No environment was outside their reach, from labyrinthine cities carved throughout the inside of a world to flying cities that hung in the clouds.

And yet, despite all their wisdom and power, chozo civilization had a fatal flaw. Chozo have an incredibly long lifespan, easily reaching a thousand years. However, they become completely infertile less than halfway through that period. Being a matured and patient race, many chozo would feel no need to engage in reproduction until past the point where they would discover that they were no longer physically able to. Every generation, less and less chozo were born, and now the race teeters on extinction. Isolated pockets of chozo tribes still desperately cling to survival in distant corners, but for the brunt of the civilization naught remains but artifacts and empty ruins.

Still, even decayed, the incredible might of the chozo perseveres through these ancient objects and structures. Works of incredible craftsmanship, artistry, technology and even magic, industrious creatures often try to tap into the power of these relics for their own gain. What they often find out, far too late, is that even the remains of the chozo can manifest a spirit as fierce as the chozo themselves.

Chozo Names[edit]

Clan Names: Mawkin, Thoha

Titles: Gray Voice, Old Bird, Platinum Chest, Quiet Robe, Raven Beak, Searcher

Names: Dryn, Qu-Qua, De'la

Chozo Traits[edit]

Design Note: This race uses the Large Player Characters and Level Adjustment variant rules.

An ancient and powerful race of avian humanoids, now few and far between.
Ability Score Increase. Increase one ability score of your choice by 1.
Age. While they reach physical maturity after two decades, they aren't considered adults until about 100 years of age. Chozo can live for over a thousand years, but encounter increasing issues of fertility past the first third of their lifespan.
Alignment. Chozo can be of any alignment, but favor law and neutrality.
Size. Chozo tower over most humanoid races, ranging from 8 feet tall to just under 12 feet tall. Your size is Large.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
Chozo Resilience. You have advantage on saving throws against poisons, and have resistance to poison damage.
Will of the Chozo. Chozo are known for their strong willpower. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, frightened, or possessed.
Starfarer's Knowledge. You have advantage on Intelligence checks to understand alien technology[1].
Talons. You have talons that you can use to make unarmed strikes. When you hit with them, the strike deals 2d4 + your Strength modifier slashing damage, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
Level Adjustment +1. After gaining your first level, you must gain 300 points of experience before being capable of gaining experience and leveling up normally.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Chozo.
Subrace. Chozo have a caste-based society. Choose Artisan, Mystic, Sage, or Warrior from the options below. A clan is typically composed of a mixture of individuals of each caste, with the leader of the clan being the most outstanding member of the caste that aligns with the tribe's overall philosophy.

Chozo Artisan[edit]

Chozo artisans—architects, sculptors, engineers—dedicate themselves to perfecting the art of creation. They are expected to master multiple sets of tools and to integrate a deep and multidisciplinary understanding of both the arts and sciences to build the wonders of the chozo civilization. A clan that follows the philosophy of the artisan labors tirelessly to leave behind great works that carry on the benevolence or glory of the chozo even through the tests of time.
Ability Score Increase. Increase two of your scores between Intelligence, Wisdom, and Dexterity by 1.
Chozo Artistry. You are proficient in three artisan's tools of your choice.

Chozo Mystic[edit]

Chozo mystics—shamans and spiritual leaders—explore and master the innate spiritual connections of the chozo race, unlocking a degree of supernatural abilities in the process. A clan that follows the philosophy of the mystic tries to work in harmony with the natural flow of the universe, often guided in their pursuits by visions and prophecies.
Ability Score Increase. Increase two of your scores between Constitution, Wisdom, and Charisma by 1.
Chozo Mysticism. You know the guidance cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you know the augury spell and can cast it without components or expending a spell slot.

Chozo Sage[edit]

Chozo sages—scientists, researchers, and philosophers—strive to obtain an ever-greater understanding of the physical nature of the universe. A clan that follows the philosophy of the sage is driven by an endless curiosity, exploring new worlds to observe and sometimes to meddle.
Ability Score Increase. Increase two of your scores between Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma by 1.
Chozo Wisdom. You are proficient in two skills of your choice that use Intelligence or Wisdom.
Bonus Language. You learn an additional language of your choice.

Chozo Warrior[edit]

Chozo warriors—soldiers, guardians, protectors—dedicate themselves to honing their martial power in service to their clan. Chozo warriors are fierce combatants, made even deadlier by the ancient armaments they earn the privilege to outfit themselves with. A clan that follows the philosophy of the warrior strives to reach peak physical perfection, to lay claim to a home and never find the strength lacking to defend it.
Ability Score Increase. Increase two of your scores between Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution by 1.
Chozo Battle Training. You are proficient with light and medium armor, and in the use of chakrams, spears, quarterstaves, glaives, and firearms.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

8′ 0'' +5d12 120 lb. × (2d4) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

Expanded Options and Features[edit]

Caste Variant: Casteless[edit]

Casteless chozo, also known as newborn if they are particularly young (less than 100 years), are chozo who have not been designated for or align with any of the predominant chozo castes and their respective philosophies. While not excommunicated, they are generally frowned upon by their peers, and are never able to assume a leadership position within a clan.

When you pick this option, the following replaces the Subrace and Level Adjustment features:

Ability Score Increase. Increase one of your ability scores by 1.

Racial Feat: Chozo Wings[edit]

Prerequisites: must be a chozo, level 4, Strength 13 or higher

The chozo lost their wings millennia of evolution ago. However, through extensive training of an underdeveloped pair you were born with, surgical grafting, or some other means, you've reacquired the wings of your ancient ancestors.

  • Increase your Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Wisdom, or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • Heavy Flight. You can use your wings to gain a flying speed of 60 feet. You can remain aloft for a number of hours equal to your Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus, deducted in intervals of 1 minute, before you must finish a short or long rest to fly with these wings again. If you are wearing heavy armor or dragging or lifting weight in excess of what you can normally carry, each minute of flight instead deducts 10 minutes from the duration you can fly.

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  1. DMG pp. 268