Saiyan (5e Race)
Saiyan Race
Legends speak of their unparalleled skills in combat, their unquashable pride, and their ferocious appetite. They are fighters at heart, absolutely vicious in battle, and are quick to anger. They do not go into the world looking to conquer, but if you should make one cross, be prepared to fight for your honor, and your life.
Physical Description

Saiyans, while not too drastically different from most races, have their own traits. They are naturally muscle-bound and stocky, with few being overweight or skinny. But even the most unassuming of Sayians pack a wallop. Saiyans stand from 5 feet tall to 7 feet, and universally possess long, straight hair, that usually sticks into one style their entire lives. They can range from 140 pounds to 300, depending on their bulk. Saiyans usually possess pale skin, although some are shades darker. Females are not especially voluptuous but are usually shorter than their male counterparts. They all possess tails, which are present since birth, and are uniquely prehensile. They reach puberty around 13 years of age and begin to grow rapidly. They maintain their youth for 80 years and stay in their peak physical form for a long time before rapidly aging to death.
When a Saiyan puts their mind to something, they accomplish it. While this usually means fighting, mages and alchemists dedicate their lives to their craft, and while they may not aspire to become famous across the land, there is something valuable to be learned in each Saiyan's experience in life. And don't you dare tell them otherwise, because every one of them is proud to the core, for they do what they do because they feel it is worth their heart and soul. They are a tough people, living in rudimentary huts, gathering food and hunting in the surrounding areas, indeed, they live tough lives, but all Saiyans have the innate desire for battle and accomplishment, making them excellent adventurers.
Saiyans have their own hierarchy, which is a monarchy ruled by a king. Beyond that, however, they tend to stick to their families, in which they hunt, eat, and train with each other. When a Saiyan leaves home, there is no long ceremony with weeping, as parents recognize one's need to grow in life, and they don't want to impede. While some races might think of Saiyans as cold to one another, they do not bear dislike towards one another, but rather respect each other's space and place in life. Saiyans are typically very aggressive and hard-headed, with short explosive tempers.
Saiyan names
Saiyans names are commonly derived from vegetables, usually working as a pun or play on various forms of vegetables. Some notable examples are:
Kakarot (Carrot), Broly (Broccoli), Raditz (Radish), Caulifla (Cauliflower), Cabba (Cabbage)
Other names tend to derive from direct Japanese translations, such as:
Gine (Derived from Negi, a form of spring onion), Nappa (derived from grape leaves), Turles (Tāresu, in Japanese, formed by rearranging the word lettuce), Fasha (Serpia, formed from Japanese rearranging the world Parsley).
A Saiyans name can be formed from the word Vegetable itself as well, though it is usually exclusive to royalty such as Vegeta (Vegetable).
Saiyan Traits
Legends speak of their unparalleled skills in combat, their unshakeable pride, and their ferocious appetite.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength, Dexterity and Constitution scores each increase by 1.
Age. Saiyans mature quickly from late teens can live up to 100 years, and they stay in prime fighting condition until their very last few years.
Alignment. Saiyans tend to share common personality traits, even at young ages. Being war-like people, they share an innate enjoyment for conflict and fighting, choosing violence over peace with other races. While most saiyans are commonly of chaotic alignments, with few being lawful they respond well to shows of power allowing the strongest of their people to stand above the rest.
Size. Saiyans are taller and heavier than humans standing at around and beyond the 6-foot range and averaging almost 250 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Born for Battle. All saiyans are born fighter with natural talent in their blood. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage.
Dense Musculature. Saiyans are known to have thick, dense muscles to help protect their vital organs from the relentless battles and intense training they put themselves through. You are resistant to non-magical bludgeoning damage.
Further Beyond. Saiyans are known to push past what is their limit and continue to fight despite fatal injuries. When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
Prehensile Tail. Your saiyan biology includes a prehensile tail. Objects may be carried and manipulated with it, including fine manipulations. You cannot hold a weapon or shield using your tail. Due to the increased balance your tail grants you, you are proficient in the Acrobatics skill. If your tail is severed, you are no longer considered proficient in Acrobatics. Your tail will slowly grow back over the course of a week, you regain use of it once you complete a long rest.
Powerful Build. Despite their size saiyans are biologically more efficient in feats of strength compared to other races their size. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. However, saiyans also require greater quantities of food and drink to sustain their massive strength, you require twice as much food as a normal Medium-sized creature would.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and one other language of your choice.
Random Height and Weight
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
5′ 4'' | +2d8 | 150 lb. | × (2d8) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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