Faerie Elf, 2nd Variant (5e Race)
Faerie Elf[edit]
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A Vague comparison between Unseelie and Seelie Faerie Elf |
A variant of these two homebrew races: https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Faerie_Elf_(5e_Race) and https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Faerie_Elf,_Variant_(5e_Race). I made another version because I really liked this Race, but I wanted to use it in a different way in the campaign I created. Anyway, it worked really well and I'm adding my little contribution to what's gone before. I ask you to see the original race and the previous version because they are so cool in different ways.
Physical Description[edit]
Faeries of both factions are known for their otherworldly beauty that often leaves people in complete awe of them. Both factions have a pair of transparent wings of varying colors that allow them to fly. The wings vary in style depending on the fey ancestor or parent. Due to their fey nature, they have an extremely high tolerance toward manmade alcoholic beverages and can only get drunk on special-made wines made from ingredients that are close to nature.
Male Faerie Elves tend to be taller than the females of their race. With Unseelie Court faerie Elves being taller than Seelie Court faerie elves due to their way of life.
Seelie males range in height from 5ft to 6.5ft and females range from 4.5ft to 5.5ft. The Seelie Court elves are slender and dainty. This faction faerie elves tend to have vibrant eye colors of shimmering greens and blues and their hair color is any shade of blond or brown. The quickest way to explain them is beauteous elves with pretty fairy wings.
Unseelie court males range in height from 5.5ft to around 7ft and females range from 5ft to 6ft. Unseelie elves are robust and strong. They have red, black, or deep blue eyes and their hair is usually black, white or grey.
A faerie elf is an extremely rare crossbreed of an elf and a fey. Due to how rare they are most tend to keep their societies and culture completely hidden from the public. Most people could go their entire lives without laying eyes on a Faerie Elf. However, from what little has been observed, faerie elves are known to have extreme conflicts within their society. Due to how different their views of other races and cultures vary they have chosen to split themselves into two primary factions known as the Seelie Elves and the Unseelie Elves.
Seelie Court of the Faerie Elves have a positive view of other races and are much more open and willing to develop friendships and bonds with those outsides of their race. A few have even been known to integrate into public society. If you've ever come across a faerie elf and lived to tell the tale it was likely a Seelie Court elf. However, where Seelie Court faerie elves are warm and inviting... Unseelie Court elves are much less so. Their views of other races are very negative and their minds tend to lean towards violence rather than tranquility. They are more likely to try and bash your skull in upon first meeting. These faeries are more focused on their brute strength rather than magic.
Although they are an incredibly rare crossbreed, there is a relatively good amount of them in the world. Over the past 2000 years, in the heart of the ethereal realm known as the Feywild, where magic dances through the air like a vibrant symphony and the boundaries between reality and imagination blur, lies the enigmatic land that the faerie elves call home — The Court of the Everglade. As a half-breed between elves and the fey, faerie elves have blended and been welcomed into the Great Courts of Feywild, thus, split between the Seelie and Unseelie Courts, they live immersed in Fey Society.
As with their fae parents, Seelie and Unseelie faerie elves make it almost unheard of to get along, let alone marry due to their difference in beliefs. However, there are some who have managed to put aside their differences for a chance of ending centuries old stereotypes.
Upon their deaths, they turn into beautiful trees. The forests surrounding their homes are the bodies of their deceased ancestors.
Faerie elves tend to keep to themselves and tend to hide from other outside sources. This is mainly due to the harsh discrimination and prejudices their ancestors have experienced throughout the years. Their settlements are buried deep within forests and caves and they have a strong sense of family. They tend to have a hard time developing new relations with others, especially if they're neither fey, elf, or faerie. The ones who do leave the villages tend to be brave adventurers determined to prove the old ways are over.
Deep within the heart of the Feywild, hidden away from prying eyes and shielded by enchantments, lies the concealed realm of the Faerie Elves - a society forged from the fires of resilience and unity. Within their secluded settlements, the Faerie Elves have carved out their own unique way of life, shaped by their history of discrimination and the unyielding bonds of kinship.
At the center of their society lies the concept of family, both biological and chosen. The Faerie Elves revere their ancestral roots and honor the teachings of their forebears. Elders are the pillars of wisdom and guidance, holding stories of past trials and triumphs, ensuring the continuity of their traditions. Each village is a tightly knit web of families, fostering an unbreakable sense of loyalty and support.
Settlements are carefully situated deep within the heart of ancient forests, concealed in the shadowed embrace of towering trees and ensconced within the embrace of concealed caves. Magic and natural barriers ward against intruders, safeguarding their sanctuaries and traditions. Homes blend harmoniously with nature, woven from living vines, sparkling crystals, and softly luminescent fungi. These abodes reflect the delicate balance the Faerie Elves seek between the mystical and the mundane.
Leadership within the Faerie Elf society is defined by wisdom, rather than power. The Council of Elders, a group of the most experienced and respected members, makes decisions by consensus, their voices echoing the collective will of their people. Disagreements are met with discussions, and disputes are settled through mediation, with the welfare of the community at the forefront of all considerations.
While the Faerie Elves maintain a cautious distance from outsiders, they are not completely closed off. Some rare individuals, often adventurous souls from diverse backgrounds, are welcomed into their fold through careful observation and consideration. These outsiders are typically those who have proven their worth and respect for the Faerie Elf ways, and they are often accompanied by a dedicated liaison to assist in their integration. Over time, bonds may form, fostering connections that transcend barriers and prejudices.
However, it's the brave adventurers who leave the safety of their villages that challenge the status quo and forge new paths. Driven by a desire to change perceptions and bridge the gap between their people and the wider world, these intrepid souls venture forth to challenge the preconceived notions that have defined their race for generations. Armed with open hearts and an unshakable determination, they seek to showcase that the old ways of isolation are not the only path forward.
In the ever-evolving tapestry of Faerie Elf society, the threads of tradition and progress are delicately interwoven. As they navigate their history of discrimination and the complex dance of forming new relationships, they remain bound by the unbreakable ties of kinship and the shared dream of a future where their secluded sanctuaries can coexist harmoniously with the outside world.
Faerie Elves traditionally don't have gods who they worship. However, there are some who choose to look towards the gods for support on certain matters. A Seelie faerie elf might look towards gods like Eldath (Goddess of Peace) or Mielikki (Goddess of Forests). A Unseelie faerie elf might look toward gods like Malar (The God of the Hunt) or Shar (Goddess of Darkness and Loss).
Faerie Elf Names[edit]
Faerie Elves tend to take their name after elf or fey names. It's recorded that some Faerie's names are of exotic plants.
Faerie Elf Traits[edit]
Winged elven folk who are a half-breed between elves and the fey.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2.
Age. They reach adulthood at the age of 100, from that point on they live easily for 1000 or 2000 years, up to more. Upon reaching adulthood, thanks to the fey blood that runs through their veins they become ageless.
Alignment. Those of the Seelie Court always lean towards Good Alignments (Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good). Those of the Chaotic Faction always lean towards Evil Alignments (Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Evil). You are never True Neutral.
Size. Faerie Elves range in size between barely 5 feet to well over 7 feet tall. Unseelie Court elves are about a foot larger than their Seelie Court counterparts and males are usually larger than females. Most have slender builds and weigh little. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet and your flying speed is 40 feet.
Darkvision. Accustomed to twilit forests, dark caves, and the night sky, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.
Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep.
Fairy Wings. You have a pair of light, transparent wings that grant you a fly speed of 40-feet. You lose your flying speed until you complete a short or long rest if they are directly exposed to water.
Proficiency. Due to living in nature all your life and having to learn how to hide, you are proficient in Stealth and Perception.
Creature Type. You are considered a fey creature for the purposes of spells and traits.
Trance. You don’t need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. (The Common word for such meditation is “trance.”) While meditating, you can dream after a fashion; such dreams are actually mental exercises that have become reflexive through years of practice. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep.
Languages. Faerie elves can speak, read and write Common, Elvish, and Sylvan.
Subrace. Seelie or Unseelie Faerie Elves. The subraces of the Faerie Elves are determined by the court they were born into.
Seelie Court[edit]
Descendants of the seelie fey, known for their gentle nature.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score is increased by 1 or your Dexterity score is increased by 1.
Fairy Light. You constantly emit this pure, soothing, gentle aura of light that gently brightens the area around you up to 5 ft unless you are wet, sleeping, emotionally compromised or decide to actively suppress its effects. As a bonus action, you can spread the field of light around you shedding bright light in a 10-foot-radius and dim light in an additional 10-foot-radius. This light lasts for up to 10 minutes before dissipating. Dispels magical darkness. You must finish a short or long rest before you can use this trait again.
Seelie Magic. The typical seelie faerie focuses more on their mind and their internal light rather than their strength. You know one cleric spell for each spell level you can cast. Use your class spellcasting ability to do it, apply your Wisdom modifier instead if you don't have one.
Seelie Haven. Blessed by the gods, you are resistant to Radiant damage. Additionally, starting at the 11th level you become immune to Radiant damage.
Unearthly Grace. Due to your Fey Ancestry you were born with natural armor that is equal to 10 + Dexterity + Charisma modifiers.
Proficiency. Seelie Court Faerie Elves are peaceful and charming. Due to this inherent passionate aspect, you are proficient in Persuasion.
Unseelie Court[edit]
Descendants of the unseelie fey, known for their hostile nature.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score is increased by 1 or your Strength score is increased by 1.
Fairy Darkness. You constantly emit this aura of darkness around you that dims the area around you for up to 5ft unless you are wet, sleeping, emotionally compromised or decide to actively suppress its effects. As a bonus action, you can spread the field of darkness around you, heavily obscuring the area in a 10-foot-radius and lightly obscuring the area for an additional 10-foot-radius. This darkness lasts for up to 10 minutes before dissipating. Dispels magical light. You must finish a short or long rest before you can use this trait again.
Chaotic Blades. The typical unseelie faerie focuses more on their brute strength, rather than magic. For years you spent time honing your skills to cut down anyone who might be in your way. You have expertise with one of the following: the longsword, shortsword, shortbow, or longbow.
Chaotic Peril. Used to the forces of death and decay, starting at the 4th level. You are now resistant to Necrotic damage.
Chaotic Armor. Due to your Fey Ancestry you were born with natural armor that is equal to 15 + Dexterity modifier.
Proficiency. Unseelie Court Faerie Elves are known to be violent and evil. Due to the darkness that emits from your body, you are proficient in Intimidation.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
4′ 10'' | +2d8 | 150 lb. | × (2d6) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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