Dragon Ogre (5e Race)
Dragon Ogre
"Shaggoth!" cried one of Malekith's soldiers, and the prince knew it to be true. The oldest legends of the dragons spoke of such creatures, but Malekith had considered them to be myths from before the rise of the elves; before even the coming of the Old Ones and the banishment of the elven gods. Cousins to the dragons who had ruled the world before the coming of the gods, the shaggoths had bartered their souls to Chaos long before the Dark Gods had arisen to claim this world. If the dragons were to be believed, they had warred with the shaggoths for an eternity until finally the dragons had triumphed and driven their foes into hiding.
Dragon Ogres
Physical Description
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Dragon Ogre Shaggoth by Ryan Barger |
Dragon ogres appear as a vile and perverse interbreed between the majestic dragon, and the lesser so ogre. Much like a centaur, their body is quadrupedal in nature with four legs baring a tauric lower half, whilst a humanoid torso extends up from where otherwise the withers would be. This is where the similarities end.
Their lower body is coated entirely in a tough hide and dragon-like scales with various spines jutting out along the quadrupedal back. These continue down a deceptively long, yet thin, tail stretching out from its hindquarters. Powerful scaled legs bare clawed, almost hand-like feet similar to a dragons. Hide gives way to skin from the humanoid waist up, though sparingly scales still dot their form. Their upped body is striking similar to that of their ogre counterparts. Monstrously thick arms and hands, bulky torsos and a face to make the Gods themselves weep. Two large horns protrude from their heads and some dragon ogres bare tusks and yet further horns or spines. Hair grows atop their head and upper bodies, however for their quadrupedal half, it does not.
Blessed or cursed, depending on how it is looked upon, dragon ogres are immortal, paving way to exceedingly long lives. Their form is however still material, leading them to die if they sustain sufficient injuries or fall prone to illness or disease. They do not require sustenance to sustain their bodies as a mortal does, but can instead bath in lightning storms to maintain their long lives and even to rejuvenate their vigor. This leads them to be strongly resistant to electric-based attacks and magic. So long as they continue to bathe in lightning, dragon ogres continue to grow in size and power throughout their lives. Theoretically, there is no real limit to how massive one can become with time given. Their very presence seems to draw on storms to the locations that they inhabit. The larger and more powerful the dragon ogre or the greater the numbers, the added effect on this storm evoking effect. However, without infrequent storms to sustain them, dragon ogres find their bodies weakening and their stamina failing them, forcing the monstrous creatures back into hibernation until a great storm can rouse them once more.
Dragon ogres are an ancient race whose origins lie in the distant past before the arrival of the Old Ones. Long before elves had developed writing, or humans had learned how to make fire, the dragon ogres were on the verge of extinction. During the Coming of Chaos, the eldest of their race made a pact with the Chaos Gods. The dragon ogres were granted immortality, but were eternally damned and bound to serve the Dark Gods.
Dragon ogres are quite distinct from the race of ogres. In fact when the two races first encountered each other, they became instant enemies. Great battles were fought between the ogres and dragon ogres for control of the Mountains of Mourn, with the dragon ogres eventually being driven into the north by the ogres, numbers dwindling greatly.
In a similar manner to dragons, dragon ogres spend most of their time sleeping in the mountains and it often takes a powerful thunderstorm to wake them. Solitary creatures, they generally rest alone and rarely gather when awoken for anything less than a warpath under the liege of a mighty shaggoth. Having no need for food or water and their tough forms providing little requirement for permanent residence, it is extremely rare to find a dragon ogre living within or even remotely near any establishment. Their monstrous forms electing fear and mistrust in their war-like race throughout all that know stories of the beasts.
Their lives and futures are not their own, bound eternally to the Dark Gods to serve their wishes. This leads them oft down the chaotic path of destruction and war in the unlikely case that they have awoken from their deep slumbers. Their war-bound nature has lead to few of this ancient race still existing. The few that still remain live either as monolithic beasts of the old times, ranging anywhere in size from a small house to a mountainside, or the smaller, newer born nomadic dragon ogres of the Unberogen tribe. Whilst most of the older shaggoths spend their lives dormant, lest a great storm awaken them, the Unberogen dragon ogres live in fear of the Dark Gods will as they try to make a life fitting with the world around them, ever bound to the day they will be drawing to the calling of Chaos.
Dragon Ogre Names
Whilst dragon ogres do hold first names for distinguishing between individuals, they do not have family names as is traditional. Instead they are known by a title matching their appropriate feats in life that takes place of a family name. (Ex. Stormcrusher, Mountain Lord, Sire of Dragon Ogres) Some also choose to take on a surname of their choice, however this bares no relation to their heritage.
Dragon ogres take first names similar to those of their ogre brethren. There is little to no distinction between genders for naming purposes.
Names: Bruzug, Tezar, Vorekag, Kholek, Bakiruk, Dikorg, Krakanrok, Mezar, Arag
Dragon Ogre Racial Traits
A monstrous quadrupedal hyrbid of dragon and ogre.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1 and your Constitution score increases by 2.
Age. Dragon ogres cannot die of old age, instead are sustained by war and lightning to keep them conscious. You are immortal.
Alignment. Whilst dragon ogres can attempt to lead varied lives, whatever their personality might align them to, their pact to the Dark Gods will always force them to become chaotic evil if the gods command it. Generally they lean towards chaotic alignments.
Size. Dragon ogres begin maturity around 6 foot in height, though can grow to be significantly bigger. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
Monstrous Physiology. Your type is monstrosity. You cannot wear footwear such as magical boots. You cannot mount another creature, but may allow a Medium or Small creature to mount you. You count as one size larger when determining your carry capacity.
Claws. Your unarmed strike deals 1d6 slashing damage.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Born of Lightning. You have resistance to lightning damage.
Resilience. You have advantage on saving throws against poisoned, and you have resistance against poison damage.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and either Giant or Draconic.
Base Height | Height Modifier | Base Weight | Weight Modifier |
6′ | + 3d12 in | 2000 lb. | x (2d12) lb. |
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