Urchkin (5e Race)

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This life is good. I have warm meals, nice family, and a safe home. Only a human thinks they could make this life better. - Jerik, urchkin fisherman, asked about his lifestyle.

Physical Description[edit]

Urchkin are somewhat shorter than humans, and generally much lankier, not capable of building as much muscle mass. Their darker, smooth skin is layered in cascading spines, the tips of which tend to be colored much more interestingly, with neon greens and blues, or deep purples and oranges.

Their faces have minimal features. They completely lack noses and the sense of smell, and only have small holes for ears. They have rather large, almost bulging eyes, which tend to be yellow or similar bright colors. Their wide, less prominent mouths, house very strong teeth which can break through just about any organic material, like hard shells on nuts and crustaceans.


The history of the urchkin is rather unphenomenal. At some point in millenia past, they rose from the sea, learned how to use and operate tools, and most haven't left their beach huts since. In their small scavenger communities, they are rather comfortable, and most haven't seen a reason for further progress.

Notable events in urchkin history generally centers around individuals, and not groups. Those that do wish to do something more tend to be one-in-a-million outsiders, and others in their groups tend to be difficult to convince.


The urchkin live in small, humble communities, with generally no more than 10 people, the next closest group being miles away. These groups subside almost wholly off the natural enviroment, taking whatever they can to live, barring cannibalism. While some start agriculture, most simply know how to forage well, or are rather adept fishermen.

In most communities, two specific beliefs prevail. The first is an emphasis on family and trust, which makes some sense, given their close-knit communities. The other is a very casual attitude, thanks to their very easy style of life. Most experience little hardship, and those that do manage to stay very calm throughout it, hardly ever snapping.

While their material progress is generally poor, hardly having much more than stone tools, their oral myths, history, and records are legendary. Even though most of the topics are generally uninteresting, these are recited and remembered for dozens of generations, a single word or phrase hardly ever lost to time. Most believe this is due to their simple lives, as they have little else to remember. While this is in part true, they also have very good memories. While not identical or anything like that, they do seem to help.

They tend to be left alone by most other races. Their homes are generally pretty out-of-the-way of most travel routes, nor do they have many valuables to steal. Travelers that do manage to stumble across their huts are generally welcomed, as they have ample space and food.

Urchkin hardly ever manage to integrate into a modern society. The bustle of the city often proves too much for them, a far stretch from their calmer experiences, where they only have to be around a few people their whole lives. While they are no stranger to the manual labour jobs which would allow them to contribute, things like politics or other complex topics tend to simply overwhelm them, seeming to go against their otherwise lax nature.

Urchkin Names[edit]

Urchkin names are generally simple, easy to say, and have few syllables, however, family names carry much more importance, and are significantly longer. There is no particular difference between male and female names.

Male: Humber, Kasill, Vargen, Harb

Female: Keller, Fentle, Durga, Mar

Urchkin Traits[edit]

Generally peaceful spine covered people.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Age. Urchkin live about as long as humans, if sometimes slightly longer.
Alignment. General tendancies towards neutrality and chaos appear in the urchkin, but almost always never at the same time. Evil is also incredibly rare.
Size. Urchkin tend to be slightly shorter than humans on average. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet, and a swimming speed of 20 feet.
Amphibious. You can breathe both water and air.
Spined. If a creature hits you with a natural weapon or unarmed attack(i.e bites, claws, kicks, etc), they take 1 piercing damage. If a creature successfully grapples you, they take 1d4 piercing damage, and do again at the start of their next turn while they're still grappling you. Additionally, since your body is covered in spines, armor must be made to fit you, else you cannot benefit from this feature. Armor made to do so costs twice as much, as it must have several dozens of extra holes in the armor while still maintaining armor quality. Finally, these spines count as natural weapons, which deal 1d4 + your Strength modifier piercing damage on a hit, instead of bludgeoning.
Scavenger. You require half as much food as a Medium sized creature would normally. Additionally, you have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.
Relaxed Nature. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened.
Natural Armor. Your spines provide some defense. When you aren't wearing armor, your AC is 12 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use your natural armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield's benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Aquan.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

4′ 5'' +1d10 90 lb. × (3) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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