Alverae (5e Race)
“ | Ah Alverae... Been a while since I heard that name. They look like a mix between Elven and a Demon but don't be mistaken. They are diffrent, especially Alzure. Their eyes... Their vivid soul piercing eyes can take a breath away from you.
The most elegant in their behavior demon race I have ever seen. |
” |
—A paragraph from the "Lost Record Of All Races" |
Physical Description[edit]
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By raichiyo33 |
Alverae has a posture similiar to humans with more refines muscles and diffrent exotic features. Depending of which Line of Alverae race those features might change and vary from humanlike to demon like with diffrend skin colours, horns and claws. Alverae Alune is the most seen Race Line with the human way of life. They resemble humans with a taller build, Elf like ears and natural hair colours. They reach 5-7 feet in height.
Alverae Alzure Is a Rare Line that is deeply connected to the worlds magical essence. They are very refined, alluring face features with a well build posture and head adorned with horns. Their eyes are very vivid colour of green, blue, amber, red and purple. So vivid that you may easilly find yourself unable to look away. Hair in natural colour of black and silver-white with a very silky texture. They reach 6-7 feet in height with a lighter tone of skin.
Alverae Alure are very similiar to succubi race. They are very beautifull with alluring body and natural body markings. Long ears curved at the end with mostly small horns and a smooth tail in addition with body markings in red, black, gold and blue in colour. They tend to be smaller than the rest but more nimble, with sharp, curious eyes in many shades but mainly amber. With long hair in red, black, purple, blue, pink, brown, blond, silver and grey in colour. They reach 5-6 feet in height with a light or tanned skin.
Alverae Algor are the most demon like Race Line. Taller than normal humans reaching 6-8 feet tall, with strong build and muscular bodies. They can have more than one pair of horns, with diffrens small scales covering their body and claw like fingers. Wild hair in red, black or brown in colour with brown, red, amber and grey eyes. Their skin in darker than those of humans and can be in shade of grey and red.
Alverae is a race that came to exist a very very long time ago. They were born with abundance of magical energy mixing with demonic purifying it in the process. Because of that fact other demons tend to look down upon them but they appared to not be a pushovers like they thought. Alverae ventured to find their own place to stay that will suit their connection to the world energy. Surrounded by nature with calm surroundings. The four Lines have lived together until Algor were bored of this peace, so they left looking for exciting battles. Some of the wiser one stayed behind with the rest but mosly they have separated, and just like that some of Alune left to communicate and live with other races as Alure went to find more people they could take for a good spouse or experience the thrill they are looking for. Alverae slowly spread around the world making the name for themselves yet most of them still stayed hidden away from curious eyes.
Alverae are a rare race that is not well known. They live in smaller towns and villages while some lone individuals appear in bigger cities. Alverae Alune are the most humanoid looking that's why they tend to live closely with diffrent races as they are a very hard working people. They treat their own kin like their own familly, and will not look away from those that need help. Alverae Alzure Live mostly in small Towns that consist of mix between Alure and Alune. They are very calm and noble. Alzure posses the most knowledge between all Lines and often are ruling over them. They have high dedication to their work and magic knowledge. After reaching adulthood one often goes out to adventure and gain more experience or stay to polish their skill. Alverae Alure are the most mischievous of the four Lines. They love fun, trickery and are very flirtatious. They live in many places as their curiosity often makes them venture to diffrent places. They only ones that can tame them are Alzure Line that posses the very special eyes. They very much dislike The Algor for their stubbornness. Alverae Algor are a Line of warriors. They are proud of their natural strenght and often travel looking for a challege. They don't live in towns or cities but in a secluded villages that are hard to find, most of the time in very dangerous areas. They tend to be quite chaotic as they have their own set of rules and don't bend to laws that others want to put on them.
Alverae Names[edit]
Male: Aldren, Marco, Larin, Eron, Zorin
Female: Allai, Eri, Natori, Lilei, Ritsuko
Alverae Traits[edit]
A Elegant demon like race with some exotic features.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your second ability increases depending on the subrace.
Age. Alverae mature at age of 18 and can live up to a 590 years.
Alignment. They tend to be neutral but it can vary depending on the main Race Line.
Size. Between 5 to 8 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You have 60 feet of Darkvision. You are able to see in dim light like it's daylight and in darkness like it is in dim light. You are not able to discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Keen Senses. You gain profficiency in Perception skill.
Demonic Resistance. The demonic energy is flowing in your body, it is not vicious like the other's but it is still there. You gain resistence to necrotic damage.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.
Subrace. Pick one from Alune, Alzure, Alure and Algor.
A frendly race of elf like demons that live close to other races.
Ability Score Increase. Wisdom score increases by 2
Friendly Face. You have learned the way to make yourself appear in a positive way for the people around you. You gain profficiency in persuasion skill and people tend to trust you more.
Second Langauge. You can speak, read and write Elvish.
Very calm, noble and knowledgeable demons that are very proficiens in magic.
Ability Score Increase. Intelligence score increases by 2
Magical Eyes. You have a special pair of eyes that you are able to feel and see the magic around you. You gain proficiency in Arcana. When you are trying to work with magic you can add double your profficieny modifier to the ability check. You can use this feature 3 times per long rest
Second Langauge. You can speak, read and write Celestial.
Chaotic, mischievous and fun loving succubi like demons. They have a very enchanting bodies with magical markings on them.
Ability Score Increase. Charisma score increases by 2.
Natural Charm. You were born with enchanting looks that you learned how to use in your favour. You gain an ability to charm creature that is looking at you withing 100 feet distance. They have to make a wisdom saving throw, DC for this check is equal to 10 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier.
Second Langauge. You can speak, read and write Sylvan.
Challenge and fight loving demon race that are proud of their strength.
Ability Score Increase. Strength score increases by 2.
Demonic Body. Your body is protected by natural scales making it hard for normal weapons to pierce your skin. You gain +1 natural armour and resistance to slashing damage.
Second Langauge. You can speak, read and write Infernal.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height | Height Modifier | Base Weight | Weight Modifier |
6 ft | + 3d6 in | 150 lb. | + (2d6 × 2d4) lb. |
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