Hazmur (5e Race)

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Physical Description[edit]

Hazmur are tiny, yet squat and very muscular, mutated fey creatures. Their lower boundary of "norm" is 1 feet tall - but they become bigger and stronger as they live, with biggest and strongest of them growing up to 2.5 feet in height, width and length. They have entirely bald bodies of purple-to-black color, with skin feeling like rubber. Their face looks like a natural gas mask - with narrow slit-like eyes covered in shiny protective membranes, and snorkel-like filter snout. That is combined with huge, bulky jaws. Their ears and 2 feelers are melded somewhere in the head, making it hermetic - the fact what they even have those organs can only be seen on dissection. Their hands have four fingers and they are a digitigrade species with three toes. They are dumb, yet very stong, agile and tough.


Hazmur are born from leaves on Spirit Darkthorn - massive, poisonous spiked spirit bush what rapidly grows in every direction - including "up" and "down", can grow in complete darkness, is toxin-immune and completely stops all light going inside, with all that being more messed-up that kuzdu. Hazmur require darkness to properly function - and as result, prefer to live inside Spirit Darkthorn, with especial preference to mining underground shelters what get filled with Spirit Darkthorn as Hazmur mine. Due to Hazmur toxic resistance, they usually live in heavily intoxicated areas, inhospitable to most other people - though they have tendency to violently expand into other areas.


Hazmur are, essentially, post-apocalyptic raiders. They violently expand in all areas, and don't care about others. They have the "might makes right" ideas, with strongest individual on top - that often results in horrible mismanagement, since "strongest" doesn't mean "smartest" - as it usually results in Hazmur being led by stong-yet-dumb brute. Attempt to "civilize" them would be disastrous - since in that case, it would result in them going from semi-organized horde to militaristic nazi-like dictatorship. They do have scientific progress, albeit very slow one - yet even that is more fast than non-existent progress of those fey who still care about "living in harmony with nature". Most of their "diplomacy" boils down to sending ultimatum to enemy, claiming "We're going to smash you if you don't comply!", and then going to smash them if they don't comply.


Hazmur are aggressive, love to fight, and enjoy harming other creatures - especially, those who harmed Hazmur or the Spirit Darkthorn. They like to beat up those weaker than them, yet they won't be phased by even the strongest enemies. They are territorial expansionists - they violently protect Spirit Darkthorn, including territories it covered just minutes ago. Even when not provoked, they may launch raids for fun and expansion. They also help spreading their Spirit Darkthorn - with usual tactic involving group of Hazmur stealthing behind enemy lines, and planting Spirit Darkthorn there.

Hazmur Traits[edit]

Hazmur are mutated, stout violent fey creatures with hulking musculature, dumb and inept at magic, yet stong, agile and tough. They quickly grow at Spirit Darkthorn, appearing as leaves, then polymorph into Tiny humanoids.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and Constitution scores each increase by 2, and your Intelligence decreases by 1.
Age. Hazmur live a few hundred years, but are instantly born as adults after transforming into their humanoid form.
Alignment. Hazmur tend towards chaotic and evil alignments.
Size. Hazmur are from 1 to 2.5 feet tall. Your size is Tiny.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Fey Mutant. Your creature type is both humanoid and fey.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Integrated Filter. You are immune to nonmagical inhaled chemicals, toxins, or gaseous effects, and have advantage on saving throws against ones of a magical nature, as well as resistance to damage caused by them.
Light Sensitivity. You have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when trying to perceive something in an area of bright light.
Mutant Resilience. You have resistance to two of the following damage types: necrotic, poison, radiant, thunder. You are also immune to the effects of Spirit Darkthorn
Natural Climber. You have a climbing speed equal to your walking speed, and you gain proficiency with the Athletics skill.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Common.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

0′ 13'' +1d8 12 lb. × (2) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

(2 votes)

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