Ursilk (5e Race)
Work In Progress |
“ | That fur pelt they wear is finer than much hide you will find on any market. But if you touch it, be prepared to lose a finger or two. It is made from the shed furs of those they've lost, after all. | ” |
—Zayfar Mandeldrum, adventuring ranger of the Toltilem Woods |
Physical Description[edit]

Ursilks are humanoid creatures that resemble bears with slight lupine facial features. They can be quite large, growing as tall as over six feet and weighing over 300 pounds. They have clawed paws and sharp teeth, as well as very clear eyes with irises that range from icy blue, to peridot green. Their famous fur is known to feel luxurious and grows in long strands. Grooming is an important ritual for ursilks, so the hairs of their fur are usually well-kept and even decorated with beads and braids. The touch of an ursilk's fur is considered a first impression among members of this race. It is considered disrespectful and unbecoming for an ursilk to have rough fur with split ends. In order to protect their furs, ursilks do wear clothing and boast a rich culture of weaving various shawls and quilts. A common sight is for an ursilk to be wearing a cover that appears to pelt of another ursilk. This is because ursilks use the pelts of their deceased relatives in their clothes, thus giving their bodies purpose even in death.
Long ago, a group of Ursine bears were captures by a slave trader. They were kept unable to move, so they coudnt escape by brute force like they normally would. Many years have passed in which their body weakend. In exchange of that, their minds flourished, enabling them to focus their magic into a powerfull spell with wich they escaped the prison. This started a new colony of Ursines, in which the bears were known by the name of Ursilks.
Massive, weak, but possessing enormous magic, this omnivorous race evolved from bear-like ancestors. Covered in coarse fur, ursilks are most at home in cooler climates and thin atmospheres. They thus build much of their civilization in the colder north, along giants and orcs of the Spine. Their survival ability is such that it is possible to find ursines in even the most inhospitable places. This is a challenge that some individuals willingly embrace, as they can be found in the most unlikely nooks throughout the galaxy, even being sighted on places like the moon.
The ursines also have an astonishing longevity. Finding individuals who are several centuries old is not at all unusual. Their minds have evolved from the normal Ursines and thus, they are a highly intelligent species with the weight of their wisdom and experience harnessed over the years is a force to be reckoned with. It is therefore no surprise that there is a growing regard for ursilk elders within the world, and the younger races will often go to them for advice and insight.
While they are part of the ursine goverment, Ursilks are generally kept hidden from other nations for being classied as "unclean" brothers of the ursine nation. However in the ursine grounds, they are just as respected by their physically stronger brothers and culturaly diversed as the normal ursines.
Their obsession with law does not come without controversy. As with any society, benevolence may not always be the intended outcome; there are those who use law as a means of power and control. They are ready to go to war over a legality, and they are always on the side of the law, even if the law itself is not always entirely justified.
Ursilk Names[edit]
As a part of the ursine familiy, ursilk names are the same as ursine ones. Male bases may have suffixes of "-in," "-on," or "-an." Female names can have suffixes of "-a" or "-o." Either may be left alone. Letters in parentheses are only to be used if no prefix is added. However, some ursilk names may be quite uniqe among the others. Usually these kinds of names are given by the strongest of mages to their children.
Male Bases: Thor, Fin(n), Mat(t), Log(i), Karl, Kaer, Lan(n), Frey
Female Bases: Frey(n), Astri(d), Karoel, Laer(l), Frigg
Ursilk Traits[edit]
Ursines are beings in tune with nature but also advanced technologically. They resemble bears in many ways.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom increases by 2 and your Strength score increases by 1.
Age. Ursilks are known to live long lives, the oldest being nearly 900 years old.
Alignment. Ursinlks are extremely lawful.
Size. Ursils range from the side of regular medium to the larger end, though none too large. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Thick Fur. You gain 1 hit point upon level up.
Natural Prowess. You gain advantage on any Perception check that benefits your powerful sense of smell. This perception bonus is not granted to any sense other than smell.
Darkvision. Your ancestors have long since become used to being active in the night, becoming accustomed to little source of light. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see up to 60 feet in dim light as if it were bright light and darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot detect any colour in darkness, only a grayscale.
Subrace. Three main subraces of Ursilks populate the worlds of D&D: Brown, Polar, and Black. Choose one of these subraces.
- Brown: Brave – You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened
- Polar: Arctic Resistacne – You have a resistance to cold damage.
- Black: Animal Instincts – You have proficiency in the Survival skill.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and Beast.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
4′ 0'' | +2d12 | 125 lb. | × (1d4) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Suggested Characteristics[edit]
When creating an Ursilk character, you can use the following tables of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.
Ursilks are chaotic and respect nature in all its forms. (Except maybe when it's blistering hot.)
d8 | Personality Trait |
1 | I wish humans didn’t have to be so all-or-nothing, either forgoing nature for technology or vice versa. |
2 | I seek revenge to the humans that slaved us. |
3 | I speak with an open heart and a working mind. |
4 | I randomly spout bits of Ursilk history, sometimes at rather inopportune times. |
5 | I sometimes forget other people don’t cause blizzards when they get mad or resist extreme cold. |
6 | I tend to keep secrets where secrets belong, and don’t like keeping other peoples secrets. |
7 | I still bear some hallmark mannerisms of Ursine etiquette. |
8 | Roll again. |
d6 | Flaw |
1 | I tend to practice my magic at the worst times. |
2 | My mind can get quite busy at times. |
3 | I am generally distrustful of anyone I don’t know, and protect those I do know to a fault. |
4 | I tend to cast spells first, eat later, and then ask questions. |
5 | I can sometimes be distracted by the smell of honey and sound of bees, or of fish splashing in a river. |
6 | I can’t help wishing I was back at home, with sparkling magic and decent temperatures below 20 degrees Fahrenheit. |
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