Seisl (5e Race)
“ | Seisl must balance dark and light within them, but this not uncommon to many of us ourselves. | ” |
-Elder Grayhorn

A Seisl with Nightmare heritage in fiendish form, by [[1]] |
Physical Description[edit]
A Seisl has two forms, their humanoid form appears very similar to a Humans with noticeable differences being more pointed ears, eyes with black sclera, sharp teeth and clawed hands. It should be noted that not all Seisl are born with all of these traits, some only have one or two instead of all three. As for their Secondary form, it widely depends on what breed of Seisl they are;
- The Aqalh are one of the more Human-like breeds with a form said to be beautiful to most other races with the only fiendish parts about their physical apperance being horns that are either long and slender or short and Cat-like, long claw-like nails and two long tendrils with blade-like ends that come out of the shoulder blades.
- The Rifp have a more Corvid-like form with a Corvid skull-like head that usually has four eyes with a cat-like cross symbol for pupils, wings that are either coming from the shoulder blades or are merged with the arms of the Rifp, hands and feet that resemble Bird talons and the main body covered in feathers, a much rarer trait for Rifp is having tail feathers.
- The Avvutzual Have an apperance described as; "A Catfish that ended up becoming a Frog with nearly looking sharp teeth." This description is due to their short and rotund figure, almost immeasurable tongues, Salamander-like tail, three-digit hands and feet with claw-like nails, sharp uneven teeth and two tendrils right above the mouth that appear like a moustache.
- Jacyrs have a long pointed nose, rounded horns that come out on the side and curl towards the head, a mouth made up of countless small sharp teeth and exposed gums, long claw-like fingers and feet that appear as curled shoes.
- Vryips are described as black faceless shadows with glowing blue eyes which have no pupil or iris, Monsters like Wraiths and other Spectres are a good comparison for appearance.
- Fyirs are noted to be one of the most terrifying breeds of Seisl to exist, with a head that has an uncanny look of a human, large metal-like teeth, digitigrade legs with two claws, long arms ending in three-clawed hands and several long black spines running down the entirety of the back. It should also be noted that they can only communicate verbally when in their fiendish form and even then they can only repeat what they've heard in a voice that sounds like sinister wind blowing through rusted metal.
- Dirculs are seen as one of the noblest breeds of Seisl to exist, with red and gray skin, wide horns that come out on the side and curl upwards, claw-like fingers, dark bat-like wings and three claws instead of toes.
- Vauvkarls are noted to be the rarest of the rare breeds of Seisl, with four-digit claws and digitigrade legs, four eyes, a split bottom jaw with large fangs and a long tail.
The above-mentioned traits do not always show in seisl, some Dirculs can be without horns or wings and some Vauvkarls can have a single eye, tentacles, two claws, mantis-like arms, insectoid bodies and wings. Other Seisl may not fit into one of these breeds as being more closely related to their fiendish ancestor.

An Avvutzual doing "business", by [[2]] |
The Seisl are an ancient race, they have been among other mortals nearly at the time they came into existence. When fiends mated directly with mortals they created these half-breed children that eventually became their own race. Due to the fiendish appearance of the Seisl, most fiendaphobic people would not allow their kind in towns and such. This has made the Seisl a vagabond people because they never stay in one place for too long they don't have many towns and villages, instead, they have large travelling groups called clans that act as towns and villages. some of the larger ones include Agony's Flame, Nightmares Stalker and Delirums Trickster, the Seisl have not any wars within the clans or with other races in all of their time in existence.
Seisl society is heavily focused on balancing between one's forms and travel, it is fairly common for Seisl clans to have members be in their fiendish and humanoid forms. It is also common for Seisl to need to travel to a place, many of their kind will get "visions" of a place or a person and from that, they will blindly go off on an adventure to just go to that place or person. Seisl's mostly peaceful lifestyles have accepted non-Seisl in their clans. most Seisl that spend most if not all their time in their fiendish forms have either mastered the fiendish instincts that drive most Seisl to fits of uncontrollable actions or are trying to master said instincts.
Seisl Names[edit]
A Seisl will have two names, one being for their humanoid and the other for their fiendish form. Their humanoid name will be very tribal, however, their names can also take from the culture of non-Seisl as well depending on if there are non-Seisl living in a Seisl clan. Some Seisl will give their fiendish form a name, the fiendish name is usually chosen by themselves and can vary wildly, their names could be based on a story from their childhood, the name of a fiend relative, or describes a goal or concept they wish to fulfill in life or a concept they wish to personify.
Male Humanoid: Gerel Chez, Mordan, Kevynor, Zorron
Female Humanoid: Lilu Fuevrad, Liawynn, Zelrila, Marali
Male Fiendish: Panic, Agremoth, Nowhere, Trizrog
Female Fiendish: Cherish, Jynola, Expressive, Kelryss
Seisl Traits(WIP)[edit]
Half-fiends that are conceived from direct mating and born with 2 "souls".
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2 and your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Age. Most Seisl lives for around 10,500 to 20,000 years and age similarly like elves.
Alignment. Seisl might not have an innate tendency toward Good, but many of them end up there. Good or not, an independent nature inclines many Seisl lean toward a chaotic alignment.
Size. Seisl Size is Medium, Seisl's fiendish form will have the same size as their fiend relative.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Soul Sight. It is like Boon of Soul Sight, however, it is only 10 ft. and Spells, Enchantments, etc. can deceive you.
Fiendish Form. You can, with an action, transform into your Fiendish Form lasts about 5 minutes (or 50 rounds).
Fiendish Frenzy. While in your Fiendish form, every hour you must make a wisdom saving throw of 19 or higher and if you fail you will lose control of yourself for an hour to then return to your humanoid form, if you succeed you take your level + 1d10 force damage, this damage can't be reduced in any means. The saving throw will become 18 at 7th level, 17 on 12th, 16 on 15th and , 15 on 20th.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Abyssal.
Subrace. All the subraces of the Seisl have all the same traits as the base with a few extra traits, the subraces are; Aqalh, Rifp, Avvutzual, Jacyr, Vryip, Fyir, Dircul and Vauvkarl.

An Aqalh Seisl in fiendish form, by [[3]] |
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Charm. As a action you can cast Charm Person but it only lasts 30 minutes. You can use this trait a amount of times equal to you proficient modifier.
Shade Mantle. While in Fiendish Form you can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.
Dark Lashers. While in Fiendish Form you gain two lashers coming out of your shoulders, it can be used in your unearned attacks, it deals 1d6 piercing damage and you considered proficient with it.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence and Wisdom score increases by 1.
Speed. Your base flying speed is 30 feet.
Ravenous Thoughts. Similar to Detect Thoughts, however, you only get one thought and every time you cast this you take 1 point of damage.
Unkindness. You summon a Swarm of Ravens, you gain an additional swarm on every fifth level (1,5,10,15,20). You can do this twice every short rest.
Tactical Vision. Summon an eye with a cat-like cross symbol for a pupil to act as your eyes within 20 feet of you, this can pass through anything and has a 2 minute (or 20 round) cooldown.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Speed. Your base swimming speed is 30 feet.
Aquatic. You can breathe underwater.
Dealmaker. In any form of negotiations, you may make a Persuasion check with advantage to make a beneficial deal for yourself.
Sly Tongue. You have advantage with persuasion rolls against humanoids.
Gentleman's Aura. People within 15ft. of you are more reasonable and logical.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity and Strength score increases by 1.
Tricky Preformer. You have advantage on Acrobatics, Slight of Hand, Preformance and Deception checks.
Hallucinate. Create a minor illusion of yourself that lasts 30 minutes (or 300 rounds), you can only have up to 2 at a time and cooldown time is 1 minute (or 10 rounds). If you try to summon a third illusion, your first illusion will dissipate immediately to summon your newest illusion.
Toxic Nature. You naturally produce a poison via your sweat simular to Wyvern Poison.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity and Strength score increases by 1.
Shadow Step. You can travel between shadow within 45 ft., the cooldown time is 1 minute (or 10 rounds).
Intangible. You can walk through non-enchanted walls, floors and rooves as though they were difficult terrain.
Dream Walking. Instead of you having dreams, you enter someone else's dreams. the person who's dreams you enter must be in a 20ft. radius.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution and Wisdom score increases by 1.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 50 feet.
False Skin. You have a natural AC of 15.
Ancient Magic. You emit a 10-foot aura of terror that all other entities within it must make a will save if it's a fail then that entity becomes Frightened of you (this also affects other players), this has a 3 minute (or 30 round) cooldown.
One Mind. You have advantage on your will saves for your Fiendish form.
Rusted Voice. All languages you known in your humanoid form are sign language equivalents, in your fiendish form you can only mimic noises you've heard.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution and Strength score increases by 1.
Speed. Your base flying speed is 50 feet.
True Tool. You can summon one weapon that only you can wield.
Steel Skin. You have a natural AC of 14.
Arch Heritage. You have advantage on Wisdom and Charisma rolls against Devils.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence and Wisdom score increases by 1.
Speed. Your base burrowing speed is 30 feet.
Natural Survival. You can survive in any terrain.
Consumed Knowledge. When you eat a brain, you gain all the knowledge it had.
Quick Regeneration. You gain 5 Temporary Hit Points every 30 seconds (or 5 rounds).
Blood of the Lord. You have an advantage on Wisdom and Charisma rolls against Demons.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
5′ 1'' | +2d4 | 107 lb. | × (1d8) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |

A Fyir Seisl in fiendish form, by [[4]] |
Suggested Characteristics(WIP)[edit]
When creating a Seisl character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.
d8 | Personality Trait |
1 | I will hide my Feindish form from people, no matter what. |
2 | I frequently shift between forms. |
3 | I will use my Feindish form to get my way. |
4 | I hate not being in my Feindish form. |
5 | I hate being in my Feindish form. |
6 | I love being around others. |
7 | I perfer to be alone. |
8 | I hate all types of fiends. |
d6 | Ideal |
1 | I strife to find balance in myself and the world. |
2 | I embrace things only for my Fiendish form. |
3 | I embrace things only for my Humanoid form. |
4 | I wish to be constently traveling. |
5 | I do not want to leave places. |
6 | I do not like to see death. |
d6 | Bond |
1 | I can't trust myself to be with others. |
2 | I will take revenge on anyone related to those who wronged my ancestors. |
3 | I push away others to protect them. |
4 | I will protect my friends, no matter the cost. |
5 | My friends matter a lot to me. |
6 | No one is close to me, there is only prey. |
d6 | Flaw |
1 | I cannot stop killing people in my Fiendish form. |
2 | I get into trouble wherever I go. |
3 | I can't stop myself from wandering. |
4 | I will want to know everyone's secrets. |
5 | I can't control when I shfit between forms. |
6 | I easily get addicted to things. |
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