Tahalathuk (5e Race)
“ | Kahahaha, you want to come at me? Me?? Take your best shot... And try not to miss. | ” |
Embossed To Kill[edit]

Tahalathuki, singular tahalathuk, are strange creatures with humanoid bodily arrangement but no other real relation to humans otherwise. Their heads are mounted with something like a beaked, bleached, avian skull, though it moves and speaks with expressions that skulls cannot. In addition, the skull is adorned with a pair of horns or antlers, atypical for birds in general. A pair of white eyes usually stare out from the skull sockets. The bodies of tahalathuki are covered in a short of black metal. This lustrous metal sticks out and pricks up like spikes and feathers. It almost appears to move with their mood sometimes. The hands and feet of the tahalathuki end with black, pointy claws. Their big toe is located at the back of their heel, much like how a bird's claws are oriented. Their bodies are usually so lithe that they border being boney. Lastly, they have a black, scaly tail.
Most tahalathuki display a dislike of feeling cold. They will usually don thick sweaters and other clothes to pad, including under armor if they ever decide to wear any, which is rare. The body of a tahalthuk is tough as nails due to their metallic spikes, which likens them a little to bladelings. But, unlike bladelings, tahalathuki are not against covering up in some layers. Some tahalathuki will go as far as breaking their horns to cover their heads with hoods to appear more inconspicuous. Their horns and feathers grow for as long as they live and require frequent preening so they do not overgrow. Speaking of lifespans, it is believed the original tahalathuki progenitors remain among their progeny...
Unkindness Birth[edit]
It is said the tahalathuk were made from ravens, specifically a few special ones who were close to the Raven Queen. As the enigmatic goddess she is, the tahalathuk ancestry is wiped out and forgotten, so that none will ever know their purpose or her intentions. All that is known is that three ravens among the unkindness of the Raven Queen's hold were her alleged favorites. For reasons unknown, the three of them were twisted into a vague and freakish human form and placed in the Material Realm with their memories erased. These three progenitors are believed to have asexually procreated somehow, as the three of them emerged more prominently later in historical texts with about a hundred tahalathuki under each progeny. The tahalathuki are historically regarded as some sort of omen. However, their temperament is quite normal, rather than like a mysterious being. As such, they are seen now merely as an exotic sort of creature, much like lizardfolk or dragonborn.
Black Flocks[edit]
Tahalathuki are generally divided into the three progenies from whence their race came forth. While the three families differ in cultural aspects, the tahalathuki are generally biologically similar. These three families are also split among different terra, having divided their sites of preferred habitation. The three families each have around two hundred members in current day and grow seemingly with each passing moon. Members from these families commonly strike out on their own with no real repercussion, but inexplicably often find themselves longing to return to their unkindness. Unkindness is the plural form for ravens, as opposed to a murder for crows. Each of the families is named after such an odd and ominous theme, which is also the name of their progenitor, who is the central figure of the family. It is believed the progenitor is the lifeline of the race, being the only ones able to produce tahalathuki endlessly.
Regardless of the familial association, tahalathuki remain a somewhat obscure race in the end, in that few know what they do or why they are here. While they are seen as exotic, they are ultimately also under discrimination due to how plain ominous they appear. As such, it is not unheard of for them to receive slights in public like tieflings do.
- Family Dieturo
The family of Dieturo primarily dwells in cliff areas, rocky places, and crags and canyons. They are known to allow their bodies to grow rampantly, not caring to trim themselves down as much as other tahalathuki. This complements their more solitary lifestyle, where they commonly keep to themselves and their cave systems of abodes. Dieturo the raven enforces a tribe mentality among his family, urging them to take care of themselves first and shirk the interference of outsiders. They are known to be reclusive and, thus, their ways are mysterious and opaque, much like the enigmatic Raven Queen herself.
- Family Shadahel
Shadahel the raven greatly admired the Raven Queen before her memories were wiped. The desire to model after the Raven Queen's insatiable curiosity and obsession with relics and trinkets remain, however. Shadahel's family is thus one who seeks knowledge. The family's primary habitat is that of woodlands, though this merely a center of operations. Many of the Shadahel family commit to lives of thieves and scholars, going out to learn and steal what they can before bringing it back to a treasure hoard within their family territory.
- Family Tulthrod
Tulthrod's family is perhaps the most scattered of all. They are known to mingle and mix among urban environments, getting comfortable within the cities of other species, as they lack their own. Similar to Shadahel, Tulthrod has a want of knowledge. However, his family's focus is through experience rather than theft. Tulthrod sees living among others as the best way to learn about them, thus sending his progeny out through the cities of the world. These tahalathuki are usually the ones people encounter in the streets.
Unkind Only In Name[edit]
The tahalathuki are best characterized as aloof and wry. They like to laugh at jokes, particularly that of dark humor. Humor is very important to a tahalathuk. It is about second to their love of riddles and mysterious phrasing. In general, they are a mysterious bunch who like to think themselves funny. This sometimes makes them appear utterly unreliable. Tahalathuki thus differ greatly from their initial appearance. Many tahalathuki are misunderstood for their dark humor and appearance, resulting in them finding solace only in other shady figures. However, they are by no means inherently evil and have a wide range of emotions like humans.
Tahalathuk Names[edit]
The tahalathuki lack general naming conventions due to their fragmented families. However, it is generally known that they use the language of Netherese and Loross, which are lost and dead following the fall of the empires. While they do not know the language extensively, they do use their limited vocabulary for names. In general, also, tahalathuki lack dimorphism and do not have concepts of gender or sex, probably because of the nature of their reproduction as well. However, these concepts remain a curious oddity to them from outsiders and some will label themselves with gendered names, however erroneously, to have fun.
Male: Alager, Helred, Nefendil, Protherus
Female: Caradel, Turodad, Shefiel, Nashandrala
Tahalathuk Traits[edit]
A race born of her closest ravens...
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2 and either your Constitution or Dexterity score increases by 1.
Age. Tahalathuki are not known to die of age. Considering that the progenitors are still alive after all this time, it is plausible tahalathuki can only be killed.
Alignment. Most tahalathuki are neutral. They can be shades of good, evil, or chaotic, much like a human.
Size. On average, a tahalathuk is taller than a human but not much heavier. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Black Armor. The body of a tahalathuki is armored naturally. While unarmored, your Armor Class is equal to 12 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.
Raven Bloom. When you reach 5th level, you regain your wings lost in your metamorphosis. Starting at 5th level, you gain a flying speed of 30 feet. You may not use this speed while wearing armor.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write in Common and one other language of your choice.
Subrace. Choose one from the three families of Dieturo, Shadahel, and Tulthrod.
Mountain Dwellers. You live in places with uneven terrain that often require the use of your hands, which have grown claws to adapt. You can use these claws to make unarmed strikes, dealing slashing damage equal to 1d6 + your Dexterity modifier on a hit. These claws also grant you a climbing speed of 20 feet.
Reclusive Mystique. Your attitude and ways are a puzzlement to outsiders. You are proficient in the Deception skill.
Knowledgeable Thief. Family Shadahel is well known for their inquisitive eye and covetous fingers. You are proficient in the Investigation and sleight of hand skills.
Scholarly Revelations. You can cast the identify spell as a 1st-level spell. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all use when you finish a long rest.
Experienced Eyes. Having lived by experience, you know tells and truths that they don't learn in books. You are proficient in the Insight skill.
Trained. Living among others, you have picked up on various things. You are proficient in two of the following of your choice: one weapon, one tool, one language.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
5′ 5'' | +2d8 | 160 lb. | × (1d6) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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