Wallguurum (5e Race)

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A strange monk jumps towards the enemy wizard who is casting a concentrated antimagic field spell on the battlefield and gives him a powerful kick, causing his fellow spellcasters to cast their spells again. A female paladin with a heart carries a poor, sick Halfling in her pocket and finds a nearby cathedral. A rogue, with an agile mind, makes an evasive leap to escape the clutches of an Ogre that could easily crush him. Bouncing around the fairy world on the fairy plane, the wallguurum are humanoid creatures who are always spreading their high madness to the multiverse, bringing their strength and agility to the world in which they find themselves.

Physical Description[edit]

The wallguurum differ from their Harengon neighbors. The Haregon have an appearance similar to that of a rabbit, while the wallguurum have an appearance similar to a marsupial. They have a medium ear, long back legs that allow them to perform very long jumps, as well as a long and large tail, which helps them balance. The kangaroo people also have a bag called a marsupium, which they use to carry their newborn children, in addition to also using it to carry their material means.


Its history is somewhat unknown. No one knows for sure where they came from or where they came from. Many say that they practically came at the same time that the Haregons also appeared, since these two people get along so well with each other, although their ways and manners are completely different.


Their society is very non-primitive. Men fulfill the role of hunting for food, fighting for the tribe, and training the new generations who become their successors. Females do not only do agriculture and weaving, they play their role as healers and magicians of the group, learning magic to help the proliferation of the people.

wallguurum Names[edit]

The names are based on their characteristics and personalities, among them. They are usually linked between their actions and attitudes towards their people, but, they also take the name of the elven people. You can use these names below or create a new one that matches your character style.

Male: Foot of the wind, gross body,Big Foot,etc

Female:Pearl Leap,healthy body,Herb leg,etc

wallguurum Traits[edit]

Humanoid Marsupial Race that has jumping abilities to use its abilities.
Ability Score Increase. When determining your character’s ability scores, increase one score by 2 and increase a different score by 1, or increase three different scores by 1. You can't raise any of your scores above 20.
Age. Wallguurum grow up already knowing how to jump like children and they reach maturity just like human beings, but the estimated adult lifespan for them is only at 30 years old. Typically, they can live between 300 to 450 years.
Alignment. They do not know the definition of law, so most are chaotic by nature, although there are few of them who are lawful. Despite all this, they still value those who help them, making them also kind, but those who leave the fairy plane become neutral. It is very rare for one to emerge who is evil, and even if one is, they are sworn enemies of all their people.
Size. Typically, they can measure between 1.5 meters and up to 2.0 meters in height. Typically, they tend to weigh between 70 and 240 kilograms. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet and your jump is up to 10 feet, whether you are moving or not.
Acute Hearing. You have proficiency in the Perception skill.
Escape Kick. You can use your bonus action to make a jump that pushes the enemy and you jump a number of meters equal to your proficiency bonus. You do not provoke attacks of opportunity while taking this action. The enemy tô the big size must make a Strength saving throw DC equal to 8 + your Strength or Constitution Modifier (whichever comes first, at least 1) + your proficiency bonus or take 1d6 + your Strength Modifier of bashing damage and be on the prone condition. On a success, he takes half the damage and is not knocked down. You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all uses after a long rest.
Powerful Blow. You can perform unarmed attacks with your feet or tail. As a bonus action, you can use your legs or tail to deal 1d6 plus your Strength modifier of bashing damage instead of 1d4.
Reserve Scholarship. Your body has a reserve bag called a marsupium and it can be used to carry more items into your space. You can carry an amount equal to your weight. Additionally, you can also carry a creature (or more than one, if you have more space) of Medium size or smaller inside you. While the creature is in your bag, it receives +2 AC, in addition to the creature being blind to its surroundings. When a creature takes a short rest inside its bag, it regains extra hit points equal to 1d6. If your bag exceeds your weight, your walking speed is reduced to 10 feet and you lose your jumping ability and the bonus action of your Escape Jump race feature, as your body is too full to perform it. your maneuvers.
Open Mind. You have advantage against being frightened or charmed.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

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