Tusquarian (5e Race)

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Physical Description[edit]

Tusquarians resemble humanoids and come in as many shapes and figures as humans do. Additionally they are born with various animal features, for example their human ears are replaced by animal ears. Because this characteristic varies from tribe to tribe, there is no clear division between those attributes as they are all considered as beings the same race. The examples of those special features in singular tribes can be found further in the description of the subraces.

Typical tusquarian is usually of a medium height, having wolf ears and tail in shade of light grey with darker gray tips. Their clothes are usually made out of one bolt of fabric, tied in the middle with a sash. They are made to be very light with accents on the collar, cuffs and lining. Their shoes are made with simple leather tied by a string, sometimes accompanied with footwraps. They don various hair ornaments such as: tube-like hair ties, head bands, earrings made out bone or light metal. Depending on their preference, they can also wear masks or eye-patches that cover their scars, pieces of cloth that hang from their head band to cover their wounded or sickened ears.

The preferences and clothing accents varies from tribe to tribe. There is no costume that could be refereed to as their national dress.


The lands those people inhabit were under constant war, many suffered and taken shelter in the cover of mountains where the danger was lessened. Various refugees from different countries formed primitive tribes that were under the rule and protection of small, self-governed nations. In a particular sovereign state, due the events of a rebellion, the government was overthrown by its own people. It was renamed to Tusquaria and further grew until it swallowed other small countries under its jurisdiction. After the wars ceased, the tribal people returned to their peaceful life and culture, which is practised till this day.

The name tusquarian comes from the word tusk, the one that bears "tusks", a creature equal to an animal. Controversially, it is how the people describe themselves, even if that term might carry a derogatory connotation.

Having their origin connected with ancient gods would suggest from where they gained their animal features. That is just one theory of how did people of that land retained their appearance. A second one is that those people were cursed at some point, their souls were combined by a unknown power with the deceased animals spirits. In reality no one knows or is able to research more on this matter, the truth remains unrevealed.


The tribal society of tusquarians is divided in 3 castes:

  • The weapon caste which primarily consists of male warriors who defend, build and provide food for the village. Female warriors are more rare.
  • The hoe caste which primarily consists of female farmers, various artisans and cooks that conserve households. During seeding and harvests it is not uncommon from them to receive help from their husbands and kids.
  • The shaman caste which consists of special and gifted individuals that have a connection between their world and others. Their work is related to religion, carrying out praying sessions, maintaining shrines, performing rituals and festivals, connecting people with their ancestors.

Each tribe has its own history passed down from generation to generation. There are various archives written on piles of bamboo slips, all in the common writing system that uses logograms.

Above the tribes there is the government caste. Those people maintain the peace within the country and inherit their title with each generation. There are no nobility or special laws within this country that would create a segregation by classes. It is also important for each tribe individually to continue this unity due to the relationships established between them many years ago.

Their culture and identity is preserved by various festivals, traditions and celebrations shared above the tribal seclusion. This is all govern by the main head, the central government which decides what days are considered free from work, although they don't prevent tribes from having their own discrete happenings.

Tusquarians are people who don't know magic. They have no knowledge of the arcane and can understand very little of the divine arts. That doesn't mean they are technology behind. On the contrary, their medicine and war tactics, as well as individual vigour of their soldiers, are no match for other races. Countless armies attempted to invade tusquaria with bitter failure, running away with their tails between their legs.

Tusquarian Names[edit]

Drawing inspirations from nature, wind, and abstract concepts of feelings, the names those people carry are varied. They are difficult to pronounce correctly for foreigners, written either in logograms or in a special script. Once a person received a name from their parent, they are obligated to carry it towards the future generations. Additionally, only government based families have a second name that is inherited.

Female names are differentiated from the male ones by having more softer vowels.

Male: Benvani, Gernji, Haqyu, Hsein, Karzo, Miqouzachi, Nivo, Ofvoro, Syaziai, Varui,

Female: Awjiu, Avuuruu, Kaumniu, Kharutsu, Kuusia, Miqeuto, Neqvi, Ruritlire, Svkasui, Thouva

Tusquarian Traits[edit]

Tribal people gifted with various animal features that inhabit one country.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score is increased by 2. Additionally, you can increase either your Strength or your Dexterity score by 1.
Age. Tusquarians reach maturity in your late teens and life up to 70 years.
Alignment. People of tusquaria are generally welcoming to strangers, but their nature turns aggressive towards hostility. You can choose any alignment.
Size. Tusquarian sizes are the same as humans, although they are slightly smaller and thinner. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Wild Alertness. As long as you are not surprised, before rolling for your Initiative, you can choose to take your Passive Perception as your Initiative roll. You can use this trait once, and you restore that use after you finish a short.
Tribal Unity. During your turn, choose and ally within 5 ft and take the Ready Action to act after that ally. If that ally performs an Attack Action on their turn, you can immediately use your Reaction to attack the same target afterwards.
Nature Child. You gain a proficiency in the Nature skill.
Languages. You can read, write, and speak Common. You can also communicate with animals in a limited capacity.
Subrace. Depending on your origin tribe, you can choose various subraces:

White Leporidae Tribe[edit]

Having prominent long rabbit or hare-like ears, the members of this tribe survived due plotting and connection they established with other tribes.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Cunning Scheming. You gain a proficiency in the Persuasion skill when you are discussing on peaceful terms.
Nimble Movement. Whenever your target takes a Disengage Action, you can make a single weapon attack against them. You can use this trait up to your Dexterity modifier (minimum 1). You restore your expended uses after a short or a long rest.

Striped Feline Tribe[edit]

A tribe of fearsome warriors that was once enslaved, always prepared to battle. They have long and very fluffy leopard ears, along with a long cat-like tail.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
Savage Onslaught. When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon that has a heavy property, you can choose to knock the target prone if its size is Large or smaller.
Large Swing. Whenever you cause the enemy hit points to drop to 0 or below, you can use your Bonus Action to make an additional attack against a different enemy within range during the same turn.

Jagged Rodent Tribe[edit]

A tribe of hunters, their army consists mainly of mounted combatants. Their ears have a metallic shade that are incredibly pointy.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Saddle-born. You gain proficiency in the Animal Handling skill when trying to maintain control over your mount.
Trapper. You gain proficiency with the Trident and Net.

Feathery Bird Tribe[edit]

Instead of having a pair of ears, this tribe have large angel-like wings on their backs. Unfortunately, they can't use them for flying because their bodies are too heavy, they use other methods for flying.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Avian Descent. You are blessed with innate capacity to cast Feather Fall. You can do this up to three times before you need to take a short rest to recharge.
Divinity. You gain proficiency in the Religion skill.

Bird-Wings Ears Tribe[edit]

A tribe with a reputation that was hard-earned by many talented warriors. Their ears spread to the sides, resembling half-open wings that contain feather-like fluff.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
Hardened Warrior. When you take damage, you can choose to roll a Dexterity saving throw as a reaction. If You succeed, your quick movements can reduce damage you take from that single source by half. If you fail, your fumbling causes the damage to be doubled. You can initially use this trait once, and you gain one additional use at 6th level, 11th level and 16th level. You restore your expanded uses after a short rest.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

Table: Random Height and Weight
Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
4' 6" +2d8 100 lbs. × (2d4) lb.

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