Vinsmoke (5e Race)

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Vinsmokes The Vinsmoke race in One Piece is a family of notorious and feared assassins who rule the Germa Kingdom. This family is famous for their fighting skills and their connection to the Underworld. The Vinsmoke family members were genetically engineered by the patriarch Judge Vinsmoke to become superior, emotionless warriors with extraordinary powers. Some One Piece characters including Sanji have retained their emotions, but this is a rare exception.

Physical Description

Members of the Vinsmoke family share unique physical characteristics, such as curved eyebrows, and each has an epithet and fighting style tied to a specific color. For example, Sanji is known as "Black Leg," while his brothers have epithets such as "Sparking Red" and "Dengeki Blue."

History., Advanced Technology: The Vinsmoke utilize advanced technology, including Raid Suits, which give them special powers in battle, such as the ability to fly and increase the power of their attacks. Abilities: The members of the Vinsmoke family have special techniques with various names. Ichiji Vinsmoke has Sparkling Red., Niji Vinsmoke has Dengeki Blue., Sanji has Black Leg. All these names are not important and if you want you can even avoid making one up by doing like Reiju Vinsmoke who has an unnamed ability that simply allows her to absorb and probably manipulate poison.

Society The Vinsmokes are led by patriarch Judge Vinsmoke. The Vinsmoke are known as a family of assassins feared throughout the world, due to their fighting skills and genetic modifications. The place where the Vinsmoke originates is the Germa Kingdom which is the mobile kingdom ruled by the Vinsmoke family, consisting of thousands of artificially created humans.

Vinsmokes Names The Vinsmoke names are varied but the surname cannot be removed in any way. In this case the surname becomes like a trademark.

Vinsmokes Traits The Vinsmoke family is a lineage of noble assassins who rule the Kingdom of Germa and command an army known as Germa 66.
Ability Score Increase. You can convert any attack into damage of a certain type that you will be resistant to. You can choose any element at the discretion of the DM.
Age. A Vinsmoke's age is no different from that of a human. This means they should not mature prematurely unless there is some trauma or unusual event.
Alignment. Vinsmoke tend toward lawful neutral, but exceptions are almost more common than the base they come from.
Size. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 40 feet. If you can fly your minimum flying speed is 60 feet.
Vinsmoke's Element. You gain an element of any type at the DM's discretion. You can convert any attack to the type of your selected element.
Persistent.. You gain a resistance to the element you choiced.
SkyFalling. You don't take any damage from (3*level) meters falls. That makes you survive your own doublejumps.
Doublejumping. You can make an extra jump every level. (Lvl 1: 1 jump., Lvl 2: 2jumps., Lvl 3: 3...)
FightingStyle. You have proficiency in any armour and any elemental weapon of your own element.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and anhoter language of your choice.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

5-6-7′ 67-75'' +1D12 55-110 kg lb. × (2D8) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)


(one vote)

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