Sraxiiv (5e Race)

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Sraxiiv Physical Description[edit]

Sraxiiv (pronounced sræ-ksi:v) are a reptilian race with many cool features. One of the huge factors that makes a Sraxiiv a Sraxiiv is their venom. Every Sraxiiv produces some amount of venom in their bone marrow and it only gets more potent when the blood is cycled through special reagent "factories" hidden underneath their hide. This venom courses through a Sraxiiv body and can be used as a weapon in certain scenarios. While provoked, the spikes on a Sraxiiv's arm will raise to expose the bio-luminescent venom. Although mostly used s a defense measure, Sraxiiv venom is incredibly potent and can weaken even the toughest of foes. Female Sraxiiv's horns are also venomous for more protection from predators.

Aside from the venom, Sraxiiv are made up of a thick scaly hide. The color of this hide changes depending on the region a Sraxiiv was born and raised. Mesa Sraxiiv feature mostly tans, light and dark browns, and light reds. Taiga Sraxiiv feature a lot of dark greens, light browns, and greys and also have slightly webbed feet. The Sraxiiv of the oceans are primarily dark blue, seaweed-greens, and light greys, while plains Sraxiiv consist of light oranges, browns, dark greens, ad dark greys. Plain Sraxiiv also have sharper claws for grappling prey and making sure it cannot run. As for Sraxiiv of the tundra, they feature a lot of light greys and whites, along with lighter browns and light greens. Each Sraxiiv is different and no two are exactly alike. While they may be a similar color, there are many other features that can set them apart from each other.

They have raptor-like legs that sometimes feature fur on the backside that runs down almost like chaps. This fur can also grow along the shoulders down the back of the tricep where it acts almost like a cape of sorts. Fur is generally pretty short, varies in color, and the color is passed down genetically. Their long tails can also have fur either on top or on the bottom, but rarely both. Male Sraxiiv typically have more fur than the females do. The spines on the back of a Sraxiiv's arm lie flat unless a Sraxiiv is provoked and give off a dim bio-luminescent glow due to the venom. Venom color can also vary and is genetic. These spines are also more akin to sharp-bladed scales as opposed to porcupine quills, but the spine shape does also vary. As for their eye shape, Sraxiiv have slit-shaped pupils, but some Sraxiiv do posses round pupils.

Sraxiiv voices are typically very gruff and hard to understand if they are being heard by a race unfamiliar with their accent. Due to their forked tongue, Sraxiiv roll their S's. Their native language, Sah'rin, is very flowy and a lot of the words seem to connect to one another. Due to this, to the untrained ear, Sah'rin sounds like nothing but a bunch of random hisses and gibberish.

Sraxiiv History[edit]

(Excerpt from "The Untold Mystery of the Sraxiiv")-
The known early history of the Sraxiiv race is fairly scarce. They aren't known to write or record their doings, but instead prefer to pass down stories orally. One such story, seemingly originating from an oceanic tribe, goes as follows. "Together we work to move, to build, and to live. Each of our individual selves contributes to the whole that is 'us'. From this 'us', we grow more individually. It's a give and take that lets everyone flourish in their own manner and as a whole. There may be some knots in the robe that ties everyone together and the tribe knows this and works with it. They are omnipresent and also help build individuality, which, in turn, 'us'. The universe has a purpose for everything and everyone and it creates these disturbances in 'us' with purpose. This creation is a blessing and helps 'us' grow still. If one should put down another, there becomes a disturbance unnatural. This is one of very few intolerable acts. Then and only then will the rope be broken to cut out the unnatural knot. Woeful, but necessary. This ideology keeps our universe pure." - Unknown Oceanic Sraxiiv Telltale.

There is one excerpt of a written record from another area of the world that shines more light on Sraxiiv history. The language being somewhat different than the one of the previous story. "Trivial had we been at the time of upbringing. Anarchy at first, we have thankfully reformed over time to a much more collaborative whole. Now, with structure, we can move forward as one many instead of as just one. The bonds of our people have never been as strong as they are now and, as such, have created a perfect world for the families of these lands and the land itself." -Oolowilth, Worker of Words.

From these stories and the very few gathered from other locations around the world, we can infer that the Sraxiiv race had over time transitioned from a race of individuals to a collective of members that each had their own role to play. They began to create rulings in order to make sure order was maintained. This statement is quite interesting as there are many different communities of Sraxiiv around the world, but they all seemed to reach a similar style of living. How amazing that, although each tribe has their own struggles and culture, each is similar in a way that makes it seem like all tribes had structurally evolved as one worldwide community.

Sraxiiv Society[edit]

(Excerpt from "The Untold Mystery of the Sraxiiv")-
We know the history of Sraxiiv as an evolution of individuals that transitioned to a conglomerate who had eventually created structure and order within their various communities. Does this pair up with their tradition and culture?

To begin, all information presented in this chapter is collected from scholars who had talked to members of Sraxiiv tribes located around the world and the few that chose to move to the more well-established cities. Sraxiiv communities seem to spring up in a variety of different areas of the globe which has undoubtedly affected the living conditions.

First, the mesa tribes. Mesa tribes tend to focus on ranking and competition. Their ranking is similar to modern ideologies of royalty. They have their king and queen figures, then the high-class, composed primarily of scholars, middle-class, made up of task leaders, and then the general laborers. The individuals who cannot work either because of disability or age are still held in high regard and treated well. Crazily enough, differing from other races mentioned in some of my other works, this royalty system works very well for the Sraxiiv of the mesas! Other races would get into fights over the ranking and these fights eventually lead to civil conflict. The mesa Sraxiiv ranks, on the other hand, work in tandem with each other. The roles of each rank benefit the entirety of each community and as such, have allowed them to live in prosperity and comfort. As for the competitive aspect, one huge form of entertainment in Mesa tribes is ritualistic sport. This sport creates another sect within the ranks of competitors and falls somewhere within the high and middle class. If the sport chosen is combat, fights were never to the death and instead are until one combatant tapped out or the judge figure makes a decision based on performance. Combat is just one of many sports held by the Sraxiiv of the mesas. Some other sports are obstacle racing, swimming, archery, and more!

Next, the tribes of the taiga. Taiga tribes have a system of individual "chores" and within each chore is a leader. Twice a moon, these leaders get together and discuss what is being done in each other's chores and what was needed to keep the tribe running smoothly. These chores included hunting, farming, building, and more generalized tasks. Within each chore, each Sraxiiv would have their own tasks or would band together into collective tasks for the jobs that required multiple bodies such as hunting. Whenever taiga Sraxiiv weren't working, usually around the late hours, they would collect into their living areas. All members of the tribe lived within the same location and were not separated by chore. This community-style of living was believed to create a sense of collectiveness and it did. For the most part, any conflicts were solved quickly and easily. The chore system made each member feel like they were important in their own way and the leaders of the chores were chosen by vote. This vote was held every 4 moons. This community-focused style of life worked very well for the Taiga Sraxiiv.

After the taiga, we have the oceanic tribes. The oceanic tribes have a very different living style from the other tribes since everything is underwater! Their focus is on oneness. If any member should betray the collective, they are usually cast out to make sure that no conflict stirs. This tradition is called "repair" and very very rarely occurs as Sraxiiv of the ocean are tightly bound by strong bonds. Their ranking system is similar to the Taiga tribes as far as the chores and the leaders, however, Sraxiiv of the ocean typically have one leader who focuses all of their efforts on keeping the tribe together. This leader, brought to power by linage is tasked with directing the chore leaders and making sure they are aware of the status of other areas of the tribe. While each leader may have their own individual rank, they all collaborate with the rest of the members of their community to keep ties strong. This system has allowed the oceanic tribes to flourish in terms of efficiency and collectivity. When the work is done, oceanic Sraxiiv live in their family-styled hallows. These hallows surround community spaces. Each community space and hallow "pod" is connected. This living style, along with the efficiency of the work system has allowed the oceanic tribes to prosper and continue to prosper.

The plains Sraxiiv are very different from the previous two. Plains sraxiiv are much more religiously focused. Their belief resides in nature as a force that is all-powerful. This reflects heavily in their society. Sraxiiv of the plains typically have a collective of leaders who are believed to be deeply connected to nature. These leaders hold rituals every few moons to keep their relationship with the forces of nature well. These rituals take place in pyramidal temples and are fairly simple tasks like burning incense or ritualistic prayer to the land. Their connection to nature appears even in their labor. Plains tribes have labor committees directed directly by the religious leaders. Their agriculture is eas land friendly as possible and consists of careful working of the soil to make sure the land isn't damaged. Hunting parties make a prayer for every animal taken back to the tribe and before every meal thanking the land for providing them with life. Any building that is done is done with care and perfection to please the lands. Their living condition is in separated communities that each have their own shrine located somewhere near. While not as connected to each other as the tundra and oceanic tribes, their religious style of living works very well for the tribes of the plains. Everything is done with care for the land and as such, creates wonderfully vibrant tribal spaces that breed content and joy.

Last but certaintly not least are the tundra Sraxiiv. Tundra Sraxiiv have a work system that is shuffled periodically to make the working parts of their life more exciting and keep live fresh. This work system also made members of tundra tribes very well rounded. Sraxiiv of the tundra believe in many gods that are all symboic of different things. Some of these include the god of land, of the sun, of the water, of the storms, and many many more. These Sraxiiv are not entirely devoted to religion like the plains Sraxiiv are, but religion is still a big part of their society. Shelters frequently contain a symbol or statue of the god that is primarily worshiped in said shelter. Their tribe leader candidates are appointed by vote and then compete in a ritualistic competition decided upon by the tribe's shamans. These shamans keep the tribe's religious standing well and are fairly separated from the tribe's main working parties. They also are not rotated like the other members are. The tundra tribes' leaders keep everyone else but the shamans in check. They manage all the relations and make sure each task is completed well. While it is a rougher style of living, the tundra Sraxiiv are still very well off.

To answer the question presented at the beginning of this chapter simply, yes! While each tribe is different in their own ways, each has a sense of community and group involvement. While this is all well and good, what happens to the individuals who live in other cities around the world? As much as it pains me to write this, many Sraxiiv who choose to venture out of their natural territory are not accepted as regular members of said cities. This may be due to appearance, their venom, or their traditionally tribal style of living. There are still a few who are accepted, and these individuals work as hard as they would back at home to hopefully improve general societal views of Sraxiiv in hopes to strengthen relations with cities and allow other Sraxiiv to freely explore other cultures.

Sraxiiv Names[edit]

Sraxiiv names are very dependent on their region of birth and where they are raised. Each region has different inspirations for their names. While all sounding foreign and reptilian, mesa Sraxiiv are going to sound somewhat Roman or Babylonian, taiga Sraxiiv are going to sound more Native American, oceanic Sraxiiv are going to seem somewhat Japanese or Polynesian, plains Sraxiiv are going to sound more Meso-American tribalistic, and the Sraxiiv of the tundra are going to be more Germanic and Viking. Most Sraxiiv do not have a last name and instead will have a title if they gain one. Also, Sraxiiv names generally follow the same naming schemes as their inspirations as far as masculinity and femininity.

Mesa. Felaeo, Vul-sihu, Rimmuz, Samsi-tu, Nimzi, Nemesh, Otia-gasit, Bugigi, Gamil-ahu, Atticas, Augtustanti, Aurelial, Gazial, Feliix, Prisimial.
Taiga. Ahtameyalvi, Ciltalaly, Goutye, Intizel, Lalapiyka, Metzala, Nopatha, Polliaq, Shiikobal, Tecamla, Uiajaral, Yalotol.
Oceanic. Ahkebi, Asimi, Chiumu, Gohiro, Harana, Hotaka, Ichiki, Jun'iki, Kairo, Maki, Ryoini, Tamana, Lala, Tisi, Ume'ukina, Napo, Isa'mato, Yokū.
Plains. Fabimael, Gabwin, Itzotal, Xol, Xumuluoh, Cotal, Eadzirik, Citlactonal, Huitzemoc, Melitzicóatl, Necaxaual, Chakalan.
Tundra. Almund, Baulg, Bjaglijot, Cuyfinn, Daugtin, Eindriolf, Goir, Gunvoulg, Hayda, Gerrik, Knujell, Ove, Ragnhlaug, Sagriid.

Sraxiiv Traits[edit]

Sraxiiv have tough scaly hides and venomous spines that give them sweet defensive options. Their gruff appearance, however, makes their first impressions pretty week.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1, your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Charisma decreases by 1.
Age. Sraxiiv reach physical maturity around 25 and typically live around 90 years. While most live to 90, some Sraxiiv can live up to 120.
Alignment. Sraxiiv enjoy the tribal aspects in their culture and generally prefer to be in tribes unless they are feeling somewhat adventurous. This lifestyle leads Sraxiiv to remain neutral to, but curious of, other races and species. Sraxiiv born in cities and towns will often try to do what's best to better the societal view on their race.
Size. Sraxiiv can range from 3 feet, uncommonly, to around 6'6". Average is 4'8" feet and the average weight is 210 lbs. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet, however, your variant may change this.
Darkvision. Due to the Sraxiiv nature of hunting at night and taking advantage of sleeping creatures for easier takedowns, Sraxiiv have adapted to seeing in the dark. Sraxiiv can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. They can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Venemous Defenses. Once below half health, the spines on a Sraxiiv's arms will raise. These spines can be used to weaken an enemy who may pose a threat to a Sraxiiv. As an action, 1 time per long rest, a Sraxiiv may make an unarmed attack and deal an additional 1d4 + (Total level / 3 rounded up) Constitution damage.
Natural Armor. You have tough, scaly skin. When you aren't wearing armor, your AC is 13 + your Constitution modifier. You can use your natural armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield's benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Sah'rin, and one language of your choice. Any common they speak uses drawn out s sounds and is typically literal in meaning. Only city-born Sraxiiv really catch on to sarcasm.


Mesa. Living in dry rocky terrain has lead the Sraxiiv of the mesas to have greater stamina due to the scarcity of resources. Mesa Sraxiiv have a base walking speed of 40 and a base climbing speed of 25.
Taiga. Taiga Sraxiiv have adapted to the diverse wildlife and ecosystems of the mountains and tree-laden areas. They gain Proficiency in the Survival skill and have resistance against poison damage and disease.
Oceanic. Sraxiiv of the ocean live most of their lives underwater. Due to this, oceanic Sraxiiv have developed webbed feet. Their base walking speed is 25 and they gain a base swimming speed of 50 and can breathe underwater. They also gain the ability to speak Abyssal.
Plains. The wide-open nature of the plains biome has lead the Sraxiiv inhabitants to adopt patterns that break their shape up against most natural backgrounds. While not indoors, Sraxiiv of the plains gain advantage in the Stealth skill. Also, Sraxiiv of the plains have evolved to have extra long claws that keep prey from running away. These claws give advantage on grapple/touch attacks.
Tundra. Having to live in cold harsh climates, Sraxiiv of the tundras have resistance to cold and have adapted over time to accommodate for difficult terrain by evolving tougher claw pads and as such, are not affected by difficult terrain.

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