Cerbren (5e Race)
“ | They might look monstrous to most, but after living here for a few weeks, speaking with them, seeing their children play in the streets, I know them to be kind and honorable.
However, I don't envy the parents trying to corral toddlers that can teleport! |
” |
Physical Description[edit]
The Cerbren are large, Multi headed canine humanoids that have fur in many natural colors with light tan being the most common. They have a shock of darker "hair" on their head, and on the tips of their ears and tails. Their eyes come in an array of colors from the natural spectrum brown, blue, green, amber etc. Though they always glow light blue and appear to emit wisps of steam just before and right after teleporting. They have long swept back ears similar to a Great Dane's in shape. They also sport two long lion like tails. Their legs are digitigrade, and all limbs have paw pads in either pink or black, the same goes for their nose. All digit's end in claws. Each single example of a Cerbren consists of two separate individuals.
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An armored Cerbren, WolvenCItizen, https://www.furaffinity.net/view/53409684/ |
Cerbren started off as two separate races, an offshoot of the Ettin people, and the sentient Blink dogs both exiled from their homes for reasons lost to time. Living in close proximity to each other, secluded in the northern mountains, to escape the destruction of the celestial sundering, close to a volcanically active area but away from possible lava flows. Between the fertile volcanic soil, mineral wealth of the mountains, and the natural hot springs they couldn't have asked for a better place to weather the godly conflict.
When the dust settled, and many gods lay slain, lesser gods and demigods rushed to fill the vacuum of power. One such entity a giant, beastly, three headed canine created to be the protector of one of the now forgotten gods. Consumed his fallen creator and gained his own agency and power. Calling himself Cerberesh he became the god of the concepts known as loyalty, honor, and patience as well as the god of the many headed creatures of this world. He created many new creatures to fill rolls in nature left vacant by his predecessor's war. Chief amongst his creations Was the Cerbren, the Ettin and Blink dogs, last of their kind and not numerus enough on their own to sustain their races for long were given the choice to have their people blended together into one race as to not die out, in exchange they shall live by his tenants and respect his creations.
So, they did and the Cerbren were born, as they flourished so did the land, they made a town that became a city its name Vo'con, they tamed the "Hrake" into fearsome mounts and "Cram" into livestock. They mined stone and metals both mundane and rare including the massive roughhewn diamond that serves as their leaders throne, the volcanic activity made the ground fertile and warm allowing them to grow bountiful crops despite the cold climate, the hot springs served to bring outsiders. All of this brought wealth and influence allowing them to expand into a nation over the millennia, encompassing all the Hadolfur Highlands.
The Cerbren, as a people value honor and family above all else. To be recognized in the Cerbren community is to have great strength of body and character. The mountain stronghold city of Vo'Con is the Cerbren's birthplace and one true home. They are ruled by the Thanes of the diamond throne. They are chosen from the strongest, smartest, and most charismatic of their warriors by a council of city elders. The city is self-sustaining complete with what any other large city has but focuses on stonework, metalwork, and the training of warriors. Being literally of two minds on everything they revel in lively discussion and celebrate diversity of opinion. This leads them to be quite welcoming of outsiders. They believe that those who do not live by the blade can still die by it. So as soon as their children are old enough to hold an axe and string a bow, they are trained to wield both. Many have left their home over the centuries for the greater world. their reasons being, to adventure, the seeking of riches, or for a simpler life. This has caused them to be an uncommon but present sight. The people of the world regard them with a fair degree of wariness and respect as their prowess in battle is well known. They have no temples or places of worship as their god does not require it, they simply follow his tenants and respect his creations that is he asks of anyone.
Cerbren Names[edit]
Cerbren naming conventions are much like real world Norse names just with a Fey flair. Also, they have two first names reflecting their nature as separate individuals. When referring to "A Cerbren", it is a singular example of the species, while plural refers to multiple bodies, do not mistake them for a single person, as they would find that insulting.
Male: Arna, Birgir, Bjarn, Enrik, Gunnur, Laef
Female: Astrede, Freda, Hildu, Liva, Siif, Ulfald
Cerbren Traits[edit]
Large multi headed canines that can teleport
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Cerbren reach maturity at around 15. They can live up to roughly 150 years.
Alignment. Cerbren tend to steer away from chaos, but as with all things it depends on the individual.
Size. Cerbren are usually 7 to 8 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Multiple heads. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks involving sight and smell, and on saving throws against being blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, stunned, and knocked unconscious. When one of your heads is asleep, the other can be awake.
Cerbren Teleport. Cerbren can magically teleport short distances. As a bonus action, you can magically teleport up to 40 feet to an unoccupied space that you can see. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses when you finish a long rest.
Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
Natural Weapons. You can attack with unarmed strikes using your claws or fangs, which deal 1d4 + your Dexterity modifier in piercing or slashing damage on a hit.
Cerbren Weapon Training. [This is more a cultural trait than racial and is thus optional for flavor.] All cerbren youth are taught how to wield all axe-type weapons and bows in self-defense. You are proficient with battleaxes, greataxes, handaxes, shortbows and longbows.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and either Giant or Sylvan as the second.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
7′ 0'' | +1d12 | 350 lb. | × (1d8) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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