Nobody (Kingdom Hearts Setting)

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A group of adventurers find themselves lost in a seemingly haunted wasted, guided by a mysterious hooded figure. As they set up camp for the night, they look to their new ally, who seems to have been calm and calculated from the beginning. The hooded man assures them that he will be able to handle the first watch as he falls asleep. As all of his comrades fall asleep, the hooded man gives sinister grin as he stares up at the full moon.

Physical Description[edit]

Nobodies tend to take on a shape and form that is nearly identical to whatever it is that they looked like before. They are empty shell of their former selves having no emotions, but nearly everything else in common with their former selves as far as appearance goes. One could have difficulty noticing at first glance that they are anything other than a regular person.


Nobodies are empty shells of their former selves that exist and at the same time, do not. Unlike the heartless, Nobodies typically keep their minds. Because of this, unlike heartless, they can think and plan. On one occasion, a group of Nobodies formed an organization of 13 people, wanting to obtain hearts and soul once again, though a few of them had their own agendas. That said, their has been the odd occasion where a nobody has maintained at least the partial ability to feel, or in some cases developed their own heart and soul all over again, effectively replacing the heart and soul they had before and making them their own person.


Nobodies have little care for feelings and emotions within their society due to them not having the ability to feel them, and tend to prioritize efficiency and results. If a system is working, keep it. Something is not, get rid of it. They have on many occasions formed small organizations to fulfill certain goals. Nobodies will typically put their own goals first.

Nobody Names[edit]

Nobody names tend to use a bit of word play, taking the name they previously had, jumbling the letters, and then placing an “X” somewhere within it, such as the name “Sora” becoming “Roxas.”

Nobody Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2 and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Age. Nobodies do not age, and they typically appear as whatever age they were before they became a Nobody. The still however require food, drink, and sleep.
Alignment. Nobody a usually lawful neutral, but can choose their own alignment.
Size. Nobody vary widely in height and build. Your size is whatever size you were before becoming a Nobody.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Calm and Calculated. You are proficient in both the Investigation and Insight.
Creature Type. You are an aberration.
Flexible. Nobodies tend to have slightly more flexibility in their bodies. You count as one size smaller for the purpose of fitting through tight spaces.
Deceiver. You do not need emotions to know how to manipulate them. When you make a charisma Deception or persuasion check, you can give yourself advantage on the roll. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses after you finish a long rest.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Primordial.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

The height and weight of a Nobody tend to vary. As such, we recommend using the random Height and Weight modifier for whatever race you were before becoming a Nobody.

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