Arctic Dwarf (5e Race)

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Arctic Dwarf[edit]

Physical Description[edit]

Arctic dwarves, despite their name, only distantly resemble their southern, underground kin. The differences start with their height at even the tallest arctic dwarf stands at least half a foot shorter than the shortest regular dwarf, and are considered squat by goblin and gnomes. They do have some thickness of build reminiscent of other dwarves, but this is most evident on their broad hands and feet and thick digits. Coloring-wise arctic dwarves are usually pale of hair, eye, and skin, which is physically incapable of tanning. The last trait means arctic dwarves are often covered in sunburns, but unlike with most races the rashes cause the arctic dwarves no pain and have no longer lasting consequences. Female arctic dwarves are unable to grow beards or mustaches and males usually wear theirs either nonexistent or short with curled whiskers. Among themselves, arctic dwarf dress is usually composed of the pelts of their prey and they are always barefoot, though some arctic dwarf adventurers ignore that tradition for practical purposes.


The timing of the separation between the dwarves whose descendants would become the arctic dwarves and those that would eventually sperate into the hill and mountain dwarves is lost to history, but definitely precedes the divorce between the southern dwarves by centuries if not millennia. What can be gathered is that the dwarves that took up residence on the northern glaciers, sea ice, and cold mountains were either magically altered or, more likely, gradually adapted to their circumstances. Either way, the arctic dwarves separated into various loose, hunter-gatherer tribes that live off the sparse lands with little social or technological changes over the past thousands of years. During that time they did experience a language drift from ancient Dwarvish to Kurit, their regional dialect of the Dwarvish that includes heavy influence from Uluik, the language of the human Ice Hunter tribes that most arctic dwarves have friendly relations with. Many arctic dwarves are bilingual if not trilingual as most also know Common as well. Over their years inhabiting the northern reaches of world, arctic dwarves have been able to make some friends, such as Ulutiun humans, avariels, gnomes, other dwarven visitors, and crystal dragons, and some enemies, such frost giants, frost worms, tirichiks, white dragons, and yetis. Their campfires and snowhouses are always open to the former and ready to be turned against the latter.


Unlike most dwarves, arctic dwarves, or more properly the Inugaakalikurit, have no major appreciation for fine craftsmanship in either beauty or practicality. Arctic dwarf society does value hard work and using it to further the communal good but beyond survival they are unambitious regarding bettering their people’s state. When note ensuring their larders remain full of meat and the scant edible vegetation found near their small settlements composed of igloos, arctic dwarves enjoy sun bathing and playing with the many dogs, and occasional polar bear, they manage to tame for both work, mounts, companionship, and eventually clothing.

For hunting, most arctic dwarves rely on harpoons to bring down beasts much larger than them. While outside observers have noted how silly the small folk look with such massive pointy poles, the arctic dwarves have figured out how use them effectively regardless. They also have number of druids among their people and are especially effective at using fire magic to fend of monsters vulnerable to the heat. Outside them and some rangers, arctic dwarves have very few spellcasters, but can create magical trinkets like protective amulets, speedy snowshoes, and freezing spearheads.

Arctic Dwarf Names[edit]

Most arctic dwarf names were identical to mountain and hill dwarf names, though they don’t use clan structures or surnames.

Arctic Dwarf Traits[edit]

Extra-small dwarves adapted to living atop glaciers.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Age. Arctic dwarves live about 300 years.
Alignment. Arctic dwarves tend towards a lawful neutral alignment
Size. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Firestarter. You know the produce flame cantrip. Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your spellcasting ability for it. (Choose 1 when you select this race).
Frosty Relations. You can read, write, and speak Draconic, Elven, Giant, or Gnomish. (Choose 1 when you select this race).
Harpoon Hunter. You have proficiency with javelins, lances, spears, and tridents.
Midnight Sun. You have resistance to cold and radiant damage. You also have advantage on saving throws to avoid or end the blinded condition.
Snowshoes. Moving through difficult terrain caused by ice or snow costs you no extra movement. You also have advantage on saving throws to avoid being knocked prone from slipping on nonmagical ice.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Dwarvish, and Uluik, the language of the northern Ice Hunter tribes.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

2′ 6'' +1d10 40 lb. × (1d6) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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