Thorn (5e Race)

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Physical Description[edit]

Despite their name, Thorns are thorny only in personality, not appearance. Resembling minorized Wood Elves, Thorns’ skins range in various hues of green and brown with a somewhat leafy feel. Their facial features are often extremely angular, especially their steeply slanted eyes. Thorns have no hair on either their body or heads, but from their scalp do grow wooden sticks that Thorns shape into an approximation of hair, usually in some spikey fashion. Most Thorns dress in leafy clothing or light armor unless at formal events in the Fey Courts.


Originally native to Cormanthor, Thorns have little history of their own. They’ve been content to serve in the shadows of less militant fey and elves. Some peasants tell of malicious pranks and curses done by Thorns, but these are almost always superstitions, misattributions, or just plain fabrications.


The highest duty of any Thorn is the protection of the Fey or Fey-aligned locations they’ve been assigned to guard by the Seelie Court or other Archfey. In terms of people, Thorns are usually assigned to Pixies, Petals, and the occasional Eladrin. In terms of places, most Thorns on the material plane have ended up in the Cormanthor or the Dalelands on Toril and Aundair and the Eldeen Reaches on Eberron. It is around these long term posts that Thorn communities spring up, committed to ensuring that their charges remain unsullied for generations through training in both combat and stealth.

Despite their protective mindset, Thorns prefer to deal with non-hostile interlopers as non-violently as possible with their sleeping arrows and scary noises. Despite their small size, a Thorn can easily pick up and carry a sleeping human away from danger without ever waking them.

Thorn Names[edit]

Any: Dirtpie, Lilyfoam, Smokespark, Swan, Zephyr

Thorn Traits[edit]

Fey guardians with very pointy swords and very drowsy arrows.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Strength score increases by 1.
Age. Thorns typically reach adulthood around the age of 100 and can live to be 750 years old.
Alignment. Thorns tend towards a neutral good alignment.
Size. Thorns are usually around 3 feet tall with have slender builds. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Chloroform. After you damage a creature with an attack, the target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier (choose when you select this race) or magically fall asleep as if affected by the sleep spell for 1 minute. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Constructs, undead, and creatures immune to being charmed automatically succeed on the saving throw.
Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep.
Flower Power. You count as two sizes larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
Grassy Gait. Your steps make no sound when walking on or through foliage, grass, or living wood. You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks that rely on moving silently in those environments.
Rosebush Armory. You have proficiency with longbows, longswords, shortbows, and shortswords. You may ignore small size effects when wielding these weapons. You can craft thorny versions of any of these weapons or 20 arrows out of a rosebush over an hour with no tools or ability checks. These weapons and ammunition have no magical properties and fall apart after 24 hours.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

2′ 10'' +1d4 20 lb. × (1d4) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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