Raakuo (5e Race)
“ | We are peaceful but we are not defenseless, our resolve is as strong as our desire for peace. | ” |
Physical Description[edit]
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Raakuo are green humanoids with antennae. They are tall and muscular with exposed muscles on their legs and biceps, they have bones but most of their body is flexile. They have Five fingers and five toes, they have long pointed ears like an elf. Divided into multiple subclans that specialize in different things.
The Raakuo are believed to hail from a plane with green skies and green water, with tall trees and monstrous sea life. They do not require food to survive and survive mostly on water. They are a spiritual race with many ties to nature, and the concept of peace. They farm beatiful plants and their many green plains and plateus are considered beautiful to them, where others would simply see a wasteland. Many years ago a great drought caused a rift between their people and scattered them to the far planes. Their unique biology and magic made them suitable to colonise many planes, and as such they are in many different locales throughout the realms. They terraform areas where they live making it a small pocket of their home plane. They were believed to hail from the hells, but escaped through their desire for a peaceful existence, but this has never been confirmed.
Raakuo typically live in small villages with an elder for each village and a grand elder for the plane they live in. The Raakuo are divided into subraces based on their inborn talents. The warrior tribe are physically strong and are talented at martial arts, the Dragon clan are magically talented, and the Demon Clan are exiles and outcasts or physical mutants with a thirst for destruction. Most Raakuo are peaceful but not harmless and many of them are more durable than the average humanoid. Raakuo who are outside the norm in terms of a peaceful nature, are usually exiled, and many have been sent to remote places in order to avoid confrontation with a destruction loving demon.
Raakuo Names[edit]
Names in Raakuo society are commonly derived from Instruments, and words for a snail or slug, all Raakuo are male and as such most of their names are masculine. Common names usally have signifigance as most Raakuo inherit their names
Names: Piccolo, Drum, Guitar, Piano, Cymbal, Narak, Katas, Nail, Dende, Slug, Tambourine, Violin, Viola, Trombone, Trumpet.
Raakuo Traits[edit]
Peaceful Green Demons from space.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2 and one other ability score of your choice increases by 1.
Age. Raakuo reach maturity at around 4 and live well over 500 years, they age rapidly after 300 years.
Alignment. They are peaceful and enigmatic, seeking dialouge rather than conflict they are therefore as a whole, Neutral.
Size. Raakuo are the same size as or slightly larger than humans, with a muscular build. Your size is Medium or Large
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Telepathic Sensitivity. Using your antennae you can overhear telepathic communications that happen within 300ft. of you, you can also commune telepathically with other people if they have telepathy they can respond, if they do not, they cannot.
Excellent hearing. You have advantage on perception checks involving sound.
Rapid Regeneration. You can use a bonus action during combat to expend any number of hit die and restore your hitpoints by the amount you rolled on those hit die plus your constitution modifier, you can only use this trait once per long rest.
Mystic Conjuration. You can generate and create mundane clothing or items for yourself or others, they have any appearance you wish, they appear out of nothing, and they perfectly fit whomever you target. Weapons and items you make are also mundane. The person you target must be willing or this ability does nothing.
Raakuo Fusion. You can fuse with a Raakuo who is willing, you become the host, you gain their knowledge, you may roll one of their hit die, and your hit point maximum increases by the result permanently. You gain their memories, and have perception of them as if you were there. Your alignment shifts towards their alignment if you dont have the same alignment. You gain +2 to a stat of your choice with no limit on a maximum when gained through this ability. You can only fuse 4 times before your body cannot handle it anymore.
Super Raakuo. Once you have fused with at least three Raakuo you gain access to this feature. In times of strife, many Raakuo fuse toegether to amass power and knowledge to overcome great threats to their people. The Raakuo can enter this form as a bonus action. A calm white energy flashes around you in a bright white light. You emit brilliant white light in a 60ft. radius, dispelling all magical darkness. This state grants the following benefits; You gain temporary hitpoints equal to 10 x your constitution modifier. Your movement speed is doubled. All your attacks and spells deal an additional damage die. Your spell save DC Gains a +2 bonus. You gain a flying speed, equal to your movement speed. You resist cold damage, and fire damage, you are immune to psychic damage. This form lasts for 1 hour. Once it ends your Raakuo takes 1 point of exhaustion, and falls prone reguardless of altitude. You can only activate this form once per long rest.
Potential Unlock. At 12th level You can use an ancient Raakuo ritual to grant a unique feat to someone you decide is worthy. You lay your hands upon their head and speak an ancient chant. They roll a hit die, their hit point maximum permanently increases by that amount. They gain a +2 bonus to one stat of choice. Their movement speed permanently increases by 10ft. This trait can only be used only one time per person or creature.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Infernal and one other language of your choice.
Dragon Clan[edit]
[Raakuo Healing Magic] |=You gain a pool of healing magic that equals 10 x your constitution modifier, you can expend any amount of these points to heal a target you touch by that amount. You regain all of the points upon a long rest.
[Divine Wish Orbs] |=At 17th level You can use Raakuo magic to conjure 7 orange magical orbs with star symbols inlayed within them, you can view the stars from any angle. The orbs light up and react when they are near each other within 100ft. When you chant "Arise eternal Dragon" a dragon spirit inhabiting the orbs arises, and will grant any one wish the person who asks desires. The orbs scatter across the plane they were conjured in each time a wish is made 1 full year must pass before they regain their magic.(The amount of orbs, the amount of wishes, the level, range or scope, of the wish, and the language the dragon speaks can all be determined by your DM.)
Warrior Clan[edit]
[Warrior's resolve] |=When you would drop to 0 hit points you can instead drop to 1. This trait can only be used once per long rest.
[Warriors Gatling Strikes] |=Once per long rest, you can use your bonus action to make 4 unarmed strike attacks.
Demon Clan[edit]
[Demon magic] |=At first level you can can cast Thaumaturgy and Fire bolt at will, once per long rest at third level you can cast shatter, without verbal or somatic components. once per long rest at 5th level you can cast Fireball without verbal or somatic components.
[Demon spawn] |=At 12th level You can permanently reduce your hit point maximum by an amount between 5 and 10, and create an egg that rapidly matures a Raakuo Demon spawn, that has an appearance of your choice, has a stat pool of 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10. You can assign each of those values to a stat of your choice. They are 3rd level and any class of your choice as well, their hit point total is equal 10 x the amount of hitpoints you gave up to create the egg. You can give them a flying speed of 20ft. or a movement speed of 40ft. not both. Once you name them they become sapient and will hatch in the appearance you have chosen, they are size large. At 17th level when you fail death saves and are going to die, you can use this feature to cast the clone spell, and immediately move to the clone body.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
6′ 1'' | +1d12 | 150 lb. | × (1d6) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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