Sombra Escura (5e Race)
Sombra Escura[edit]
“ | Did you know that the blackness of space is actually within a range of tints? Yeah, they say the darker it gets is where the greatest shadows of stars lie... But with so many stars, has anyone actually seen any of these shadows? I'm not sure anyone would want to, on second thought... | ” |
Eldritch Shadows[edit]
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By Jason Engle |
Sombras escura, literally "dark shadow", are pretty much summed up by their name in appearance. They resemble dark forms like shadows. Rarely are they very bulky, and usually have lithe outlines, denoting their dexterous nature and strength. Their eyes are the points where light can be seen, and they commonly glow white or yellow. Sombras have no mouths and can instead absorb nutrients through their bodies. They have long, shadowy wisps trailing from their bodies, which are deceptively incorporeal. Their hands end in claws, which can hit and prove they are, in fact, very much solid. They commonly have a shroud over their legs, making them look like they just grow out in a continuous trunk from the floor. While they are called shadows, they also cast shadows themselves.
On closer inspection, one would realize sombras are actual material. They appear immaterial thanks to a flowy shadow material that is emitted from their skin, enshrouding themselves in a self-made robe of darkness. Thanks to this, sombras rarely require or wear clothing. It is said their skin underneath is dark, hard and sinewy, with a texture of many ropes or even tentacles woven tightly together. If a sombra takes off their "face", which is actually a hood, their true face underneath is said to be horrific enough to make most beings mad with fear. This is the primary hint as to their true eldritch nature.
Darkness Cast By Stars[edit]
According to folklore regarding eldritch studies, the sombras escura are creatures from the darkest reaches of the cosmos. It is believed they initially arrived by hitching a ride on gith ships which came from the Far Plane. However, records of similar creatures in the past cast doubt on their recency. Fey have a name for sombras, calling them "sceadugenga," meaning "shadow walker." Supposedly, in the sites of space where light cannot reach, is the darkest of darkness, and blackest of black. No one has been able to find or reach these places and so the origin of sombras remains shrouded in mystery. But it is assumed to be a cold and horrid place, given how the sombras are vicious beings with alien minds that do not comprehend peace or diplomacy. They themselves claim lineage to a dark being who has already infiltrated this world eons ago.
Solitary Stalkers[edit]
Sombras escura are very much loners. They are given birth to in litters much like that of naked mole rats, as squirming worm-like creatures. They immediately gain a sense of the world around them and wriggle off only hours after being born. As they mature, they are known to consume a variety of biomatter, primarily flesh. Their shadowy miasma strengthens as they grow until they eventually mature to be a full-sized sombra. For the most part, they do not seek the company of another sombra until it is the night of a new moon, which is when sombras will congregate and mate. It is an almost ritualistic act, and one is said to be able to see their dark ancestor walk among them when they do this. They worship this ancestor as their guide and another mysterious deity. Sombras pride themselves as the embodiment of this deity's hunger.
Granted their voracious nature, sombras are unsurprisingly not welcome in a variety of communities. Most see them as little different from brainless monsters. Sombras are, in fact, quite intelligent. They are sometimes even used for unsavory jobs in society and are rather common goers in the darker side of communities. To a sombra, everyone looks a lot like a mass of edible flesh. This can make them dangerous to handle, even for underworld crime bosses who employ them, as their allegiance is but a paper promise, and easily shredded.
Dark Alien Mind[edit]
Emotions other than hunger, and perhaps anger, are rare in sombras. They may have a spectrum that is not possessed by humans, nor describable in normal language. Sombras primarily focus on food, and they say this as a form of learning. Their bodies, under the dark shroud, are capable of absorbing other biomatter and integrating its proteins almost instantly. This form of "eating" for sombras serves another purpose: data collection. Like gnoll philosophy about Yeehongu, sombras believe their deity can feed through their own eating habits. But their deity can also integrate any information about creatures they devour into its massive library of knowledge on all beings in existence. Sombras do not have access to this trove; they only feed it and they don't mind. They are therefore very subservient and unquestioning for their deity. But this mysterious governing being does not give them any sense of restraint, whether by moral standards or repercussions. And so, sombras act out as they please, as vile and rapacious as they want.
Sombra Escura Names[edit]
For the purposes of blending in, sombra escura will take names they learn and mimick from other cultures. These really have little to no meaning to them, as their alien identities are incomprehensible. While they themselves have no regard for gender, they do understand this concept derives from their sex.
Male: Aldrich, Anton, Atticus
Female: Artemis, Aster, Luz
Sombra Escura Traits[edit]
Shadow-wreathed beings from the darkest corners of space
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Age. Their eldritch nature allows sombra escura to live rather long lives, up to 300 years. At the end of their lives, they are known to melt into a pile of dark goo.
Alignment. They are a self-serving bunch who are lawful to their deity's chaos, making them chaotic in turn. Many would also say they are evil.
Size. Sombras are around the taller range of height compared to humans. Your size is Medium.
Speed. You have a base walking speed of 30.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Aberrant Makeup. Your creature type is aberration instead of humanoid.
Eldritch Face. As a bonus action, you target one creature within 5 feet of you who can see you. You make the obscuring shadow around your face vanish momentarily, allowing the target to gaze upon your horrific nature. The target must make a wis saving throw. The DC for this saving throw is equal to 8 + your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus. Creatures that are blinded succeed this save automatically. On a failed save, the creature takes psychic damage equal to 1d4 + your Intelligence modifier and is frightened until the end of their next turn. On a successful save, they take the psychic damage but are not frightened. You can use this trait once, regaining use after you finish a short or long rest.
Light Aversion. As a being versed in darkness, concentrated light is abhorrent to you. You are vulnerable to radiant damage.
Voice In The Dark. The dark is your friend. It sharpens your senses while others would have them dulled. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks while you are in darkness.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Abyssal.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
5′ 8'' | +1d10 | 100 lb. | × (1d6) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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