Quaggan (5e Race)
Physical Description[edit]
Quaggans are plump, rotund creatures with beluga-like faces. They have flippers on the end of their limbs and a broad tail shaped like that of a manatee. In southern areas, their natural skin tone is a blend from a two-tone sea-blue on the back to pale grey along the belly; similar to a dolphin. In the north, they are black along the back and white along the belly; similar to an orca. They are an amphibious species capable of thriving equally in both salt and fresh waters. They are also able to spend time on land, though their skin dries and cracks after about a day, which is uncomfortable for a quaggan. They are omnivorous and live primarily on harvested fish, coral and seaweed. Quaggans also lay eggs, and their young, referred to as tadpoles, hatchlings, and calves (depending on age), are tended to by the entire community in their nurseries. The eggs start out flat and glowing and will increase in size, glow intensity and turn spherical until they hatch. While flat the eggs are kept in baskets, separated by color, but once they have become spherical they are removed and placed on the floor; the colors aren't separated. Quaggan hatchlings have different colors according to their gender. If male, they are blue, and if female, they are pink, though by adulthood, female hatchlings will have turned blue in color as well.
When quaggans are threatened or in pain, their adrenaline levels surge and they become more fish-like: scales cover their bodies like armor; their eyes become bigger, clear and lidless; parts of their skin turn a dark scarlet hue; their head becomes more bony, with a more fish-like structure and jaws; fangs erupt from their mouths, fins from their backs and tail; and their flippers grow long, formidable talons. While in this state, instinct overcomes rational thought and the quaggan is driven only to destroy thinking nothing of tactics or collateral damage. Only a few quaggans are able to retain any control through this rage.
Overall, quaggan history is mainly uneventful. Most records merely state things such as ancestry lines or when food was bountiful. During this time, the quaggans lived primarily within the Unending Ocean and the unnamed seas to the north. Over the last fifty years however, the krait began invading quaggan homes and forced them towards Tyria. Those in the far northern seas were pushed south by the Elder Dragon Jormag along with the kodan and norn. Now, the quaggans live along the Tarnished Coast, the Sea of Sorrows, and within the inland lakes. Their attitude of simply moving out of the way of more aggressive races has backfired because now they have run out of places to move to.
Quaggans are very peaceful by nature and their society actively avoids fighting. This is mainly due to their ability to transform which they consider dangerous not only to themselves but to others. The transformation is seen as a social faux pas, referring to this as the "rage," and any heroic quaggans, those who are able to be aggressive without losing control, are seen as odd by their society. They are so peaceful in fact, that they have been known to agree to an aggressor's terms because they simply want to avoid conflict.
Quaggans are unfailingly polite, so much so that they consider almost any self-reference to be offensive and self-centered. They rarely use names of their own kind or the pronouns "me," "my," or "I,", instead preferring to use the general term quaggan - when dealing with other races, they tend to use the individual's name. Quaggans in positions of authority, particularly in organizations with mixed racial membership and/or martial purpose, will transition to using personal pronouns to prevent confusion, provide clarity of address and chain of command, and to project authority.
Quaggans make heavy use of "oooo" sounds in their speech using words such as "foo" and "coo." This manner of speech leads many to assume the quaggans are childlike or less intelligent, where in fact they are actually quite wise but in ways that are different from most other races.
Quaggans are comfortable naked but wear clothing as a sign of individuality and pride. Normal quaggan clothing consists of scale-sequined head-pieces with long, beaded harnesses around the upper chest and arms. They often adorn themselves with water-resistant feathers of colorful shorebirds.
Quaggan homes are round pods made of coral and corded seaweed. The pods are tethered to the ocean floor but can be easily towed to safer locations if needed. For light, quaggans farm luminous pearls and phosphorescent algae.
The quaggan from the arctic seas hold Quaggan Games - a competition between multiple villages, which is held sacred and important to their villages and way of life.
Quaggans have a conservative, traditional religion which revolves around a single deity known as Mellaggan, who represents the bounty of the sea. Human scholars connect Mellaggan to their nature goddess, Melandru, because the quaggans use sunken temples of Melandru to worship Mellaggan, as well as other similarities. The quaggans do not believe the two to be the same but are too polite to openly disagree. The pastkeepers serve as priests and are responsible for the legends of each community of quaggans. Quaggans consider their nurseries to be their most sacred territory.
Before being forced out of their old territories, the quaggans were governed by a leader referred to as a markissios. However, their central leadership was killed by the krait. They now govern themselves under the leadership of their village mayors, referred to as varonos. These varonos work with one another, offering aid when they can, so the race is still friendly and interconnected.
Quaggan Names[edit]
Quaggan names almost always have at least two syllables, and often use softer consonants and plosives, resembling the burbling of water. Their names almost invariably make use of double vowels, using "ee", "aa", "uu", or the "oo" sound that is omnipresent in their language, though exceptions to this do exist. Female names often end in "a" sounds.
Male: Poobadoo, Oldoo, Plipdoolb, Bleepdoop, Drippadurp
Female: Variloo, Leemoola, Eshlaa, Ooshanoo, Halooha
Quaggan Traits[edit]
Small, peaceful cetacean-people that turn into monsters when enraged.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2 and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Age. Quaggans reach maturity at around 10 years old, and have a lifespan of about 70-90 years.
Alignment. Quaggans avoid confrontation to a fault, and tend towards Lawful, Neutral, and Good alignments.
Size. Quaggans are short and rotund, usually being about 3 to 4 feet tall and 4 feet long from tail to tip. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet, and you have a swimming speed of 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Amphibious. You can breathe air and water.
Deep Diver. You have resistance to cold damage, and are acclimated to the crushing depths of the ocean, able to survive at depths of up to 15,000 feet.
Fisher. You have proficiency with the trident and net. In addition, you have proficiency with the Survival skill.
Quaggan Rage. As a reaction to taking damage, you may metamorphose into a beast of pure instinct and aggression. Your skin hardens with scales, your eyes turn black and lidless, and fangs and talons erupt from your mouth and flippers. You gain temporary hitpoints equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1), your AC increases by 2, your size becomes Medium, and you gain a fanged maw and talons as natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with one of these natural weapons, you deal piercing or slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
If you are able to cast spells, you can't cast them or concentrate on them while in this form.
Your rage form lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you are knocked unconscious or if your turn ends and you haven't attacked a hostile creature since your last turn or taken damage since then.
After you use this trait, you can't use it again until you complete a long rest.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Aquan.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
2′ 10'' | +2d6 | 180 lb. | × (1d8) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License |
Credit: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Quaggan |
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