Hellish Plantern (5e Race)

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Hellish Plantern[edit]

Inspired in Jack'o Lantern tale, and Headless Horseman

Physical Description[edit]

You are a creepy body of dry roots, branches and vines, with a head of a giant turnip, big pumpkin or big pineapple with a scary face of unnatural colored fire floating around your head, you are classified as both humanoid and a plant creature.


It's said that a misguided and lost soul, got enough lucky to fool the death, in vengeance he and all its descendants can't find peace in death until the original ask mercy to the death, so these souls must take vegetables or fruits as bodies to avoid being trapped by demons and slaved for all eternity

Attitudes and Beliefs[edit]

They usually act aggressive through other beings, unless the other being is an acquaintance or another Hellish Planter, and this is due this race is treated like a dangerous one, so in defense they try to keep away dangerous people, is weird to see groups of more than three entities, they usually stay alone, and look for harvest fields to rest in the mornings to the evening; they can change their sleeping schedule easily to stand with one or more friends.

Hellish Plantern Names[edit]

They use easy human or elf names

Genderless names: Ar, Dan, Del, Lael, Vall

Male: Aust, Beiro, Himo, Jack, John, Paul, Peren

Female: Adry, Kat, Enna, Lia, Mei, Sol, Thia

Hellish Plantern Traits[edit]

Thin creepy bodies made from dry roots, branches and vines, and a head of a big crop, from far can be mistaken by a weird or sick people
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2
Age. "They are born as adults, just one day a crop between dry plants awake as a Hellish Plantern, they have a low life span, just 20 years"
Alignment. "They are very inclined to be Chaotic"
Size. "Hellish Plantern are slightly taller than average human, you can height from 5 feet to 6 and a half. Your size is Medium."
Speed. "Your base walking speed is 30 feet."
Darkvision. "You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray."
Rooting.. "You can spend 4 hours in a field in low activity instead of sleeping gaining all benefits that brings a long rest, 6 hours if you are in a place of extreme weather, also, you must endure the weather."
Headless. "You can be headless, and stay alive, as long as you are headless, you gain blindsight 15 feet at your surrounds and gain resistance to piercing and bludgeoning damage, if you lose your head by an undefined way by the feats of your race, you remain headless until end a long rest, also you can tear off your own head as a free action and as an action throw it against a target at 60 feet or less from you, if you throw it immediately after tear it off, you are not subject to the blind condition for this attack, when you tear off your head, it takes 2d6-2 turns to grow again, you can keep one teared off head up to 6 hours, the type of damage is determined by your subtype, you lose 1d4-1 unavoidable damage each time you tear off your head"
Self-burrow. "Use a bonus action to burrow your body underground, your head will be lost and remain as a normal crop in the place you have borrowed yourself, no longer belonging to you anymore; As long as you remain underground, you are unable to talk and blind, but you gain 50 feet of burrowing speed, and 60 feet of tremorsence, as an action, you can go out of the underground, and can make as a free action a grappling move, you remain headless, mute and blind until the start of your next turn."
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

Pineapple Head[edit]

Ability Score Increase. "Your Charisma score increases by 1
Happy Soul.. "You have radiant resistance"
Spiky Head. "Your head causes 1d3 slashing damage and 1d3 fire damage, increase the damage to both damage types to 2d3 at level 6, 3d4 at level 12 and 4d6 at level 18."

Pumpkin Head[edit]

Ability Score Increase. "Your Wisdom score increases by 1
Angry Soul.. "You have necrotic resistance"
Hollow Head. "Your head causes 1d2 bludgeoning damage and 1d4 necrotic damage, increase the bludgeoning damage to 1d4 at level 6, 2d4 at level 12 and 3d6 at level 18, and the necrotic damage increase to 2d4 at level 6, 2d6 at level 12 and 3d8 at level 18."

Turnip Head[edit]

Ability Score Increase. "Your Intelligence score increases by 1
Sad Soul.. "You have radiant resistance"
Solid Head. "Your head causes 1d4 bludgeoning damage and 1d2 radiant damage, the radiant damage increase to 2d4 at level 6, 2d6 at level 12 and 3d8 at level 18, and increase the bludgeoning damage to 1d4 at level 6, 2d4 at level 12 and 3d6 at level 18."

Random Height and Weight[edit]

4′ 10'' +2d10 40 lb. × (1/2) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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