Vitreon (5e Race)
“ | Do you know true anger? WELL LET ME SHOW YOU!! | ” |
Physical Description[edit]
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By Surk3 |
Vitreonii, singular vitreon, are beings who resemble scaly humanoids. Their body is covered in tough banded scales like a shell, forming spines on their back. The slits on the scales of their head hide their ocular clusters, and these are often revealed in a horrific way when their ire is drawn upon. They have a mouthful of sharp teeth, wicked claws, and a spiny tail. Their body stature is very lithe and hard, sinewy with lots of muscle. The color of their scales tends to be darker hues, like navy or maroon instead of blue and red.
Due to the spiky nature of their back, wearing clothes or armor is difficult for the vitreonii. Their claws make it impossible to wear normal shoes and gloves. They don't really care to cover up as it is, however. Vitreonii are likened to being like uncivilized beasts, as they like to run about nude.
It is said that the name vitreon originates from vitriolic emotion. This is appropriate, as vitreon are rumored to be beastly beings of anger. Their exact origin is unknown. There is a theory about how they are actually fey creatures born from the Feywild when intense anger imprints on the environment. Others believe their strange appearance is too alien and they therefore came from the Far Plane like aberrations. But these are all speculations. All that is to be sure of is that vitreonii are beings of intense anger and wrathful emotions. While relatively recent in discovery, they have been seen as fearsome threats by hunters and such. Because of this, they are sometimes employed as berserkers in an army or a warden of torture.
For the most part, vitreonii are solitary hunters. They are born from a clutch of eggs from one mother, and usually spend their lives in dark caves. Vitreonii hate to live close to civilization and prefer quiet nature, making it easier for them to hunt. Strangely, vitreonii are perfectly able to talk in Common tongue. They use this sometimes to spook hunters and the like who wander close to their territories, which they mark by piercing the trees with their spines. Vitreonii mature quickly and leave their mothers very early in life to survive on their own. They are loathe to join adventuring save for those who cannot hunt sufficiently on their own. This is becoming increasingly common as powerful forces like orcs and drow work their way through land once uninhabited, driving vitreonii to eventually integrate more into society.
As one probably expects from their name alone, vitreonii have very very bad temperaments and are easily angered. They show no particular love for violence despite usually resorting to fisticuffs as a primary instinct. This is where the bestial critique of vitreonii is very valid, as they do not like to think about hard solutions when violence would be a sufficient answer. To vitreonii, might makes right, a law that remains untouchably true through all of time. Despite that, they are known to bear incredible grudges against those who they see as stronger than they are. Even if their own strength is outmatched, a vitreonii is hard to frighten into retreat. These personality traits largely make vitreonii hard to approach. They are usually confused by people dedicated to nonviolence, and can be prompted to curiosity in this matter of pacifism.
Vitreon Names[edit]
Names were once unheard of for the vitreonii. About a decade or so ago, they began to formulate their names as they became more present in society. These names lack much differentiation between male and female and were rather harsh in sound. The noises of these names is entirely alien and has a lot of gargling sounds.
Names: Xgrgys, Ddygth, Thrygg, Hinghr
Vitreon Traits[edit]
Monstrous humanoids of anger
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution increases by 2, and your Dexterity increases by 1.
Age. Vitreonii tend to live for only 50 years or so after maturing at 10. This is because their volatile traits get them killed early often. Their true lifespan can be as long as 100 years.
Alignment. Driven by anger, vitreonii are chaotic without question. When driven by something else, like curiosity, they can become calmer and more neutral.
Size. They are taller than humans on average and have a tough, wiry build. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Hard Scales. Due to your shell and the shape of your body, you are ill-suited to wearing armor. You rely on your sharp hard spines and scales for protection; they give you a base AC of 13 (You can add your Dexterity modifier to this number). You gain no benefit from wearing armor, but if you are using a shield, you can apply the shield's bonus as normal.
Horrifying Facia. Your face can open up to show the terrifying alien anatomy of your face under your scales. You are proficient in the Intimidation skill.
Spiked Hide. When you are grappled, the grappling creature takes piercing damage equal to your Constitution modifier.
Vitriol Mindset. You are often too angry to be afraid. You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
Languages. You can speak, read and write in Common.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
6′ 0'' | +2d4 | 140 lb. | × (2d6) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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