Blastoise (5e Race)
Physical Description[edit]
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Strong blastoise showing off his weaponry |
You are a blue, bipedal, turtle-like creature with a large shell on your back. Protruding from your shell are 2 cannons that are gun-metal gray. You have claws for attacks and a shell for defense. Occasionally you can find a blastoise with purple skin and a green shell, but those are special circumstances and are called shiny blastoise. They don't have any extra abilities, they just look different.
Blastoise history is a little murky. Like every Pokémon, they probably came from the base genetics of a mew, but beyond that little is known about where they came from. We do know where they are now. They love to dwell around islands and ponds where they can recharge their hydro cannons that are inside their super tough shells. All blastoise start out as little squirtles, a small bipedal turtle, then a wartortle.
When blastoise get together, the main thing they do is try to find out who the strongest is. So kind of immature competition. Either way, they like to slam their shells together or use the cannons on their back to break things. They are very good guards to their trainers. Many times, these blastoise will break away from trainers and become their own travelers, completing missions for others to earn money. These blastoise have learned Common along with their language of Aquan to make it easier to talk to people.
Blastoise Names[edit]
Many blastoise names are up to their Trainer, and usually are names in the native tongue of the Trainer. Otherwise, they aren't named.
Male: Blastoise, Blasty, Shooty, Shelldon, Poseidon,
Female: Blastoise, Shellby, Crest
Blastoise Traits[edit]
Tough shelled tortoises with cannons and a tendency to fight.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Blastoise often mature around the age 14 and can live up to the age of 300.
Alignment. These creatures are very powerful and secretive Pokémon, and as such, normally have no leaning towards any alignment.
Size. Most blastoise stand around 5 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Spin. As an action, you can throw yourself 30 feet, spinning like a disk. You can use this ability to hit 1 target and deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage. At 5th level, the damage increases to 2d6, at 10th, 3d6, at 15th, 4d6, and 20th, 5d6.
Hydro Cannon. You have 2 large cannons on your back that shoot water at ridiculous speeds. You can use an action to shoot a blast of water at a wall or enemy. You make a ranged attack roll, treating it like a normal ranged attack. On a hit your target takes 2d8 force damage. The target of this attack makes a Strength check equal to your 8 + proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier. On a failure, they also suffer a knockback of 10 feet. On success, they simply take the damage. At 5th level, the damage increases to 3d8, at 10th level it increases to 4d8, at 15th level to 5d8, and at 20th level it increases to 6d8 force damage. This trait deals twice as much damage against structures. This trait recharges after you complete a short or long rest.
Tough Skin. On your back is a shell that gives you a +1 bonus to AC due to the fact that it's possibly one of the toughest things on your body.
Monstrosity. For all intents and purposes like with the effects of magic, you count as a monstrosity, not a humanoid.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Aquan
Racial Feat[edit]
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A mega Evolved Blastoise, [1] |
Mega Evolution[edit]
As an action, you are able to evolve into Mega Blastoise. While Mega Evolved, you have the following benefits:
- Your AC increases by +4.
- Hydro Cannon is increased by one damage dice, and you have 2 cannons on your arms that you can use to make a smaller Hydro Cannon attack that deals the same damage die as a normal Hydro Cannon but are reduced by one damage die. The smaller attacks do not need a long rest to be used again.
- Your speed is slowed to 20 ft., but you gain temporary hit points equal to 8 + your proficiency + your Constitution modifier.
This form lasts one minute. It ends early if you are knocked unconscious. You can also change back on your turn as an action. You regain the ability to mega evolve when you finish a short or long rest.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
4′ 9'' | +1d10 | 160 lb. | × (2d4) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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